Minimizing Suckitude so I can Maximize Fun

Minimizing Suckitude so I can Maximize Fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: jellmoo.7801


Hi there awesome Necromancers!

I come to you with a request for help. I’m not looking for the bestest best build, or the hottest thing in the DPS race. Rather, I am looking for some help maximizing my ability to be productive whilst having fun.

This is purely for the leveling experience. I just want to have the most fun I can without getting frustrated. To that end, what I am looking for some help with is the following…

I’d like to run a build that:

*Doesn’t use, or minimizes the use of minions.
*Uses some combo of Axe/Dagger/Focus as the weapons.
*Gives me some AOE, but allows me to be staff free.
*Has some degree of survivability, maybe through leeching life.
*The goal is really PVE leveling centric. Not really concerned about PVP.

My thought was to use Well of Blood, Signet of the Locust, Well of Corruption, Spectral Walk, Lich Form.

Trait wise I was thinking on going Blood Magic initially, and then following up with Spite and Death Magic (though I freely admit that this is a whole lot of guess work on my part).

Any help as to how to make my Necromancer leveling experience all the funner would be greatly appreciated. Like I said, I don’t need to be the best, just need to try and have fun and enjoy myself with totally hurting myself.

Minimizing Suckitude so I can Maximize Fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: Respawn.6802


Make a Minion Master build, join 30 other necro’s in WvW and do this.
You will have unlimited fun.

It may look like PvP but you will enjoy it.

*image taken from SBI/FA/MAG WvW match-up thread, not my own.


Minimizing Suckitude so I can Maximize Fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: jellmoo.7801


Okay… I have to admit that does look pretty darn fun. I swore after my Ranger though… no more pets. But… so… many… minions…

Minimizing Suckitude so I can Maximize Fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: Respawn.6802


I think there is a frontline Ranger on the far right daring any thief to come on in and backstab him.

Minimizing Suckitude so I can Maximize Fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: daimasei.4091


Make a Minion Master build, join 30 other necro’s in WvW and do this.
You will have unlimited fun.

It may look like PvP but you will enjoy it.

*image taken from SBI/FA/MAG WvW match-up thread, not my own.

Oh Gods… I always wanted to try that. It look beautiful, just beautiful!

Why fix the Necromancer for free when we can charge $$$ for the Revenant

Minimizing Suckitude so I can Maximize Fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: Respawn.6802


Now the fun part is done, how I had fun leveling PvE using some of your likes posted.

Dagger/Anything combo – find four enemies, Spectral Grasp the ranged mob into the melee mobs, drop well of darkness then whatever aoe is on hand, circle them all slashing away then pop deathshroud #4 when WoD ends. Everyones dead.

Very satisfying to have a clothie go face to face with four mobs at once and take very little damage.

Minimizing Suckitude so I can Maximize Fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

for pvp : spectral grasp/spectral walk/spectral wall = most fun..

basicly i just spend my time trying to pull players into a small space and lock them up with spectral wall, run away with spectral walk… and return just in time to fear them with ds#2..

pure troll build wich wouldn’t really help your team, but fun nontheless.

best way is to pretent to akitten a corner,wait for a thief to backstab and place the wall behind you and the thief locking him in, then dodge back /laugh.

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Minimizing Suckitude so I can Maximize Fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Just run siphon wells. It’s all the aoe you’ll ever need, high survivability, uses the weapons you asked for, great for most pve content.|7.1p.h2.d.1p.h8.0.0.0|8.1g.h2.g.1i.hy.0.0.0|1c.7h.1c.7h.1c.7h.1c.7h.1c.7h.1c.7h|1l.68.1l.68.1l.68.1l.68.1l.68.1i.68|f6.a6.0.u28c.f2|40.1|3t.4d.4a.4b.4e|e

Something like that. Fine tune it to your tastes
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Minimizing Suckitude so I can Maximize Fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bweaty.9187


*Doesn’t use, or minimizes the use of minions.
*Uses some combo of Axe/Dagger/Focus as the weapons.
*Gives me some AOE, but allows me to be staff free.
*Has some degree of survivability, maybe through leeching life.
*The goal is really PVE leveling centric. Not really concerned about PVP.

Yeh, Minions suck

Axe/Dag/Foc – Power build.

Staff dose best damage in DS (It works off main hand weap dam). Tho using ‘Axe Training’ trait in spite, will close the gap a bit.

Leech/Siphon is kinda more useful as extra damage that can’t be avoided. Tho the wells build will be best/close to the dream as we get.

Power builds are best for PvE, till they fix condition stacks/objects not taking kitten

ay’s build above is a very nice one! It’d also class as a ‘support’ build as well as being damage & vamp’ish.

The other one, is the old 30/x/x/x/30, with either the extra 10 in Curse’s for Weakering Shroud (chill/weak to anyone your hugging when ya drop in DS) or my fav blood magic, for either Transfusion if being nice to group, or Vamp Pre for a crappy ~20ish life on crits. Spite: VI,VII,XII Soul Reap: VI. Then choices. Spect Mastery is nice for Spect Walk, Path of Midnight rocks with Transfusion. Deathly Perception Rocks with wells & damage, Foot in the Grave rocks for not being a Necro footy.
Anyway, this build is my ‘aoe king’ for invasions. Huge DS uptime, piceing-vuln stacking-might giving auto attack in DS. Easily gets me 600-800% more loot in a invasion than I can get on my guard! (Ok all rounder too)

Minimizing Suckitude so I can Maximize Fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: Phenn.5167


I ran a Vampiric Well build. Ultimately it ended at 30/20/0/20/0. I reworked it for 15/25/0/30/0.

For leveling, you’re looking at 0/10/0/10/0 at level 30. 0/10/0/20/0 at level 40. 0/20/0/20/0 at level 50. That gives you decent siphons and decent uptime on Locust Swarm. From there you can go heavier damage (30 in Spite) or faster/more potent Wells (30 in Blood Magic).

I had a blast leveling this way. I really did. And I prefer this build when running Pugs, too.

For what it’s worth.

Minimizing Suckitude so I can Maximize Fun

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brigg.3961


Keep in mind that the 15th patch will see some power and heal scaling specifically for this build as well, so it’s getting a decent buff!

All classes, level 80
Dropbear Massacre, Necro Main