Just hit 60 and I really wish I would have had this build from the start. I’ve tried to do bleed builds but they just suck for damage. Even when not geared for power (I was geared to make my bleeds last longer up to 9 stacks soloing), a 2h staff could still kill a mob faster. I’ve tried a cripple build to keep them at bay but it was just terrible as well (although good practice for PVP it just was a little annoying to watch health and run all the time). With this build I feel a bit like an energizer bunny tank—which is quite fun!
- This is not a PVP build.
- This is probably not a Dungeon Build given there is so much AOE (but untested, need to improve pets heal).
- This is a soloing build.
- 6 mobs, same level or above, at the same time ending with 100% health.
- Veteran with thee mobs ending with 85% health
- Veteran Mob solo ending with 100% health.
- Chain kill 50 mobs 2-3 at a time. Will never end just have to rez pets on occasion.
- I have not tried a champion yet.
- Not once have I had to sacrifice my blood fiend (taste of death)
- 30 in Death Magic (Minion master, Flesh Mastery, Staff Mastery)
- 20 in Blood (Blood thirst, Vampiric precicision)
- Dagger/Dagger (Open with Enfeeble, then Deathly Swarm)
- Staff (Dumb all AOEs, then go back to dagger)
- Armor: Major Rune of Vampirism: 4 pieces (+power, steal life, steal life after heal)
- Weapons: Sigil of Water (heals nearby pets)
- Power > Crit > Precision (I’m guessing here)
Techniques / Rotations:
Single Mob
- Enfeeble.
- Deathly Swarm
- Swap to Staff
- Dump all AOEs (Mark of Blood, Chilbrains, Putrid Mark, Repairs Mark)
- Swap to Dagger (repeat above; life siphon as needed).
Multiple Mobs
- Enfeeble.
- Death Shroud ? Life Transfer ? Exit. ( Only do Life Transfer, saving Shroud for tough spots or escape)
- Swap to Staff
- Dump all AOEs (Mark of Blood, Chilbrains, Putrid Mark, Repairs Mark)
- Swap to Dagger (repeat above; life siphon as needed)
Outstanding Questions / Issues
1) If you have played something similar, how would you improve?
2) I feel like I’d like to keep my pets alive longer but I don’t know how. They don’t die with 5 mobs but will start dropping off with higher numbers or long chains. Reapers Touch with a focus is the only thing I can think of. Once per 18 seconds is a bit painful.
3) I’m not sure about the heal bonuses (rune of water). The Sigil of water seems awesome though it is only every 10 seconds or so. Rune of Dwayna looks interesting but I’d have to use my blood fiend (Taste of Death) to trigger it. Not sure if there are other triggers.
4) I thought about blowing up my pets when they die for the poison effect but generally speaking I find poison very lackluster, especially since it does not stack. I also want my pets to live so killing mobs faster or healing them would be a better approach.