(edited by Bailey.6892)
Looking at making a necro....
Necros are fantastic at flipping camps solo. I’ll give you my build and rationales for the choices I make. I’m sure there are plenty of other builds out there, though.
Spite – 30 points – III or V (depends on whether or not you want some extra condition removal versus the Veteran Scouts), X, and XII
Curses – 20 points – III or IV (depends on what elite I’m using; III if I’m running Plague), V
Blood Magic – 20 points – II and V
Knight’s Armor, 4 Emerald Orbs, 2 Runes of Vampirism, Ascended trinkets with Knight’s stats.
Dagger/Warhorn with Sigils of Blood, Staff with Sigil of Energy.
Consume Conditions
Well of Darkness
Well of Suffering
Corrosive Poison Cloud
Lich Form or Plague (when running with other players)
Find a natural bottleneck, building, or area where you can get the NPCs all grouped up tightly.
Pre-place Mark of Blood and Reaper’s Mark just behind it in this area without aggroing the NPCs.
Lure the NPCs into the natural bottleneck, building, or area where you can get them all grouped up and triggering your Mark of Blood.
Pop Well of Darkness and Well of Suffering. Well of Darkness will keep the NPCs blinded long enough to prevent them interrupting your other skills. Well of Suffering, in addition to damage, will stack vulnerability.
If you’re getting pressured, back up slightly until the NPCs trip your Reaper’s Mark, fearing them off of you.
Drop Corrosive Poison Cloud (CPC).
Follow-up with staff’s Chilblains and Putrid Mark. The Chilblains will chill them, helping to keep them within the area of your wells and CPC. The Putrid Mark blast finisher will combo with the poison field of Chilblains or CPC to give area weakness. Putrid Mark will also transfer the self-inflicted weakness of CPC onto an NPC.
Go into Deathshroud and cast Tainted Shackles. A little extra damage but more for the immobility to keep the NPCs locked down inside the CPC. If you traited Curses IV (Weakening Shroud), now you’ve hit them with even more weakness.
Exit Deathshroud and swap to dagger/warhorn.
Use warhorn’s Wail of Doom to daze the NPCs and follow up immediately with Locust Swarm. Locust Swarm will give you a little extra speed while in Lich Form, do a little bit of damage, recover a little life force, heal you due to Vampiric (and Vampiric Precision if you get in some crits), and cripple the NPCs.
Go into Lich Form and immediately cast #3, Chilling Wind to knock the NPCs away from you.
Cast Mark of Horror to give the NPCs some minions to play with and hold their aggro.
Place Marked for Death to give the NPCs vulnerability.
Spam Deathly Claws until Lich Form ends. Try to pick a target in the backline and then line up additional NPCs between you and that target. Since Deathly Claws pierces, this improves the chances you’ll hit multiple targets with each projectile.
By the time Lich Form ends, all the NPCs except the Veteran Supervisor are usually dead. There might be a Quartermaster still alive if you weren’t able to grab their aggro earlier, but they’re a non-issue. Finish off the Veteran Supervisor with your dagger and/or Deathshroud.
Cap the camp.
If running with other players, I’ll usually switch to Plague and spam Plague of Darkness to shut down the NPCs with blindness and chill while my allies clean up. Your call.
(edited by Kraag Deadsoul.2789)
Thank you Kraag Deadsoul! Off to make my necro and race to 80. Is their a race that is better suited for the necro? I know that racial don’t matter a whole lot although their are times I wish my guardian was a norn for the snow leopard.
Sylvari or norn. The sylvari can give you the immob from grasping vines which can be devastating if you land it at the right time. Norn can give you that leopard elite that will let you run away like a champ. Asura is alright just for pain inverter. It is a nice source of confusion for some epidemic action.
Sweet, thank you Ynot!
I’m currently a Charr necro. If I were to re-roll, I’d probably go Norn for the Snow Leopard racial elite. Necros lack escape options and that elite would compensate. The flip side is that it’s an elite. The timing of swaps between Snow Leopard and another elite when you need it most could become problematic due to long cooldowns.
I decided to go with an asura since a friend is going to be coming back nad they play an asura mezzer. Hoping being a little guy will help confuse people a little more for the times I am with them.
Kinda wishing I had gone plant the root actually would have been helpful today, although I am lazy and not going to re roll since I had made a large amount of progress leveling.
nothing wrong with asura , theyre fun , their animations are funny too like when stopping all of a suddenly and your guy is still trying to stop and ends up almost toppling over with 1 leg still keeping him stable XD , pain inverter is fun as well , and they have their own version of poison cloud that does the exact same stuff just no self weakness , 15sec longer CD then Poison Cloud , 3 sec longer duration…..and lets not forget the racial skills….golems are ALWAYS fun…..even if not necesarily that usefull…..XD
Norn is indeed probably the best race for WvW necros due to Snow Leopard.
More generally, Necros are incredibly strong from WvW. Marks are great area denial (as well as AoE damage and CC when tossed into a zerg) and our utilities are some of the nastiest in the game. One thing, you have to make sure you position well. Though we can output serious damage and control, we don’t have any blocks or invulnerable effects so if you’re in the wrong place, you’ll get crushed (strategic use of Flesh Wurm and Plague form can help mitigate this, though).
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
Norn is indeed probably the best race for WvW necros due to Snow Leopard.
More generally, Necros are incredibly strong from WvW. Marks are great area denial (as well as AoE damage and CC when tossed into a zerg) and our utilities are some of the nastiest in the game. One thing, you have to make sure you position well. Though we can output serious damage and control, we don’t have any blocks or invulnerable effects so if you’re in the wrong place, you’ll get crushed (strategic use of Flesh Wurm and Plague form can help mitigate this, though).
marks are good unless your looking at a stealthed thief that can apparently bash your face in to near half health (pre patch) before even triggering the marks XD but yea WvW is ideal for staff necros
Thanks gang,
I have the necro up and the build that was linked although I must say I am not doing well as a necro. Need to get used to some of the ground targeting. Camps were not bad although the fights with one or two other people have not been pretty. Especially thiefs.
Thieves and full condi cleansing builds, and the CC locking warriors are going to be the hardest things for you to beat. If you can I would just run form thieves until you really start to learn the timing against other classes. They are a pain in the kitten for everyone to beat, not just you. Everyone who says thieves are easy mode are facing terrible thieves anyway. You’ll get the hang of it.
Remember that when you press a key to use the skill if you press it again it works. You don’t need to left click for a mark to place. Point you mouse at the place on the screen and click some more. Works with all ground targeted skills. Helps me react a bit more quickly so it might help you too.
What level are you? Don’t listen to anyone who tells you thieves are hard to beat; besting them requires you to know the matchup but once you do, you should be able to either kill or chase away anyone but a thief who is much better at Thief than you are at Necro. If you’re sub-level-80, though, you should really avoid getting into duels, especially with glass builds.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
I have hit 80 on the necro, although am not an expert…may not even be competent with the class. Had some good luck last night against solo warriors and guardians. Had a good time when I joined a zerg. Although the necros their were telling me I should be doing a condition build and to use locust signet when I am roaming.
Any ideas on a good condition build? Or is their a build you would recommend Blaine Tog? Thank you again every one, the help is appreciated!
What level are you? Don’t listen to anyone who tells you thieves are hard to beat; besting them requires you to know the matchup but once you do, you should be able to either kill or chase away anyone but a thief who is much better at Thief than you are at Necro. If you’re sub-level-80, though, you should really avoid getting into duels, especially with glass builds.
hey blaine , tell that to the thief that just 2 shot me (build is 30/0/0/10/30 100% LF pool) , 1st shot from stealth destroyed my DS , 2nd shot dropped me to my knees (aka downed) get over yourself if you think thieves are nowehre near OP as hell.
I have hit 80 on the necro, although am not an expert…may not even be competent with the class. Had some good luck last night against solo warriors and guardians. Had a good time when I joined a zerg. Although the necros their were telling me I should be doing a condition build and to use locust signet when I am roaming.
Any ideas on a good condition build? Or is their a build you would recommend Blaine Tog? Thank you again every one, the help is appreciated!
30 in Curses by itself makes for a pretty decent condi build. The rest depends on what else you want to do (I’ve only run power builds recently so I don’t want to give too-specific suggestions about condi). Corruptions are pretty strong, as are Well builds (Well builds wreck face in zergs, massive, massive AoE damage). Oh, and Spectral Wall is amazing. That’ll split a zerg right in half. You definitely want to run Signet of the Locust most of the time in WvW; the movement speed boost is invaluable. I’ll switch it out for Flesh Wurm if I’m fighting near an allied tower. Drop the wurm inside the tower to make sure it can’t die, then detonate it if you get in trouble for a get-out-of-jail. In general, you’ve gotten a lot of good build advice elsewhere in this thread, though.
hey blaine , tell that to the thief that just 2 shot me (build is 30/0/0/10/30 100% LF pool) , 1st shot from stealth destroyed my DS , 2nd shot dropped me to my knees (aka downed) get over yourself if you think thieves are nowehre near OP as hell.
Exaggeration doesn’t help your position.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
30 in Curses by itself makes for a pretty decent condi build. The rest depends on what else you want to do (I’ve only run power builds recently so I don’t want to give too-specific suggestions about condi). Corruptions are pretty strong, as are Well builds (Well builds wreck face in zergs, massive, massive AoE damage). Oh, and Spectral Wall is amazing. That’ll split a zerg right in half. You definitely want to run Signet of the Locust most of the time in WvW; the movement speed boost is invaluable. I’ll switch it out for Flesh Wurm if I’m fighting near an allied tower. Drop the wurm inside the tower to make sure it can’t die, then detonate it if you get in trouble for a get-out-of-jail. In general, you’ve gotten a lot of good build advice elsewhere in this thread, though.
I have gotten good advice in the thread, and appreciate every one who has helped out. The folks in the thread have been awesome, truly is appreciated.