Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rebel.6419


Even in the books the necro re-animates the dead, or pulls together skeleton bones from many dead to create minions, I am not sure what the game is doing but the minions are just odd. Give us skeletons/ undead/ zombies already.

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Calcifire.1864


agreed, it feels kind of strange for the “reanimator” trait to bring an enemy back to life as a zombie squirrel.

imagine how awesome it would feel for our enemies to be brought back as risen on our side? (eg, kill a charr, get a risen charr model minion, kill an asura, get an asura risen) they’d still be jagged horrors, but it makes more sense than “I’m going to make this huge, charr with claws and teeth into a single undead squirrel”

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Invictus.1503


I’m not sure they are bringing anything back as much as piecing together random parts. In one of the story missions (unnamed to avoid even a little spoiler) Trahearne states that his minions were never alive in the first place and that is why they weren’t subject to Zhaitan’s control.

Lore wise, I think control of formerly living undead is completely Zhaitan’s now and our necromancers have to be creative with spare parts so to speak.

It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: TehGFreeman.1534


Just gonna say this not trying to be a jerk, but wouldn’t people rather Creatures made from corpses and what not and a Shade rather than a plain old zombie and skeleton.

I think it’s much more creative, and interesting and it gives of a “Frankenstein’s monster” type feel.

And you kind of answered your own Question “They pull together bones from the undead to create minions.” Well… you looking at them.

“Destroying my minions?, I’ll make more.”

(edited by TehGFreeman.1534)

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Blondiebear.6295


I was a bit shocked when I started my necro how the blood fiend and others looked, but I actually kinda like it. The minions aren’t the standard, boring skels/zombies in EVERY other game, and it makes it feel that you’re animating a truely horrific collection of spare parts.

Also as a Sylvari, I don’t reckon my character has too solid a grasp on organic anatomy anyway…

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: natsos.3692


Zombies…Skeletons..Not in this game guys

Natsos, Necromancer
Officer of Spartians GR[SPGR]
Gandara EU

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Marmalade.9750


Necro pets are similar in GW1. I imagine it has something to do with Asian markets.

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: MechAssault.7802


ikr..some of our minions look like a dead fetus…wheres the coolness lol..

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uchi.2419


I was a bit shocked when I started my necro how the blood fiend and others looked, but I actually kinda like it. The minions aren’t the standard, boring skels/zombies in EVERY other game, and it makes it feel that you’re animating a truely horrific collection of spare parts.

Also as a Sylvari, I don’t reckon my character has too solid a grasp on organic anatomy anyway…

Zombie trees. Would be kind of cool I guess.

Thing is people roll necromancers for the zombie/skeleton minions though. That’s a staple of the class. I wouldn’t roll an assassin without expecting to use daggers either.

Some of the pets like the scorpion thing are kinda cool, but the undead bunnies are very weak looking in my opinion. You kinda need something that says “ohh scary, it’s ded!”

Honestly, I kind of wish we had a similar pet system like rangers, but for dead things.

Have it as an elite skill. Something dies, you can resurrect it and keep it as a permanent pet. It gets its own lifebar and a few skills. If you don’t like it you can dismiss it and capture something new. Would be kind of cool to have a bandit NPC minion.

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Calcifire.1864


dibs on zhaitan :P

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Corpus.5347


I have to admit, it would be pretty nifty to be the zombie apocalypse.

Rhyzen – warrior
Cyrix Casden – engineer
GSCH – Sanctum of Rall

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chewwie.9341


I actually really like the minions, and was a tad bit surprised about not having zombies or skeletons…But, its all been done before. So they went with something a bit different, dead body parts. (Speaking of dead fetus’) I Don’t know if you ever played Dead Space 1 and 2, but that’s what these pets remind me of. Monsters made of dead flesh just looking all sorts of creepy. I like em, just wish they were a bit tougher in WvW, however u can spec them so they explode into a poisonous gas. So sinister >:)

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: kgptzac.8419


Zombies… maybe not very interesting choice for minion due to there is a zoo of them in a place called Orr. Skeletons on the other hand, would be a good addition.

a shard of crystal in the desert.

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Terok.7315


Although I have no sources to back this up, I have heard that necromancers in GW universe don’t really reanimate the dead, they summon/create undead type creatures.

With that said, our minions are particularly non-threatening in appearance.

Vile Necromancer||Defender of the Beastgate||Slayer of Moa’s

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Riot Inducer.8964

Riot Inducer.8964

Guild Wars necros have never summoned straight up skeletons & zombies.

Besides the fact that regular zombies/skeletons are rather boring imo, it also makes it easier for a necromancer to keep visually keep track of his/her minions while fighting skeleton/zombie type undead, this breaks down when fighting shades with a shadow fiend, but I digress.
The other original reason for necros not having humanoid skeleton/zombie minions is that in GW1 minions had to be animated from the corpses of fallen enemies or allies. So to make it more believable and save on art assets it was decided to have minions be nonspecific conglomerations of flesh and bone so that way you wouldn’t wonder how the heck you pulled a human skeleton out of that dead charr or drake or w/e.

Applying this second reason to GW2 still makes a bit of sense in that nonspecific minions keep necros from being too “Human based”. I mean there would come a point a lot of players would ask, why does my charr only summon human skeletons? Wouldn’t charr skeletons look more awesome and fitting?

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ben.2406


Guild Wars necros have never summoned straight up skeletons & zombies.

Besides the fact that regular zombies/skeletons are rather boring imo, it also makes it easier for a necromancer to keep visually keep track of his/her minions while fighting skeleton/zombie type undead, this breaks down when fighting shades with a shadow fiend, but I digress.
The other original reason for necros not having humanoid skeleton/zombie minions is that in GW1 minions had to be animated from the corpses of fallen enemies or allies. So to make it more believable and save on art assets it was decided to have minions be nonspecific conglomerations of flesh and bone so that way you wouldn’t wonder how the heck you pulled a human skeleton out of that dead charr or drake or w/e.

Applying this second reason to GW2 still makes a bit of sense in that nonspecific minions keep necros from being too “Human based”. I mean there would come a point a lot of players would ask, why does my charr only summon human skeletons? Wouldn’t charr skeletons look more awesome and fitting?

Don’t know what rock you’ve been living under my friend but go and play the necromancer in diablo 2 and you’ll probably have the most fun your going to ever have as a necromancer.

I don’t think Anet spent more than 5 minutes working on the necromancer

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Riot Inducer.8964

Riot Inducer.8964

Don’t know what rock you’ve been living under my friend but go and play the necromancer in diablo 2 and you’ll probably have the most fun your going to ever have as a necromancer.

I don’t think Anet spent more than 5 minutes working on the necromancer

Beg your pardon but what, stylistically speaking, makes the diablo 2 necro so much more fun?

Personally I find it a bit insulting that you would infer that the art team did not put in any effort to make our minion designs when they went to all the trouble of creating something unique instead of slapping us with the same overused skeletons every fantasy game and it’s grandmother uses.

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Venom.6189


@ Riot

Still doesn’t excuse why our minions generally look rather pathetic and docile though . . why not make them look menacing / terrifying instead of looking like reanimated forest creatures, ah cute little bunny let’s make that into cute little undead bunny . . No thanks.

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Narmix.4862


@ Riot

Still doesn’t excuse why our minions generally look rather pathetic and docile though . . why not make them look menacing / terrifying instead of looking like reanimated forest creatures, ah cute little bunny let’s make that into cute little undead bunny . . No thanks.

Pathetic and docile? What about these look pathetic or docile?

Man, the flying blood fiend gives me nightmares.

Not literally, but the thing is really creepy looking. I love how the necro minions look. In fact, they’re so gory and creepy I’m a little surprised they decided it was a good idea. The blood fiend is a floating disembodied rib cage with organs falling out of it and weird intestine tentacles. There’s something that makes it not seem intimidating by virtue that it’s just in a video game but really take a look at it. Imagine seeing that in a movie or something. The design of it is pretty intimidating and also pretty inspired.

More inspired than… well, zombies and skeletons which are every necromancer’s pet, ever.

(edited by Narmix.4862)

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: natsos.3692


This is your personal opinion.Not theirs,not mine.
I like the “flesh” minions, the concept of rotten flesh on old bones.
I hate skeletons, skeletons are everywhere.
Flesh minions are pretty much zombies, a zombie is a creature that died and came back to life before the flesh fully dissapears,the creature is mindless, or under the gaming situation, a mindless puppet that will do as the master commands.
And yes, I love to have an exploding dead bunny, or a piece of meat with hands and legs that runs around.

Natsos, Necromancer
Officer of Spartians GR[SPGR]
Gandara EU

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rehk.6574


Guild wars 2 necromancer pets are some of the most unique and well done takes on the undead I’ve ever seen in a video game.

skeletons and zombies have been done to DEATH (pun intended)

Unique Pets are Awesome.

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: BCDragon.5614


Even in the books the necro re-animates the dead, or pulls together skeleton bones from many dead to create minions, I am not sure what the game is doing but the minions are just odd. Give us skeletons/ undead/ zombies already.

This isn’t D3

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Asmodean.5820


Yup, instead of creepy Dawn of the Dead we are more like Dead Zoo Walking hehe. And with all those bugs and issues I wonder when the enemy will throw us out of mercy some peanuts ^^

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kuldebar.1897


@ Riot

Still doesn’t excuse why our minions generally look rather pathetic and docile though . . why not make them look menacing / terrifying instead of looking like reanimated forest creatures, ah cute little bunny let’s make that into cute little undead bunny . . No thanks.

Some of you need to consider that there are some designs for minions that will be added as the game matures. Level 80 might be the level cap, which is largely meaningless by design but skill and elite skills will be part and parcel to future game content.

Minions: Where are the zombies/ skeletons???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nhalx.9735


. 0.0 .
I remember when my MM spawned a walking army of bone horrors from the corpses.
Then applying Splinter weapon and Barbs. they were unstoppable =d

I rather want something like this then walking zombies and skeletons. Atleast they have a sudden feel to them then the so called zombies you see in every MMO and freshly put shooter nowadays. =/ Not to mention the filthy skeleton pirates. =[

(edited by Nhalx.9735)