Looking for wvw roaming Cond necro

Looking for wvw roaming Cond necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Budchgon.2108


In pve I run a Might/power ds build (one that I found on the forums) and it works amazingly well, but i’ve been more and more venturing into WvW and sadly the build is making me little more than a walking loot bag for the opposing players :-(.

So, i’m looking for a good roaming Cond Necro, not sure of the traits but i’m thinking full rabid gear
sceptre – torment
dagger – earth
Staff – torment

Am I on the right track? (before I invest in some Ascended items)

Lyssia Iceblood of Gandara – I sometimes win… but not often :-(

Looking for wvw roaming Cond necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


Mixing Rabid and Carrion or full Rabid does ok but for wvw roaming you are better off with another class unless you have a way of forcing 1v1 cage matches and get a condi kitten off faster than the enemy can cleanse it.

Or your roaming team knows that they either have to support you when you get focused or be ok with you pulling out the moment the fight doesn’t look good/your goodies are on cooldown.

The other option is hide in a zerg and leech off their boon spam. Works for most any spec.

Basically get used to having to play as an odd mix coward and lunatic no matter the spec, lurk and avoid getting pulled too far in if possible, but if you do pull out all the stops and kill them before they focus you or reset the fight and kill you while your tools are on cool down. Always be mindful of what is nearby to use as a shield/break line of sight, etc.

Looking for wvw roaming Cond necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I dunno, this guy seems to pull off 1vX’s pretty well. He’s full condition.

Looking for wvw roaming Cond necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bawi.9541


I dunno, this guy seems to pull off 1vX’s pretty well. He’s full condition.

the yt account icon, 7 8 8 9 :P

Ele / Guardian

Looking for wvw roaming Cond necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


My favorite utilities. If only I could use 4 utilities.

Looking for wvw roaming Cond necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


I dunno, this guy seems to pull off 1vX’s pretty well. He’s full condition.

Pretty much what I was talking about.

(Note how all the utilities used had at least some offensive application; kill them before they kill you/reset portion of my advice. Unfortunately the video does not show much of the initial approach & evaluation performed prior to engagement so using it to illustrate my other points is difficult.)

Necros roam decent in small relatively even numbered fights; but once it goes sour numbers-wise if you aren’t already halfway over the hill by the time speedier companions are deciding to pull out (or dead) you’ll get gang-banged. Happened to me a few times before learning to either pull out early or get left behind to die. Or roll something that could get away with sticking around longer to get that one last stomp.

So OP, it really depends on your environment you are roaming in whether either power or condi builds are going to work for you. Either way, you are going to have to pay a lot of attention to what is happening as Necro because your point of no return comes a lot sooner than it does for other classes in an open field in WvW. It’s the mobility of the class that is the issue there, not whether it was power or condition spec.

Looking for wvw roaming Cond necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Well I think you’re missing the OP’s question anyways really. He wanted a condition build for roaming, which I linked a video to. Don’t think he was asking anything else really.

Looking for wvw roaming Cond necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


I think the issue OP is having will happen regardless of build while playing Necro in WvW, though understandably the initial reaction is to do a build check to see if any important tools were overlooked/look for alternate builds.

Looking for wvw roaming Cond necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I think the issue OP is having will happen regardless of build while playing Necro in WvW, though understandably the initial reaction is to do a build check to see if any important tools were overlooked/look for alternate builds.

The build brings you a long way. Yes, I understand necros have it harder when it comes to getting away. However, with the right condition build, anyone who stays to fight will regret it as long as they are not just zerg busting you.

Looking for wvw roaming Cond necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Budchgon.2108


Checked the Video… exactly what I am after, unfortunately he didn’t post his build :-(

I’m thinking it is

Lyssia Iceblood of Gandara – I sometimes win… but not often :-(

Looking for wvw roaming Cond necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

No use, PU mesmers and instagib thieves will make your life miserable ^^

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Looking for wvw roaming Cond necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Checked the Video… exactly what I am after, unfortunately he didn’t post his build :-(

I’m thinking it is

I’m pretty sure that’s what he is running and If you check back here, i’m sure he’ll post the build he was running in the video.

Looking for wvw roaming Cond necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

(edited by Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046)

Looking for wvw roaming Cond necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


No use, PU mesmers and instagib thieves will make your life miserable ^^

What the hell is one doing that those are giving a Necro, especially a Condi one, issues outside of focus fire and unbalanced numbers?

A PU mesmer should have crap condi removal and usually be glass (comparatively); all you have to do is Mark kite them and their illusions and they’ll either melt or run eventually. And Mesmers tend to suck at chasing if you decide to leave.

And glass thieves you just either use DS or Plague to eat their initiative burst and then you just condi spooge all over them once they are on empty. Your main worry there is if they disengage and come back at full health while your stuff is on cool down. Or they actually know where a button other than “2” is.

Now if you are getting teamed up on by more than 1-2 of those while roaming; then it’s more the issue is once again, Necromancers suck at running away when the odds go bad.