Lets Theory Craft

Lets Theory Craft

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


These are the build i came up with that im looking to run.
There is signet power :

In this you have signet synergy with plague sending casting plague signet, bloodbond casting lesser vamp signet, and any other signet skills you take. You get bleeds from barbed precision, mark of blood on dodge roll, and weakening shroud casting enfeebling blood, also PoC as well as anytime you corrupt vigor as well as its strike.

Any and all signet procs will turn 2 boons into conditions granting you better crit chance through target the weak. Perma weakness as well because of weakening shroud. No lack of crit chance due to furious demise. Extremely high might stacks due to all the signet procs, spite minor #1 and #3. Toss up between bitter chill/ redning shroud and bitterchill/spiteful reneral.

Lots of life leech and either well skills with vamp rituals or transfusion for aoe leaching procs potential 45 strikes of leech. Lesser vamp signet procs as well.

As long as you are hitting somone below 25% you consume 1 condi every 5s. Also have plague signet proc every 24s as well as any other skills you have.

Plenty of damage, plenty of sustain. looks fun.

What has everyone else come up with??

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Lets Theory Craft

in Necromancer

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


Wait for anet to reveal the internal cool down on the signet trait before you get excited.

Signet of the locust is not going to be an AoE path of Corruption.

If the internal cool down is too high (more than 5 seconds) the build won’t work.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Lets Theory Craft

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


They didnt mention any and they seem to have the ICD on traits down in the notes. Even if it does its still great as a trait because of the synergy with the other traits that use signets.

“Signet of the locust is not going to be an AoE path of Corruption.” It actually would be if it functions on all hits of the skill. Would also still be balanced due to much longer cooldown and shorter range.

Anyone else have a build they will be running? What do you guys think of mine?

Lets Theory Craft

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


They didnt mention any and they seem to have the ICD on traits down in the notes. Even if it does its still great as a trait because of the synergy with the other traits that use signets.

“Signet of the locust is not going to be an AoE path of Corruption.” It actually would be if it functions on all hits of the skill. Would also still be balanced due to much longer cooldown and shorter range.

Anyone else have a build they will be running? What do you guys think of mine?

I’ll have a look later as in at work right now but I’d still be cautious with Possible ICD’s until we actually get the update. And since plague sending uses plague signet, it more than likely has a cool down.

I mainly WvW roam and PvE so for me, I’m ok with the update and most of my builds were even buffed but for PvP I will say this update is going to, and we are seeing now is, causing a lot of frustration. I mean…why make CC give us 10 vul?! I mean yeah we have numerous transfers and cleanses in traits and and skills but still, having to fight against our own heal? And it’s 10 vulnerability for 4 seconds, more if you get Condition Duration.. That’s more than enough time for a thief to blink in and hit you with a free backstab. If they buffed the casting time maybe that would justify it but I’m just scratching my head right now.

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

Lets Theory Craft

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Its not the cooldown of the signets im bothered with nor consume conditions, its the trait synergy whih can be seen in the man post. Just want thoughts on the build. Please dont whine about CC, there are enough threads for that.

Also i already know all skills that ue another skill use that skills cooldown timer for its ability to proc.

Constructive feedback, thoughts and things you have come up with. Tired of all the doom&gloom threads.

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Lets Theory Craft

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


I really can’t say much until I see this in action. I’m too crushed right now to give you positive feedback. Maybe you should bring this back to the forum when people are ready to move on, or when something positive comes along.

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Lets Theory Craft

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bellamy.9860


Thank god for that one positive thread. Even reddit was taken over by too many crybabies and bitter old people.

First of ICD’s on signet procc traits are with 99% certainity the same as the corresponding signet. That is the whole deal about traits triggering certain skills, that you can enhance them by picking traits that buff utilities/weapons. (Eg.: if there is a trait that activates a skill like signet mastery activating signet of the locust, or chill of death activating Spinal shivers, then those activations get affected by traits that correspond to the skill. So getting focus recharge turns chill of death into a once every 16 sec procc and buffs its damage by 5% against foes with no boons.)

BTT: I’d try something similar to the original suggestion first. Spite and blood magic would be the same setup except for BM grandmaster, where I’ll try out Unholy martyr for LF in skirmishes (a rune like ogre might also be helpful, granting additional lf generation when you are on your own).

Utility would be SoV, plague sig, SoL + either WoS/WoP/SpecArmor + whatever elite, weapons are D/x and staff. First tries with celestial gear afterwards zerker followed by more odd choices (My reasoning for cele stands: necro defense profits more than other classes from bonus tough/vit; new spite line with Signet Mastery grants pretty decent might; healing power is useful for Life Siphon, SoV and SoL).

For 3rd trait line I’d prefer SR for Death Perception. If the condi removal won’t be enough, my second choice would be Death Magic, essentially for Shrouded removal and the new %dmg negation GM trait.

Curses would only be a tertiary choice, because i don’t think it offers enough for builds that lean more towards power (except for the adept signet trait).

Minor SoV can get triggered by rng Signet Mastery corrupts, staff2 and/or dodgeing into people for MoB. So there is no reason we have to pick up Barbed Precision.

Edit: Also I totally agree with you that there is huge potential with signet mastery and those 2 additional Signet procc traits. Take SoL for example. With the mastery trait it is a skill that grants 3 stacks might, heals 1k+ per target and converts 2 boons per target on 5 targets in a 600 range radius. That is huuuuuge, especially considering it sits at 24 sec cd. This is less than a considerable amount of weapon skills(DS and d/wh).

(edited by Bellamy.9860)

Lets Theory Craft

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


First of ICD’s on signet procc traits are with 99% certainity the same as the corresponding signet. That is the whole deal about traits triggering certain skills, that you can enhance them by picking traits that buff utilities/weapons.

Also i already know all skills that ue another skill use that skills cooldown timer for its ability to proc.

Its why it would take the signet trait over close to death for 24s stun break and condi removal and more leech from lesser signet of vamp procs, might generation and passive boon corruption. I should manage to maintain around 10+ stacks of might at all times.

For 3rd trait line I’d prefer SR for Death Perception. If the condi removal won’t be enough, my second choice would be Death Magic, essentially for Shrouded removal and the new %dmg negation GM trait.

I thought curses was great for the build because of barbed generates bleeds for lesser vamp signet procs ( more damage and healing to you ), you need 4. You grant yourself fury all the time, plague sending is free condi removal/boon corruption/might generation every 24s, PoC for more boon killing and getting in close and weakening shroud for high uptime on weakness which give you more defense with the 25% damage reduction on average. Literally 100% weakness uptime because of all the might you will corrupt. I cant see anything super good about soul reaping these days but i may give your suggestions a whirl as well

I dont know what i would take for utilities though. few signets, maybe wells or another stun break. All in all i am extremely excited to try this. Boons will be utterly useless, should leech a ton of hp and just be more annoying over all while doing decent damage comparable to now or even higher.

Side note: signet of vamp and lesser vamp signet probably wont stack but maybe lesser signet grants less stacks. Means you can tag a target being attacked by an ally and proc it, provide some extra healing and damage for your allies as well as the vamp aura.

EDIT: Very excited for these changes but dont know what i would drop for the reaper line now, probs curses but i lose some fun things

EDITEDIT: SoL should be very fun to use since its base healing should increase since blood-thirst was made baseline.

TRIPEDIT: Will have to make the most of this

  • Boon to Condition Conversion
    Aegis -> Burning 1 stack for 3 seconds
    Fury -> Blindness 5 seconds
    Might -> Weakness 10 seconds
    Protection -> Vulnerability 3 stacks for 10 seconds
    Regeneration -> Poison 10 seconds
    Resistance -> Chilled 3 seconds
    Retaliation -> Confusion 3 stacks for 5 seconds
    Stability -> Fear 1 second
    Swiftness -> Cripple 10 seconds
    Quickness -> Slow 3 seconds
    Vigor -> Bleeding 3 stacks for 10 seconds

(edited by Sigmoid.7082)

Lets Theory Craft

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bellamy.9860


Currently, damage and pressure through Death Perception is huge, so I don’t plan on dropping it at first chance. Might give it a try later, though. Also LF generation via Soul Marks is often overlooked but really strong.

I thought curses was great for the build because of barbed generates bleeds for lesser vamp signet procs ( more damage and healing to you ), you need 4. You grant yourself fury all the time, plague sending is free condi removal/boon corruption/might generation every 24s, PoC for more boon killing and getting in close and weakening shroud for high uptime on weakness which give you more defense with the 25% damage reduction on average. Literally 100% weakness uptime because of all the might you will corrupt.

Minor SoV can get triggered by rng Signet Mastery corrupts, staff2 and/or dodgeing into people for MoB. So there is no reason we have to pick up Barbed Precision.

Fury on DS is covered by DP.
PoC is really nice, no doubt, but when I invest in curses i might aswell grab Master of corruption and pick up CC once again.
Weakness is strong, but currently I don’t think it brings as much bang for buck as a SR grandmaster slot.

I don’t think curses is a bad choice, it offers more debuffing and condi control whereas SR strengthens direct damage capabilites. With sustain being buffed (hopefully), will we need the dmg mitigation curses offers, or is more damage more desirable? That is the choice. Also Death Magic might be another alternative.

@LSoV: I think, but that is simply a wild guess, that Lesser SoV will be a SoV activation without the initial heal. Probably won’t stack then, yeah. But atleast you got control about when to activate the heal and those two won’t interfere.

(edited by Bellamy.9860)

Lets Theory Craft

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I need to wait to see how a few things work, like Blood Bond and Vampiric Presense.

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Lets Theory Craft

in Necromancer

Posted by: ImdA.4701


I started to theory craft builds for Power Necro too, doesn’t looks bad at all as far i can see. We’ll just have to deal with Vulnerability stacks on heal.

Lets Theory Craft

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

Wait for anet to reveal the internal cool down on the signet trait before you get excited.

Signet of the locust is not going to be an AoE path of Corruption.

If the internal cool down is too high (more than 5 seconds) the build won’t work.

Signets already have high cooldowns so I doubt they’ll add an icd on Signets of Suffering

Lets Theory Craft

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sigmoid.7082


Wait for anet to reveal the internal cool down on the signet trait before you get excited.

Signet of the locust is not going to be an AoE path of Corruption.

If the internal cool down is too high (more than 5 seconds) the build won’t work.

Signets already have high cooldowns so I doubt they’ll add an icd on Signets of Suffering

They are lowering some of them i believe.

Lets Theory Craft

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dictan.4186


I went with this when i saw it:


and these utils etc:


I like a lot of the options added with the changes. I think I will finally get the vampiric wraith build I want. Unholy martyr + shrouded removal becoming infinite condition removal + life force and a few more synergies is pretty nice as well.

Loving you is like a battle and we both end up with scars.

Lets Theory Craft

in Necromancer

Posted by: Esorono.1039


I’ll be honest, I am much more of a Mesmer player and barely looked at Necromancers but I wanted to see what I could do with the changes with necros. I think I found at least a workable synergy that is not entirely useless, so long as internal cooldowns doesn’t bite it in the butt.

Spite III inflicts 3 vulnerability for 8 seconds when chilling the opponent. Spite VI does 10% more damage against vulnerable targets. Blood Magic VIII causes wells to recharge 20% faster, leech health, and create protection for those inside of it. Curses III causes chill for 2 seconds whenever the opponent is blinded.

Which means that if you drop a Well of Darkness followed by a Well of Suffering it will cause quite a bit of blinding, chill, and vulnerability. If you also choose Dagger/Focus and Dagger while choosing Blood is Power, Well of Life, Flesh Golem and choose the traits Close to Death, Vampiric Presence, Blood Bond/Quickening Thirst/Ritual of Life, Master of Corruption and Weakening Shroud, it’s okay support for a necro I guess. But even if everything works out, that support only lasts for about 8 seconds out of 40. But it’s okay guys! Necromancers have Death Shroud! Now excuse me while I go back to building the highly buffed Mesmers and completely forget that Necromancers ever existed again.

Here is the build. http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-30;4IkI0G47I-K0;9;4697;0257256236;4NZG5N;1zxrUzxrUGBGScFo0S;1V3-C6DXB6NZAb63-0N-5V8aNX8a;9;9;9;9;9;4VWF7P

Playable Tengu please!

Lets Theory Craft

in Necromancer

Posted by: RlyOsim.2497


The Ghost of Christmas Past