Minion AI - dumb on purpose?
Anet wouldn’t design minion AI to be unresponsive and sluggish, it’s simply bad game design.
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard
again, the 10000th post someone has plagued us with about minion failure.
We know already, please use the search function and just type “minion” next time you visit. you’ll see the wall of sympathy
Slow down buddy, he is comparing our minions with another class minions, that use the same mecanism. I didn’t see much post about it yet.
I didn’t try other class summon, so there AI seems to be reliable?
I thought it’s done on purpose, as our minions are weaker then those summoned elemental.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
^ignore Shoebix, Powercat, you might be on to something here.
The only NPCs in the game with broken UIs are the necro pets, so it’s safe to assume they were designed to behave in a way different than everything else.
So what makes our minions so different than everything else? and why can’t they fix our minions AI?
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
Our pets are “permanent” and the AI isn’t resetted all the time? I mean, rangers also have a huge issue with dumb pets doing crazy stuff.
It is God’s decision that i fight.
As knight of honor, as protector of the sin. I sacrifice myself, for the blood of criminals.
Seen this thread 300 times,
Can we just compile these threads into one?
I’m sure the community as a whole would be far more positive if we filled this sub-forum with positive threads, build discussions, guides, theorycrafting etc and not more whine posts
Elementalist pets are classed as ‘summons’
Necromancer pets are classed as ‘pets’
They are not the same
AI is broken……. there is nothing new about that statement
The OP has a valid point. What makes out pets AI different from the AI of other pets, summons, golems, dogs, fish, town folks, soldiers, archers, and jellyfish?
What makes our pets AI so amazingly different that they can’t fix it?
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
I play ele. My flame elemental never spam lava fonts! That is not nice.
See that’s the thing, this thread is simply to show that our minions are designed to be this way. They made a conscious decision to make them act like this. No other summonable pets act like this.
Try the fire elemental powder, you’ll see what I mean. It’s more powerful than all 3 of the regular skill minions.
(edited by PowerCat.5738)
Its actually kitten to think Anet would intentionally design our minions to have a broken AI, Anet is definitely out to get you, they secretly want you to reroll a warrior to use their ledgendary swords
One sec, let me grab my tinfoil hat
Its more likely that its a coding issue (one that they are either aware of or not – though I would be surprised if it was the latter). Anyone who has done any amount of coding in their lives knows that you can make subtle mistakes which you cannot instantly diagnose but can cause all kind of strange things to happen
Also I have said time and time again
This OP post is completely novel™
Ranger would like to have a word with you.
Ranger would like to have a word with you.
Ranger pets scale with stats and will hit stationary targets or crippled targets just fine. They even run long distances to get around terrain and attack targets. Necro minions are lucky if they get a single attack off, and usually that attack will devistate the bucket they are forced by broken priority to target ahead of the Necro’s target…BUT no. I did not buy this game to be a bucket slayer.
I bought it because Minions looked amazing in their ad campaign and they made a ton of promises in beta to get the AI polished.
I’m just curious what the hell happened. And why is it that no one at Anet plays Necro? Or better yet, why is Anet not investing in Necro at all when it was such a shining jewel in the advertising campaign. Publishers need to start being held liable for their “editing practices” in advertising. I kitten sure did not see any Necro fighting hostile targets while Minions run off killing Lightning Bugs and Buckets of Dew only to return and die without ever landing a single point of damage. I missed that part of the campaign.
Fire Elemental Powder is a consumable item that spawns a permanent (Until killed) Fire Elemental pet of the name ‘Ember’.
With that said, I do believe the OP is trying to point out that a consumable item works better than our entire Profession’s Minion line, and because of this it may very well be possible that the Necromancer Minion AI was actually -meant- to be as piss-poor as it currently is. Why else would an item that is available to everyone in the game actually function more appropriately than our actual Skills? I’ve wondered the same thing after seeing a lot of these consumable pets run their course.
I find it hilarious how so many people are jumping the gun out of ignorance.
For the record, the Ogre Pet Whistle acts the same way; Far, far more responsive and intelligent than our actual Minions are.
Edited in to address the power discrepancy issue; The consumables that are in-game are completely out of whack as far as how powerful they are. So you can safely put aside any kind of ‘X item is op’ arguments. Ogre Pet Whistle (Essentially a permanent Ranger pet), Skale Venom (% chance to proc the Thief’s Skale Venom ability), Healing Seed Pod (Stacking Regen on top of Condition removal every second for ~5 to 10 seconds, with a 15 second CD) and Fire Elemental Powder (The Ember) are actually some of the consumables I run at all times.
(edited by Arianna.7642)
Thanks Arianna, for being so eloquent about it. That’s exactly what I meant.
Dumb on purpose? I’d like to see a zombie with some minutes of life which isn’t attaking a living being, preferring staying and looking his master dying. >.<
Responses are: 1) it’s not a DUMB zombie; 2) it’s not a zombie.