Minions damage
Blood Is Power is the only method besides traits to increase minion damage, at least that’s available to the Necro himself. Might and Fury sharing is it. Minions don’t even benefit from banners.
Anything that can buff the minions will increase their damage. Your power doesn’t increase their damage, but all conditions they apply are counted as yours, as far as the game is concerned, including damage/duration. They also have base 4% crit chance, but any crit increases will also affect their actives.
So might, fury, frost spirit, your traits, a few other AoE buffs like Venom sharing, Vampiric Presence, etc.
ok, do i have to give boons to them, or by giving boons to myself they get buffed?
ok, do i have to give boons to them, or by giving boons to myself they get buffed?
They do not inherit any of your stats directly (the condition thing is special, because as far as the game is concerned they are literally your conditions), so if you want to buff them, the buffs have to specifically be applied to each minion.
Another question, also, thanks for the answers.
Why sometimes my bone fiend’s skill (rigor mortis) doesnt work?
Another question, also, thanks for the answers.
Why sometimes my bone fiend’s skill (rigor mortis) doesnt work?
It always “works”, however the way that it works is when you press the button it immediately roots the Bone Fiend, and modifies its auto attacks to cause the immobilize, but does not reset the auto timer. This means depending on when in the auto timing you do this, it could take up to 3 seconds for the effects to be noticed, and since the minion is rooted it is possible for it to “miss” by being out ranged, or LoSed.
I guess that they didn’t tell you that because they figured that it’s known , vulnerability debuff is also an amazing way to increase all your minions damage at once
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.