Life stealing suggestion

Life stealing suggestion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


This is a topic I’m really interested in considering how defining the mechanic is for our profession without it actually being good. I’ve mentioned in a previous post that life stealing should have its own damage icon to better identify whats going on. I’ve also suggested in the past that life stealing should scale exclusively with healing power and multiple people have stated that Life stealing should work in death shroud.

So when we look at life stealing right now, it scales too low, its damage and healing is split making you have to invest in two stats to get full use out of it and its scaling with healing power is pretty minor at best.

So i’m going to suggest that life stealing scale exclusively with healing power. And have a major impact on just how high the numbers can go. Such as with 0 investment into healing power life stealing from vamperic would do something like 20 stealing. But with closer to 1,000 healing power it could be closer to 100 health and damage. This might seem high to the devs listening but it would require a heavy investment into an otherwise unwanted stat. And stealing damage would always be lower then power damage. I think it could go even higher then the suggestion and still not be used in any game type, but it would be interesting to see if it did. Old GW1 builds such as avatar of grenth did similar stealing damage without as heavy an investment in gear. Who knows, could be worth a shot.

And of course, have it scaled down if you are poisoned. For both its damage and healing.

Life stealing suggestion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Comus.7365


you can already do pretty decent vampiric builds

check that he got some pretty crazy lifestealing going on

Life stealing suggestion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


you can already do pretty decent vampiric builds

check that he got some pretty crazy lifestealing going on

you do remember at the beginning of the video he states outright that vampiric builds are not good in any game type and he’s only doing it for fun, not because its “good”. Because its not.

Life stealing suggestion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Comus.7365


yeah i know i just meant to say that life steal as it is can get pretty potent.. you just have to sacrifice all other areas to get it there which probably is a good thing.

Life stealing suggestion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shiki.7148


you can already do pretty decent vampiric builds

check that he got some pretty crazy lifestealing going on

Too bad 90% of that is runes and food, not actually from the necro X)

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

Life stealing suggestion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Thustlewhumber.7416


Since it’s being nerfed with the expansion (probably cause of my last post about it – thx Anet), I run 6/2/0/6/0 in WvW with parasitic contagion and 66% lifesteal food for max passive heal. I only use my main heal to clear conditions if needed – it’s that effective.

To put into perspective, I can solo an entire camp using only dagger1, warhorn5, and alternating wells and still keep a full health bar. That included every npc in the camp on me at the same time.

WvW Necro

Life stealing suggestion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gyler.8150


Make lifesteal scale with might, add vampiric aura, ferocity aura and it will be a start.