LifeForcePool,DeathShroud lag,and other bugs~

LifeForcePool,DeathShroud lag,and other bugs~

in Necromancer

Posted by: Laii.2780


I made this post in the Game Bugs forum:

I tried to point out all the bugs I know about, so please check it for me to make sure i’m correct and didn’t miss anything. Also please support the thread so it gets noticed, these bugs are a really, really big issue with the latest patch(?) and I want to make sure they get fixed >~<.

I am Death!<3


[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

LifeForcePool,DeathShroud lag,and other bugs~

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


Hey dude, not to burst your bubble or anything, but there isn’t a bug with the amount of life force you get anymore. There used to be, but it got fixed in the December patch IIRC. It will still say 100% life force, but you will have 30% more life force than before. People did lots of tests with taking damage and math and figured it all out. As a test you can reset your traits, then go down to 50% life force or so, then put 30 points into Soul Reaping. You will see your life force percentage go down, this is because you still have the same amount of life force but the cap has increased.

All known necro bugs are in this thread, stickied at the top of this forum: If you find any bugs not already on that list, please post in that thread so everything is in one place.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

(edited by lettucemode.3789)

LifeForcePool,DeathShroud lag,and other bugs~

in Necromancer

Posted by: Laii.2780


Spectral grasp gives 10% life force. After using it with 30 points in Soul Reaping, I have 11%. 10% from the Grasp, and an extra 1% from the Gluttony trait.

If it was actually out of 130%, but “It will still say 100%”, it would be 8.4%. Cause 11/130 is 8.4.

Clearly something is wrong with it, cause there is no actual gain from the “+30%”. =/

And haay braaaaaaaaaaah, I have no bubble to burst ;3 Jus trying to debugggg nerrco +30%~~ TY for the Bug compilation link^^

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

LifeForcePool,DeathShroud lag,and other bugs~

in Necromancer

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Well… you can’t really have 130% of it in practice, because once you increase its capacity the new amount is 100%. But your 100% could be 130% of someone else’s 100%.

Anyway, that sort of sounds like the addition from skills and the drain over time are scaling with it. So spectral grasp will give you 10% of your life force, and it doesn’t care how much life force you can potentially have, it will get 10% of that and bring it back. If that’s the case, the only noticeable difference would be how much damage you can take, I guess.

LifeForcePool,DeathShroud lag,and other bugs~

in Necromancer

Posted by: War Mourner.5168

War Mourner.5168

100% is your max life force. It doesn’t matter if that number is 10000 or 18000, 100% is 100%, soul reaping increases that number, it doesn’t increase the percentage, so the 10% gain from spectral walk will be 10% regardless, but in terms of raw LF, with 30 in soul reaping the number will be 30% higher.

LifeForcePool,DeathShroud lag,and other bugs~

in Necromancer

Posted by: Softspoken.2410


It’s definitely a confusingly worded mechanic, but people are telling it to you straight. A lot of numbers regarding Life Force are percentage based, so the % booster from Soul Reaping mostly applies to the amount of outside damage you can block with Life Force.

Basically, points in Soul Reaping let you take more damage while in Death Shroud, but they don’t make your Death Shroud take longer to fill up or drain by the base degeneration.

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

(edited by Softspoken.2410)

LifeForcePool,DeathShroud lag,and other bugs~

in Necromancer

Posted by: Laii.2780


It’s definitely a confusingly worded mechanic, but people are telling it to you straight. A lot of numbers regarding Life Force are percentage based, so the % booster from Soul Reaping mostly applies to the amount of outside damage you can block with Life Force.

Basically, points in Soul Reaping let you take more damage while in Death Shroud, but they don’t make your Death Shroud take longer to fill up or drain by the base degeneration.

You’re saying all that adding +30% Life Force Pool does is add 30% of my base hp to my death shroud hp? T.T I don’t want 30% hp increase, I want more lifeforce, that’s terrible >~<.

I’ll try and find someone to stabbity me in sPvP to see if my hp in deathshroud is different with or without 30 points in soul reaping =/

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

LifeForcePool,DeathShroud lag,and other bugs~

in Necromancer

Posted by: LameFox.6349


You’re saying all that adding +30% Life Force Pool does is add 30% of my base hp to my death shroud hp? T.T I don’t want 30% hp increase, I want more lifeforce, that’s terrible >~<.

I’ll try and find someone to stabbity me in sPvP to see if my hp in deathshroud is different with or without 30 points in soul reaping =/

lol… why would it be any better if it didn’t scale? It’d last 30% longer and take 30% longer to fill up to begin with. At least this way, when you’re taking damage it’ll last longer than it otherwise would have.