Minimal duration for 2 sec fear?

Minimal duration for 2 sec fear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Freezenox.8534



What is the minimal condition duration for fear to trick for 2 sec without buff/food?

Some ppl it is say 80%, some say 90%, some say fear last longer if the enemy have other condition on it already.

Also is it worth it to get the 2nd trick by sacrifice alot of not-so-useful traits or is it better just stick with 1 sec and go for more cond damage and better trait?

Minimal duration for 2 sec fear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ravien.4823


Depends if you have the +50% duration fear trait and the +20% from runes of the necromancer. I don’t know how exactly the math works (multiplicative or additive) but if you don’t have the 50% fear trait, you’d need +100% duration condition. With it, you would either at max +50%.

Minimal duration for 2 sec fear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Not entirely true.

I assume your question is not how to make fear last a full 2 seconds, because as the above poster pointed out, that would take a cumulative 100% duration increase.

To get two damage ticks with terror it doesn’t take 100%, and it doesn’t even take 80%. The problem is I have had variable results and cannot get anything to make logical sense about what is going on.

I realize that is a terrible answer, but right now, with some conditions stacked up on a player, and 70% duration, I sometimes get two ticks of terror damage, and sometimes I don’t. At 100% I always get the 2 ticks, but as its already been pointed out, its quite a sacrifice to get to that 50% longer fear trait. I have even seen two damage ticks at 50% duration, but not in any kind of repeatable fashion.

Whenever I have the time to sit down and do a few hours of testing on it, I will try to resolve it. I have talked to several folks in game who spent quite a while on it and were commenting that it seems to be a bug with the terrors increased damage on conditions. For some reason it will tick that last tick even after the fear has ended, and it may have only lasted 1.5 seconds.

I do know that I cannot get the fear to ever inflict the last tick of damage with no conditions on the target unless im at 90-100% duration. The conditions have a strange impact on it, notably bleeding, causing it to in error tick a second time.

Unfortunately there is no damage log, so you have to just squint and hope you don’t miss the damage going by when testing, because anet could care less about a “comprehensive” damage log for people that don’t use a greatsword.