Lich OP - Part 2
All I see is people blowing all their defensive cooldowns to mitigate damage. Which means you’re free to burst them down after Lich has run out.
Don’t use Lich for damage use it for baiting.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
All I see is people blowing all their defensive cooldowns to mitigate damage. Which means you’re free to burst them down after Lich has run out.
Don’t use Lich for damage use it for baiting
this and that you dont even try to burst them,you just standing still and shooting in same direction rather than use the knockback or teven to turn and face them while they on your back
All I see is people blowing all their defensive cooldowns to mitigate damage. Which means you’re free to burst them down after Lich has run out.
Don’t use Lich for damage use it for baiting
this and that you dont even try to burst them,you just standing still and shooting in same direction rather than use the knockback or teven to turn and face them while they on your back
Lich claws are omni-directional lol…they hit even if the target is behind you, there’s no need to turn. Reason why I don’t use Chilling WInd is because its buggy and there’s no use if I can’t see them or they’re blocking or have stab, etc. Sometimes it has its uses sure, but the point of this video was meant to show that Lich can be countered by the mechanics that are in place for every class.
- Also, yes people are blowing their defensive cooldowns but, at the same time they’re dealing damage to me, after Lich is over the fight is not entirely in my favor. Also Lich is a 3 min cooldown, while none of the defensive cooldowns are that long. But again, not the point of the video, its just meant to display the plethora of counters available for every class to deal with Lich, provided the user doesn’t panic.
All I see is people blowing all their defensive cooldowns to mitigate damage. Which means you’re free to burst them down after Lich has run out.
Don’t use Lich for damage use it for baiting
this and that you dont even try to burst them,you just standing still and shooting in same direction rather than use the knockback or teven to turn and face them while they on your back
Lich claws are omni-directional lol…they hit even if the target is behind you, there’s no need to turn. Reason why I don’t use Chilling WInd is because its buggy and there’s no use if I can’t see them or they’re blocking or have stab, etc. Sometimes it has its uses sure, but the point of this video was meant to show that Lich can be countered by the mechanics that are in place for every class.
- Also, yes people are blowing their defensive cooldowns but, at the same time they’re dealing damage to me, after Lich is over the fight is not entirely in my favor. Also Lich is a 3 min cooldown, while none of the defensive cooldowns are that long. But again, not the point of the video, its just meant to display the plethora of counters available for every class to deal with Lich, provided the user doesn’t panic.
omni dierctional if they on you,not 2 step behind you.
+the guard would have died if you continued the fight :P
Wall of reflection is the best way to troll a Lich. Especially so in larger scale ZvZ or GvG, it can be hard to tell a friendly wall vs opponent’s wall due to the amount of aoe going around. So many Liches die to their own Lich 1 spam. 1v1 is the same deal.
Heck any class that can weaken or cripple/immob/chill can troll Lich pretty well. Something’s just wrong when people can side strafe back & forth to avoid getting hit by necro’s elite ability. I think Lich can benefit from a Dark Path ability to draw them close, because Lich, like any other necro abilities, work best while in the face of enemies.
Anyways, good video again. It lacks humor so you’ll get some flak for it. But there’s just too many things wrong with Lich. I mean be honest with yourselves necros, don’t you find it hard to press that Lich button sometimes knowing you might actually die faster and do less damage than if you were to stay in your normal or deathshroud form? Elites shouldn’t have such negatives, but then that seems to be what devs like to do to us necros.
I like the vids, but offhand focus makes me wonder wether or not you are an experienced necromancer, or just a complaining one like everyone else :/ (take plague instead)
Is this a video on how to counter lich or a video on how to use your defensive abilities on all classes? Because these tactics would work against all skills in the game. Not saying Lich is amazing but this seems like a clear straw man argument.
- Also, yes people are blowing their defensive cooldowns but, at the same time they’re dealing damage to me, after Lich is over the fight is not entirely in my favor. Also Lich is a 3 min cooldown, while none of the defensive cooldowns are that long. But again, not the point of the video, its just meant to display the plethora of counters available for every class to deal with Lich, provided the user doesn’t panic.
Oh I understand! Wasn’t trying to discredit your video or anything I agree with the point you’re trying to make. I’m just saying that if you look on the bright side of things, Lich may be easy to counter but it still takes active skills to counter it. Which means those are skills they’ll no longer have when you exit Lich.
Lich def needs some kind of changes but it’s not entirely useless if you’re wise about how/when you use it. Unfortunately people will call it cheesy, OP, etc. no matter how you use it because that’s just people… Lol.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
This one video is a whole lot less fun and enjoyable than the previous one…
Is this a video on how to counter lich or a video on how to use your defensive abilities on all classes? Because these tactics would work against all skills in the game. Not saying Lich is amazing but this seems like a clear straw man argument.
To be honest, most of these defensives mean wouldn’t work against melee attack. In general, transformation are plain bad granting an illusion of OPness with no skill for a very short uptime. On the other hand, if they were some kind of kit without the OP passive stats, they could be somewhat easy to balanced. There is plenty of way to get rid of these useless transformations that plague the game. Changes to mortar kit and guardian’s tome were a very good start, still 4 transformations to go (excluding racial transformations which would also need this treatment but I don’t think Anet or player base really care about these racial transformation).
All necro elites are so lackluster…
If only I could use my charzooka
Yesterday, in Pvp, I saw a lich get busted down 100-0 by a power ranger before it could get 2 shots off neither shot hit).