

in Necromancer

Posted by: slacker.9352


If you play a necro and have your pets summoned and get moabirded all your pets die and you get cd on them…



in Necromancer

Posted by: Vangy.7403


its true and happens with every trasformation spell like our own… plague,lich form etc.. this has to be fixed!


in Necromancer

Posted by: The Boz.2038

The Boz.2038

Not only minions, every single necro elite is countered by Moa.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


HOLY kitten you mean this happens? I can’t believe it, it’s like the first time I saw this on these forums, I cannot believe nobody else has noticed this and QQ’ed about it before.

On a serious note, given the speed at which A-net are ‘fixing’ and ‘balancing’ when it comes to Necro’s it will be a very long time before this is changed.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Even better, if you DS while the mesmer is casting moa (after start, before finish) you get Death Moa with the first 2 abilites of moa form and the last 2 of DS! The ultimate predator, death moa with bugged out black textures of doom, fear it.

(yes moa shouldnt despawn and shouldnt be castable on enemies in transformation – that includes DS)

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Asmodean.5820


The same nonsense happens when you switch to plague form. Sometimes I wonder if it is really intentionally or just the worst programming possible.

As for moa morph…if a mesmer sees it he will just yell that you need to dodge it and l2p and that it is even a weak elite skill and all of ours are better /chuckle. Just check the organized pvp forum haha


in Necromancer

Posted by: dokks.1394


The same nonsense happens when you switch to plague form. Sometimes I wonder if it is really intentionally or just the worst programming possible.

As a senior programmer (been doing it for years) my gut tells me these guys are mostly cowboys, sling code, check the happy path and don’t write decent, if any tests.

Seriously, the defects that are in this game would lead to dismissals at my company.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Arcades Saboth.5139

Arcades Saboth.5139

I’m a developer too and I can tell this kind of games are huge and the complexity is too high. Having bugs is normal for every kind of software. If you really are experienced like you say you should know even better then non-technicians.
Also remember this game is online which increase complexity by far, address and debug problem is complicated and most of all reproduce reported bugs is a great pain.
Consider also they have multiple server: a bug in one server (like a skill point not working) doesn’t necessary show up in another server. This mean they cannot control every server for every single report.

In addition to all of this the developers of course are working on the next content of the game. The patch team should be smaller then the original one otherwise they cannot keep the time for the next contents (remember they have no monthly fee, so they must sustain the servers in other ways, plus they saying in a press release the first expansions will be free).

As a developer I understand that some bugs require to change a bit of your architecture and a single bug may affect multiple features and this could take time, a lot.

Finally consider there is a priority for bugs: the blocking bugs are served first, no matter if you consider the Plague Boon bug more important then others, it may not, it is not a blocking bug.

If people don’t like this way then I have a news for you: there is no way a software is bug-free. Never. Ever. Not even the smallest piece of code. So sit down and wait for the fixes and stop blaming ArenaNet, they are working for us.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Asmodean.5820


@Arcades Saboth: (I cannot quote dunno why) Sure, right and I see where you coming from, really. I did some small coding nothing professional but it easy to see how one change might pile a bucket load of other problems on top of the other one.

However, those bugs affect the class to a large degree which also in turn affects its performance (pet AI, pet despawn, the lack of control buttons for pets, corrupt boon et etc). Add to that the general out-of-whack class balance and there’s a problem (obscene burst dps, the beloved 3 classes etc).

Considering the (traditional) amount of good titles being released in October and November A-Net’s time is running out if they do not want to lose a well-sized chunk of their customer base. Some will go back to WoW, some just to single player titles etc. Especially those who are unsatisfied with their class and the many bugs

Sure, their micromanagement model will make it easy for people who come back…the question is if people want to if it grew stale to them.

Well, we will see /shrug


in Necromancer

Posted by: Midius.6501


As i see it the morph is not a sketchy problem, but in the whole architecture of the spell system.
When you morph you get new spells and lose your old, but the Pets are bound on these spells. Try to change a spell when the pet is aktive, the pet disappears when you have lost the spell (aura whatever).
So in order to fix it you have 2 options:
Some Hacky fixxes including some horrible Ifs and a ton of possible crashes of pets that should despawn but wont do it etc.
Or you change your Architecture of the Spell-Pet-System.

And I’m shure they will do second. But if they already change the System to fix 1 Problem it is wisely to get a complete overview off the Bugs so you only have to rewrite the System once and not 10 times.
This will take at least 1 or 2 Month, reading the last Patchnotes there where mostly cosmetic changes which could be done by one Person in a weak so I would suggest the rest is working on the “big” update to the spell-system.

But who nows maybe they are just sitting in front of their desks and laugh about people like us gambling about “when” and "if"s ^^

I hope that desummon the Minions and breaking other Elite Skills like Lich is a bug, because its OP against Necros. Fixxed I think its a cool Elite and definitly not OP if you have time warp as comparison.


.:: Sorry for my bad English, I should have listened better at school ^^::.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Arcades Saboth.5139

Arcades Saboth.5139

My complain is about people who think bug fixing is east and expect perfect software.
I’d like more consistent patches, more fixes and I partially don’t agree with Arena Net’s philosophy to change only after a while. Partially. Did you play League of Legends?
LoL was a great game until they become a money machine and begin to add in the game a lot of character with oblivious unbalanced skill for nerf after one or two weeks. Also they made a lot of changes often but then they came back to their steps and revert the changes.
I think ArenaNet want to avoid this kind of problems. But yes: I agree with people who demand more patches. But kitten The game is so young! Give them time!
As other stated they have lives: they don’t work (I hope) during week-ends.
Do you understand the required time to: filter the report, choose the right bug to fix (again: there is a priority), address the issue, find a solution, debug the solution, if something is wrong you have to go back and find another solution and again debug, test everything for code, test everything for gameplay (unbalanced stats or possibly exploits of changes), test everything for localization, eventual data migration (what if they have to remove a skill or a sub-effect? They must change the database: a great pain) and finally deploy. Do you understand how hard is deploying to 45 servers? And what if in one server something is wrong?

I’m a technician, I work in the same sector (but I’m a youngster, I’ve never seen and, unfortunately, probably never see something so complex and beautiful), I understand these problems. I realize non-developers don’t but people should learn patience.