My Final Choice

My Final Choice

in Necromancer

Posted by: SilverRule.7426



I love the Necromancer. I love the feel, I love the survivability and the attrition style warfare, I love it all ( well maybe not minions :P ). Its probably going to be the class I choose but as many people have said, it is broke so hard.
I heard some people saying that even Anett said that the Necro was the weakest class so far. Seeing this I know that they are going to be changing the Necro to make it more powerful, but how long will that take?
If I make a Necro, will I see improvements by the end of next month? Or will it take about four? Am I going to make a Necromancer and level it to 80 only to make another character because it’s taking Anett so long to fix this class?

My Final Choice

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dictan.4186



waiting on fixes I would give it atleast till the end of October maybe mid November if glaring issues like minion AI become to hard to solve. Then you have to wait for possible backlash if skills become broken after all the bugs are worked out. December will probably see this class being good on all front balance and bug wise if nothing major happens like minion AI tweaking suddenly allows necros to solo entire dungeon encounters or cheese entire battlegrounds (unlikely)

their are things that work though, just make sure you search the forms and find whats working atm so you don’t get your hopes up and find out something silly like your life leech heals 25 damage at 80….

Loving you is like a battle and we both end up with scars.

My Final Choice

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


Noone knows how fast anet is gonna fix things but given their current speed it will take a while probably. Also necro isnt that broken at least for spvp and tpvp its pretty decent if you know what you are doing.

My Final Choice

in Necromancer

Posted by: Levian.6742


I currently find necro very fun to play PvE even with all the bugs. There may be a new learning curve once everything gets fixed though

My Final Choice

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dorn.5867


I’m hoping that if they do end up changing things that its not going to be required to re-learn the class. I too very much enjoy the playstyle. Most of the gripes I see are about not putting out the raw dps of other classes. I’m not sure I agree with that. I do considerable aoe sustained damage compared to my fire spec’d Elementalist which is more of a short burst and then very low damage. Which if you ask me is useless in the dungeons as the mobs have way too much health.

My Final Choice

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teknomancer.8475


Necro in my opinion is decent to play on all fronts. Be it World versus, pve, spvp, or tpvp. The sad part that you will find is that you must work around glaring bugs and weird builds to be decent.
You will be frustrated.
However most here on these forums will tell you , the class is still very much fun to play.

My Final Choice

in Necromancer

Posted by: alanis.6094


The ‘biggest’ issue for Necromancers, IMHO, is the lack of competitive builds for tPvP.

Sure, there are annoying bugs (every profession has those), but there isn’t an aspect of WvW, PvP, or hot-join sPvP that you can’t enjoy and be competitive with this profession.

Drusilla Ina Alanis
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –