DB forever!!
Looking for the right Stats
DB forever!!
have had good luck with toughness stat focus and mixing runes for bled duration and protection duration with a wells build
Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia
Are you looking for a condition based build such as damage through bleeds and poisons or power based build such as damage & critical damage through weapon skills & DS?
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA
which is better condition damage or duration?
Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia
I personally think straight up damage is better.
Condition damage will do more damage over time however theres many things that will limit it ALOT in PvE. For example some monsters remove conditions or send them back at you and when doing a Dynamic Event the maximum stack of a condition is 25, making it impossible to do damage if its at the stack.
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA
All you need is: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Khilbron%27s_Armor
With Superior Rune of Undead you’ll become super tanky aoe bleeds machine.
Pain Killer [pK] | Blacktide EU | PVE: Corruptionmancer | PVP: Support Wellmancer
Currently i’m running a glass Cannon build. So i have alot of Rampager’s gear on. or Dungeon versions of those stats. it allowed me to really pump out alot of condition damage and also pack a wallup with direct damage and DS damage as well.
the Khilborn gear is got the looks to be the prefered Necro stats and so does the Twilight Arbor gear.
Again though still trying to figure out my perfered form Damage.
DB forever!!
Here’s the Reddit link to all stat combinations on exotic armor in the game: http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/zrd0c/complete_level_80_exotic_armor_list_find_the/
Looks like Khilbron is the craftable one that gives Pre/CondDmg/Toughness, there are also a few dungeon sets that have it.
Thanks i’ll check it out.
DB forever!!
All you need is: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Khilbron%27s_Armor
With Superior Rune of Undead you’ll become super tanky aoe bleeds machine.
You’d be silly to purchase the full set of Khilbron when you can get 4p of it from the temples in Orr.
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 – undeadlords.net
No, cause i can /Bob Kelso. And it doesn’t change the fact that karma pieces looks kitteny as hell (i’ve transmuted that bdsm mask for skull and shoulders for death mantle though).
Pain Killer [pK] | Blacktide EU | PVE: Corruptionmancer | PVP: Support Wellmancer