Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA
Marks Working as Intended?
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA
the same way they don’t work on dragons and similar world bosses :/
They work but don’t trigger on downed enemies thank god. It makes reaper mark so easy and useful to keep enemies from reviving their ally.
did you try to dodge it ?
Downed players count as interaction objects, so no, it is intended that they dont trigger (but i still dont get how you can both trigger the mark and dodge trough its effect or even dodge them in general).
The fact that they don’t trigger on downed enemies makes them completely useless in a 1v1, once your opponent is down. The Necro is already bad enough when it comes to dueling. I see no reason they shouldn’t trigger. It’s not like the Necro is the Ele or Mesmer.
Why the heck would you want to cast marks on a downed player anyway? ESPECIALLY in a 1vs1? Just stomp. Or use something else. You know, you’ve got an entire second weapon set. Or staff auto-attacks. But yeah… 1vs1… stomp.
Have you ever played WvW?
Yes. Actually, quite a bit.
Have you ever played a Necro?
I’m in the process of leveling one.
Trying to stomp a downed enemy is often less effective than just using damage to finish them off
Maybe if you’re a power-build and can like 2- or 3-hit a downed player. Otherwise, stomping is always faster.
You might end up killing yourself, if you’re low on health.
Trying to stomp an Ele is just pointless.
Smack him—>mistform—>smack again—>profit.
Begin stomp—>mistform—>stomp—>profit.
I don’t see any difference. Just that stomping is faster unless you’re a powerbuild (like I already said before).
Regardless of all of this, tell me one other weapon in the game which has 4/5 literally useless skills against a downed enemy.
I’m sure that the staff has many other things where it shines… otherwise you wouldn’t use it.
There are alternatives, such as switching weapons or wasting time trying to stomp. Irrelevant. There’s no reason the staff should become borderline useless against downed state enemies I’m not an idiot. I know there are other ways to finish an enemy. I’m saying we shouldn’t have to use them.
This sounds like you’re q.q-ing because you can’t just faceroll on your keyboard to finish a downed enemy in a 1vs1. Seriously; WHY would you refuse to switch weapons? You need to press only one key for it.
Especially considering Necros are already fairly pathetic in 1v1.
I’m quite sure there are enough people here who would disagree with that.