Hello, my questions are about the necromancer’s minion support for the future.
I personally enjoy playing your game as the necromancer class utilizing the minion mechanic. The minion’s ability to react to player actions, such as minions attacking the target that the player attacks, seems very poor compared to the quality of work put into the ranger’s pet mechanic. I understand that the ranger has a whole interface for the pet which the necromancer does not have but without using it the ranger pets seem to always behave as expected without ever missing a beat.
I have noticed that the class updates that your team perform shape the class into the enjoyable experience that its creators envisioned while making the game. Because of this I want to ask…
Is the slow to react and some times unresponsive behavior of the necromancer minions the desired capability of the developers to make the minions seem like dumb flesh constructs?
If not, is it in their agenda to update this mechanic to behavior similar to ranger’s pet without the function key controls?
It is my understanding that the Flesh Golem elite minion is labeled as terrestrial only, because of this it has become an unneeded annoyance that every time the necromancer character must cross short distances of water or some time simply stands around water the Flesh Golem elite minion freezes in what looks like a falling animation and resets its cooldown to be re summoned. ThisIt is my understanding that the Flesh Golem elite minion is labeled as terrestrial only, because of this it has become an unneeded annoyance that every time the necromancer character must cross short distances of water or some time simply stands around water the Flesh Golem elite minion freezes in what looks like a falling animation and resets its cooldown to be re summoned. This annoyance just doesn’t feel right when compared to everything else in Guild Wars 2 that has been streamlined for the most enjoyable experience.
I have read that the Flesh Golem Elite skill was available underwater during beta testing but was eventually removed; will this capability ever be available again in the future solving the above described annoyance?