Lich Form/Staff projectiles

Lich Form/Staff projectiles

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gryph.8237


I can’t stand it anymore. I just can’t stand it. I can’t hit crap with the projectiles from lich form and staff. It is just making me want to pull my hair out. I feel as if anyone is moving laterally these two projectiles don’t freakin hit unless I am right on top of them. Also, did they mega nerf the range of Lich form #1 projectile? My god, not only is it slow as kitten, it hardly goes the distance. I feel like im constantly repositioning myself to make sure they are coming straight at me or straight away from me, or they dont hit.

Staff 1 and lich 1 REALLY could do with a speed buff. I want to use these skills. I feel like raging haha.

Lich Form/Staff projectiles

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


i agree , all necro projectiles need a rework imo.

Lich Form/Staff projectiles

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gryph.8237


ANET – when im running forward firing, I am ALMOST equal speed with my projectiles. Is that not slightly stupid? What kind of design is that. COME ON. And now that everyone in a zerg fight stacks in one giant mix of idiots, the randomness, that seems to be so much of ANET’s design on AOE skills, I can’t target a person and consistently hit them, instead i hit random chars. Sweet. Why not weaken us further

Lich Form/Staff projectiles

in Necromancer

Posted by: Free Beer and hot wings.7120

Free Beer and hot wings.7120

I’ve never really understood why the projectile is so unfortunately slow. I wouldn’t equip the staff were it not for the massive utility the marks provide.

As for lich form, a thousand times yes… I only wish for two things:
1.) Shrink the absurd size of the avatar
2.) Increase the speed of Deathly claws (keep it balanced as needed just speed up the kitten thing)

edit: grammar/spelling

Permabanish – Necro
Fiona Faceroll – Warrior
JQ’s town drunk

(edited by Free Beer and hot wings.7120)

Lich Form/Staff projectiles

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kiriakulos.1690


A better question is why have other classes’ projectiles speed been buffed while ours hasn’t?
The only projectile on release that was slightly slower than ours was Guardian’s scepter. Since release it’s received at least a 30% speed bonus, while maintaining a higher then average homing.

Attrition – A pretty name for taking longer than anyone else to kill something.

Lich Form/Staff projectiles

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


I’ve never really understood why the projectile is so unfortunately slow. Were it not for the massive utility the marks provide I wouldn’t equip the staff.

As for lich form, a thousand times yes… I only wish for two things:
1.) Shrink the absurd size of the avatar
2.) Increase the speed of Deathly claws (keep it balanced as need just speed up the kitten thing)

I do like the size but it would be nice to return the 2x hp (now just 1.5x) and toughness multipliers it had to compensate for turning into a “look at me im in uber mode kill me!” sign.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Lich Form/Staff projectiles

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drachshyish.2319


Lich is kinda silly… The projectile flies so low it doesnt hit anything up on walls or on the ground from walls, so slow one can outrun it. Same goes for staff, other than it can actually hit stuff, if they stand still.
And Lich 1 hits less than my warrior GS 1 do even with a necro power build.

Lich looks cool, but is kinda “meh, why bother”. Elite skills are supposed to be elite, ie possibly turning a defeat into a win. Most elite skills are kinda kittenty. Some of the best gotta be Thieves Guild and Supply Crate, those can actually turn a hairy battle into a win. Plague is a good Elite though, at least for WvW zerg battles.

Lich Form/Staff projectiles

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Lich is kinda silly… The projectile flies so low it doesnt hit anything up on walls or on the ground from walls, so slow one can outrun it. Same goes for staff, other than it can actually hit stuff, if they stand still.
And Lich 1 hits less than my warrior GS 1 do even with a necro power build.

Lich looks cool, but is kinda “meh, why bother”. Elite skills are supposed to be elite, ie possibly turning a defeat into a win. Most elite skills are kinda kittenty. Some of the best gotta be Thieves Guild and Supply Crate, those can actually turn a hairy battle into a win. Plague is a good Elite though, at least for WvW zerg battles.

Im pretty sure that you outdps a Zerk Warriors 100b with Lich claws post mark drop with a generic power build unless he gets 6+ lucky crits.
Also i never had any projectile start/flight problems… it does start from his hand whats pretty high (it does overshoot enemies behind giants and such but thats so with all transformation projectiles).

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Lich Form/Staff projectiles

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ojimaru.8970


it does start from his hand whats pretty high

That’s another problem with the projectile. It’s supposed to pierce, but in a PvP scenario or even most PVE scenarios, you’ll only hit one target due to the angle of the projectile. Worse yet, thanks too to the angle and lack of speed, it’s easy to for the projectile to miss.

Lich Form/Staff projectiles

in Necromancer

Posted by: frostflare.6390


My biggest issue is that because of the angle, Somehow the wonderful spam keeps missing fields. It goes at an angle and magical ignores them.