Masir's Necromancer condition MM Build

Masir's Necromancer condition MM Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Masir.6907


Hello ,
Introducing my new necro condition MM build ,
IT worked perfectly for me , completely counters most of classes and all op specs .



Weapons : Staff (Earth) , Scepter(Earth) & Dagger (smoldering)
Runes : 6/6 Lyssa

Utlities : Consume conditions , Shadow fiend , Bone fiend , Flesh wurm , flesh golem

Benefits : -Currently this build is the highest single target dps build , With terror + dhuumfire + improved minion damage it does tons of damage to your target
-infinite amount of weakness
-2 condition transfer , 2 condi removal
-Shadow fiend is good Lifeforce opener for quick DS hopping
-Bone fiend is extremely powerful : you can get 10 seconds immobilize with it ,
Try casting your immobilize 1-0.5 seconds before the bone minion launches his attack , He will immo for 5 seconds and the next shot will immobilize too (Very helpful , wins fights on its own)
-Flesh wurm amazing damage and best stun breaker ( Stunbreak + teleport away + Lifeforce for immediate DS hopping )
-Can get 2 lyssa if u separate the golem cast and the charge by 30 seconds between them

Before you judge it , Try it first in duels versus multiple skilled players .

Masir's Necromancer condition MM Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stubie.5834


Are you saying this is the best DPS build for PvP or PvE? I tried the MM build in a dungeon since the patch and found it to be sub par as usual.

Masir's Necromancer condition MM Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shulkor.3670


I have been running 30-30-0-10-0 for so long now and man I just love it. But I roam all over Orr quickly so I need my 25% speed signet & only use flesh golem, bone fiend & shadow fiend. Fun to run in WvW as well.

Masir's Necromancer condition MM Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gnat.9405


This is a PVP build it looks like

Masir's Necromancer condition MM Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


He said “try it first in duels”, so at most it is a WvW or sPvP build, most likely sPvP.

Interesting idea. It will definitely have pretty crazy single target damage and lockdown, in fact if you play it right I could see you winning 1v1s easily as long as you get offensive right away.

My only problems with the build in general is you can and will get trained down in half a second by any warrior. They will pop berzerker stance, laugh off all the fears and immobilizes, and then wreck your face because you have no defense.

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My PvP Minion Build

Masir's Necromancer condition MM Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Masir.6907


Guys , This is tournment pvp build

@bhawb Since i played this build im winning all my duels versus warriors.
when you’r at max range , Try to staff 3# him , If he pops berserker too soon try to retreat and waste time/LOS until it runs up , and dodge roll his stuns (Easy thought , atleast 1 stun could be dodged) , If you get stunned while berserker still up then you use ur wurm , If not then you fear him , If he pops stability then that’s your very strong immobalize turn , If he pops elite lyssa then u immediatly summon golem to nullify his 5 seconds lyssa, and the rest of fight he’s a cake