Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I will do unspeakable things to make this happen. This would greatly fix some of our issues, and open up a lot of viable builds that have otherwise been left alone because we are so slow to get back.

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Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Flesh Wurm does have 5,000 range, it suffers from the same thing. One crack in the ground will ruin it.

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Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Flesh Wurm does have 5,000 range.


But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: ReMortis.4287


On the contrary, I think Wurm is just fine at 1200, it’s the max range of most things and should be enough to make some distance as an escape utility. Perhaps just lowering the cast time a bit for Wurm summoning would be better. (edit:) About .5s should be good, that way you can actually use it for some mobility instead of casting it and just about reaching the 1200 range by the time it spawns and you’re able to port to it while running.

However, I strongly think that the thief’s Shadowstep is the one that should be nuked into only 600-900 range and/or 5 second duration and/or have a smokeish trail following the thief who cast it. As it is, it’s way better than our Spectral Walk without leaving a massive green trail saying “I WENT THIS WAY” and having an even longer duration than SW fully traited. And also no cooldown. Yeah.

I am The No.

(edited by ReMortis.4287)

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chrysalis.3142


All it needs is to have it’s casting animation removed, then it will be amazing.

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Darkheron.6271


All it needs is to have it’s casting animation removed, then it will be amazing.

I have to a agree with this. I’m actually ok with the 1200 range, but having a cast time on it sucks quite frankly. Maybe make it an insta cast so it can’t be interrupted, but if anet insists on “summoning” it.. just make it not appear for 1s.

In my experience with it, half the time the TP portion of the skill doesn’t work because there is a pebble between you and the wurm. How bad would that be at 5000 range.

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


In tPvP 1200 range is maybe 1/3rd the distance from mid to close on small maps. If Flesh Wurm range was extended, Necromancer back point would be viable, until then Necro back point is a terrible option compared to what else you can put back there.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
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(edited by Bhawb.7408)

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: roamzero.9486


What it needs to have is an actual teleport instead of something that gets interrupted by a pebble.

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: LastDay.3524


What it needs to have is an actual teleport instead of something that gets interrupted by a pebble.

It’s a Ground-targeted skill, much like Shadowsteps.
If it was a true teleport you could teleport absolutely anywhere where you have a line of sight.

Up walls in WvW. On top of statues that are normally inaccessible.
Possible out of the bounds of the map, even!

That’s why “true” teleporting is limited to skills that only teleport you to places you’ve already been in. (Portal, Spectral Walk)

For Flesh wurm to be a “true” teleport it would either need to obey shadowstep rules when ground targeting (As in, the Wurm wouldn’t appear if no path was found) OR it would need to be summoned at the caster’s position.


Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: reedju.5786


I personally agree on the cast time over range change. Flesh wurm will never be very viable for back point because it can be killed if put on point by range without even alerting the necro. Even if hidden it’ll be very easy to get a nuet before the necro ports back for defense.

I personally think the most necessary change for fleshwurm is creating a sort of swap on death with the necro, thus placing its aoe poison and blast finisher on enemies and not harmlessly wherever you port to disengage. Also it currently does not drop the DM 30 point 3 second poison field on death.

Black Avarice

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Technically seen it has a close to infinite by map standard teleport range (as in you can activate it wherever you want), problem is the distance traveled is the set 1200.
Then again im biased and think minions suck and will suck as long as they use the current implementation instead of mixing them up with life force usage of the necro, so rather fix siphon, hit detection and cast times than a wurm.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: roamzero.9486


OR it would need to be summoned at the caster’s position.

Would anyone complain if it was changed to not use ground targeting to become a true teleport? I know I wouldn’t.

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Not at all.


But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


What i would like to see changed for the Flesh Worm is not it’s range… because that will make him OP when it works, and still useless when it bugs…

I would like the Flesh Worm to have the same mechanic as a mesmer portal. So if i place my Flesh Worm on the high ground, and i want to sacrifice it to get there, i should be able to.

Too many times it happened that i placed the worm 3 cm higher then my position and when i tried to use it it bugged…
Also necromancers aren’t a high mobility class by default, mobility… over great spaces… no one said anything about the “tricky” mobility. Reaching the high ground would make us… more adequate for high tournament level PvP.

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Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: LastDay.3524


OR it would need to be summoned at the caster’s position.

Would anyone complain if it was changed to not use ground targeting to become a true teleport? I know I wouldn’t.

I would.
Not in sPvP probably but everywhere else.

To me it’s basically a 1200 range Blink with a long cast time and Stunbreak on second activation rather than on cast.

For example you can teleport to the other side of the flaming boulders in CoF if you stand in the path of the first boulder when you start casting it and backpedal a bit to not get hit.
Then you can at your leisure pick up one of the little burning boulder thingys and teleport over when 2 people are ready on the other side.

It’s also the only Necro skill without a target requirement that allows you to gain distance, much how Mesmers can only use Blink to teleport forwards when not in combat.

I just wish that it’s cast time was a bit shorter.
I’m guessing that it’s slow to cast to make up for the fact that Infiltrator’s Arrow and Untraited Blink only have 900 range, but I don’t think that a reduction would be imbalanced considering how Infiltrator’s Arrow is still far better for mobility (as it should be) and Blink is an instant stunbreak on a 30 sec cooldown.

I think that the Flesh Wurm could be a vital part of a Mobility Necro (what an oxymoron right now!) build if it’s cast time was shortened.

As for teleporting back to your original location…
I’d rather see Spectral Walk changed to have a MUCH longer time limit for returning to your original position.
Say 1 minute, same as Portal. (Before casting the exit which lasts only 10 sec)

Just remove or nerf it’s Life Force generation effect and (possibly) tweak it’s visuals to be less intrusive.
With such a long duration leaving trails everywhere could look off, as much as I love the effect it makes.

The Flesh Wurm has range because it was meant to be cast at range.
However right now people use it for the purpose Spectral Walk was intended for, simply because Spectral Walk isn’t really worth using for the teleport effect outside of very specific circumstances due to it’s incredibly short duration.


(edited by LastDay.3524)

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: koopatroopa.5360


I’d rather have the teleport removed from the wurm and added to spectral walk.

Spectral walk turns into ground targetting teleport, leaves the green trail from your point A to B, and continues with the current effect for a few seconds all while allowing you to go back to point A.

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Panhauramix.2784


Or just lower the cooldown and the swiftness effect, a traited spectral walk (Attunement) can still make you teleport farther than 1200 easily. Making the effect last like 30 sec would be too long, and by that time you may not even want to port back (and it would feel like a game of TRON’s light bike, well, maybe that would be a nice idea!).

I would still prefer having more access to it than a longer effect though.

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Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Puru.4217


It needs to act like a mesmer portal, same goes for spectral walk and the thieves shadow trap.

I mean the trap would need to be triggered and the wurm can be killed, at least unlike mesmers it has a counter.

It’s not my fault if S/P is not popular !!!

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: subcrazy.1098


I think they should remove the DMG from the wurm and make the wurm stay even after u use it just have it go on cd. If u go x amout of units away it resets. Or even have a trait for this like how sigils still get the use after u use it.

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Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Skyro.3108


1) Give Flesh Wurm the same range as Shadow Trap, make it only be castable at the Necro’s feet (to prevent teleport abuse), and make it a true teleport like Portal (so you don’t get stuck on blades of grass). Opens up possibilities for Necro to guard back point, and increases Necro mobility (something they sorely need).

2) Make the blast finisher/poison cloud effect occur at the Necro’s initial location.

You now have a wonderful tPvP skill that does not affect PvE balance in any way.

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


^ Exactly my thoughts.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: reedju.5786


Since it is currently our lowest CD stun break, cast at feet would be awful mid fight. Not to mention it will be an awful port since I can be killed and we have no way of detecting that. Not to mention to get a full distance port it’ll likely get an increased cd. I agree with the 2nd change however

Black Avarice

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: LastDay.3524


If I want to cheat in Jumping Puzzles I’ve got Spectral Walk.
If I want to grab 2 bombs from the top part of CoF I use Spectral Walk.
If I wanna jump off a cliff in WvW and tele back up I have Spectral Walk

In short Spectral Walk was intended for teleporting backwards and sneaky stuff like that.
It just fails in sPvP because 8 seconds is nowhere enough there.
It would need to be more like 30 or 60.
(And possibly leave a shining green beacon at cast point to make it easier to see)

You want to make the Flesh Wurm fulfill the same role but better.
That’s bad.

Not only are you making Spectral Walk’s effect even worse by comparison but you are also removing the only ground-target teleport Necro has!
I thought we wanted more of those, not less?

Of course if you reversed their roles (much like koopatroopa implied) that might work as well.

Killing the Flesh Wurm allows for counterplay that the Spectral Walk wouldn’t.
Well, unless you made SW leave something destroyable at the cast point as well.

The only time I use Flesh Wurm in PvE now is to teleport past something or to escape from Subject Alpha’s crystals when people aren’t destroying them fast enough.
Your suggestion would just make me replace Spectral Walk with Flesh Wurm even more often at Alpha and use it less everywhere else.

Well, aside from slotting both Spectral Walk and Flesh Wurm at the same time for extreme Jumping Puzzle cheating.
That’s the on thing it’d make better as far as PvE goes.


(edited by LastDay.3524)

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


If I want to cheat in Jumping Puzzles I’ve got Spectral Walk.
If I want to grab 2 bombs from the top part of CoF I use Spectral Walk.
If I wanna jump off a cliff in WvW and tele back up I have Spectral Walk

In short Spectral Walk was intended for teleporting backwards and sneaky stuff like that.
It just fails in sPvP because 8 seconds is nowhere enough there.
It would need to be more like 30 or 60.
(And possibly leave a shining green beacon at cast point to make it easier to see)

You want to make the Flesh Wurm fulfill the same role but better.
That’s bad.

Not only are you making Spectral Walk’s effect even worse by comparison but you are also removing the only ground-target teleport Necro has!
I thought we wanted more of those, not less?

Of course if you reversed their roles (much like koopatroopa implied) that might work as well.

Killing the Flesh Wurm allows for counterplay that the Spectral Walk wouldn’t.
Well, unless you made SW leave something destroyable at the cast point as well.

The only time I use Flesh Wurm in PvE now is to teleport past something or to escape from Subject Alpha’s crystals when people aren’t destroying them fast enough.
Your suggestion would just make me replace Spectral Walk with Flesh Wurm even more often at Alpha and use it less everywhere else.

Well, aside from slotting both Spectral Walk and Flesh Wurm at the same time for extreme Jumping Puzzle cheating.
That’s the on thing it’d make better as far as PvE goes.

Make it a PvP only change and there isn’t an issue there.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teraphas.6210


I would just like a way to dismiss it without porting. Especially in pve wvw it gets annoying if you forget to pop it and have to teleport in its general direction. Especially if you land somewhere hostile.

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Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Thresher.3049


About the only good thing about this utility is the innuendo of showing people your flesh worm. Aside from that, it is a flaccid disappointment that I strongly discourage anyone from loading onto their toolbar and then waving it around in public.

I’m sort of at a loss to think of anything worse than this utility. Minions as a rule are fairly terrible things, but at least most of the time they are somewhere in your vicinity, sometimes they even do things (maybe not the thing you need them to do, but they’re doing something) even the prize-idiot Fleshy I’ve found a use for in PvE and even as a laugh, dragged him out into WvW, once.

There’s heaps of ways this could be made into a really good utility, 600 radius pulsing AOE (DD or Heal or CC, Vigour or Conditions, lots of options for ideas) over a radius, forget bugged teleporting because they’ll never get it right and give it some hit points so its not even more of a laughing stock.

Anet, you designed us as a static area denial class (as stupid an idea as that is in the first place) but cough up lame utilities like this which are beyond worthless.

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Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


I don’t understand while phantasms are cast time of 1s, can get tankier than our minions, summoned more often and more consistent.

Our minions should also be 1s also or the phantasms should be 1.5s like ours.

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: koopatroopa.5360


As i said before, the teleport should be integrated into spectral walk, as that skill is completely meant for mobility purposes.

Give flesh wurm a targetted poison/disease cloud as a secondary skill to provide necro’s more finishers.

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: LastDay.3524


Make it a PvP only change and there isn’t an issue there.

I think that you are missing half of my point here.
Think about Wurm’s role.

From my point of view the Flesh Wurm is intended to be a gap closer and an in-combat spacing tool.
You are trying to destroy half of it’s intended function by making it a permanent Spectral Recall from anywhere.

Well, I’m probably getting really annoying by only commenting on other people’s ideas.
Here’s my idea:

1. Make Flesh Wurm’s initial cast obey Shadowstep Rules.
2. Make the Teleport ignore the rules.
3. Make the Teleport only work inside an invisible 3000 range 3D AoE from the Wurm.
4. Shorten cast time. (Not too much)

+ Better gap closer.
+ Teleport is reliable, provided that the Wurm placement worked.
+ No weird glitchy sort-of-teleports.
+- No more placing the Wurm in unreachable or very far away locations.
- Difficult to destroy the Wurm in a tournament without teleporting.
- Wurm placement subject to same problems as Infiltrator’s Arrow.
- Spectral Walk needs to be reworked.

Problem with this is that it makes Flesh Wurm THE Necro skill to get for mobility in sPvP.
It’s already that but this makes it even more so.
I’m worried that if Spectral Walk were then to be buffed with a longer duration to keep up with the Wurm that might very well make Necro way too mobile for Anet’s vision.

Personally I feel that if a Necro sacrifices 2 Utility slots for only mobility then he should be quite mobile.
It just creates build variety.


(edited by LastDay.3524)

Let's increase Flesh Wurm's teleport range.

in Necromancer

Posted by: yski.7642


One of the biggest drawbacks of a necromancer is the complete lack of an escape mechanism. Simply put, if you get into a fights, you stay in a fight, tough luck if it happens to be a 3v1. For this reason alone I’d love to see wurm turned into a one person portal.

Increase the cooldown if it’s necessary, but we really need some sort of mobility.

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