Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!
Here is Onyomi, necrocharr of the blood legion and infiltrated in the flamme legion but shh, I told you nothing.
He has two spec, tanky one with the bone mask and hybrid with the demon mask (thanks Nemesis for these awesome guides).
Wat kind of armor are you wearing on the first pic? Looks real nice
Wat kind of armor are you wearing on the first pic? Looks real nice
Helmet is skull starter mask, gloves are arah and the rest is T2 charr cultural armor (Archon armor).
hit 80 in 36 hours and went traipsing all over orr to get my base armor stats for xmutation. finished it all today =]
My necro and his Condition gear. I also have a power gear, but i think this one is the coolest. Its really unique, and i have never seen someone use it before
helm: Asura cultural T2
shoulders: SE
Body: Armageddon (Karma from orr temples)
Gloves: CoF
Legs: Rampagers exalted pants of carrion (Bought from the TP)
boots: SE
Weapons: Emberglow and AC dagger
Vahlia Rootrot!
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
My first 80 and my main character. Cyparissia, Necromancer
The armor sets are a bit mismatched but I’m going for a “death dryad”
Reminds me of a venomous wasp or preying mantis.
(edited by Vandole.4150)
lets play a game…..
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
15 characters……………
Aralon Scutum – Charr Healing Guardian
Far Shiverpeaks! – Guild of Tweakers [GoT]
15 characters………..
Aralon Scutum – Charr Healing Guardian
Far Shiverpeaks! – Guild of Tweakers [GoT]
My Necromancer named Princess Midna of the Far Shiverpeaks server.
The skirt is ‘Whispers Leggings’ from Order of the Whispers armory, and the top is from the trading post called ‘Winged Tunic’. Gloves and boots are from the Vigil Armory, Demon Masque from character creation and shoulders are hidden.
Tried to base my character off Princess Midna from Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, because she’s Princess of the Twili Realm and the Twili use dark magic (Kind of like a necromancer). The only problems came that we can’t wear big dark cloaks in GW2 and light blue pale skin isn’t available for humans, also Midna’s orange hair and hood didn’t work. So I just stayed with the Demon Masque and dark hair.
Hope you enjoy!
Fellow necromancers, here is new one to join into your lines. She is only lvl11, but I really love her colors.
Fellow necromancers, here is new one to join into your lines. She is only lvl11, but I really love her colors.
Nice necromancer Defora, all your toons are really thought out and it shows off.
Raspanthia -sylvari engineer (Predator)
Fellow necromancers, here is new one to join into your lines. She is only lvl11, but I really love her colors.
Nice necromancer Defora, all your toons are really thought out and it shows off.
Ty, this must be one of the nicest things anyone have said to me about my toons. /hug
I absolutely love and enjoy the necro class (not oblivious to its needed improvements) but here is my evil looking necro…if only I could give him a dark cloudy aura.
Haven’t posted a picture yet of my Necro, Rasdarthien, which was my first and is my semi main (which I spend other time working with ele)
Hope you enjoy!
Raspanthia -sylvari engineer (Predator)
An update of My necro, Khloe! here are both her sets. First being Power, second being condition
I stream sometimes: http://www.twitch.tv/kidtofu/
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum”
busted out the purple
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
An update of My necro, Khloe! here are both her sets. First being Power, second being condition
how are your eyes glowing? lol
An update of My necro, Khloe! here are both her sets. First being Power, second being condition
how are your eyes glowing? lol
Wraith mask, necro starter head piece option as opposed to skull or demon
This is my necro, Vincent Litch, withering flowers in the graveyard for effect. Centaur weapons are just the best skins for a necro.
All Professions Level 80
Here’s Lexi Violet:
You’re my fav necro!
beware of dark places boys and girls.
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
(edited by Sororita.3465)
Ascii – Human Necromancer.
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA
Presenting the unholy necromancer Zorrrgo. A creature sent by the army of hell to bring fear and death into the world of Guild Wars 2!
(Tier 3 Coat of Sylvari and Twilight Arbor pants)
my necro.
ogdens mantle
furnace reward light coat
light fused gauntlets
flame leg guards
flame legion shoes
gnarled walking staff (HoM reward)
Armour is so unequal. Winged looks better than everything else.
American McGee’s Alice?