My idead to fix bleed cap

My idead to fix bleed cap

in Necromancer

Posted by: Borex.6403


Hello all fellow necros,
i have made a post in the suggestion forum for an idea to fix the bleed cap and let us play well as conditionmancer.
If anyone is interested this is the post
Thanks all for your time
Kind regards
a player

My idead to fix bleed cap

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chesire.9043


Bleed cap isn’t all down sided. If you epidemic those 25 stacks of bleeding they become your bleeds on other targets and use your condition damage.

But that’s about the only upside. Just thought I’d add that.

My idead to fix bleed cap

in Necromancer

Posted by: shizo.5698


pssst, or they nerf epidemic further into the ground….

My idead to fix bleed cap

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zindrix.1750


I think they should implement something that allows Necros to play with conditions in a different way. Let me explain.

Mesmers in GW1 had a skill called Fragility that would cause the mob to take damage every time a new condition was added or removed from them. Granted, this was a mesmer skill, but so was Epidemic originally. In addition to that, hexes and other non-condition debuffs aren’t really implemented in the game outside of a few other skills(I can only think of the Guardian’s whirling blade DoT). So maybe it isn’t feasible, but it kind of fits in with the whole idea necro’s being the masters of conditions.

Another theory which is in the same vein would be to allow necros to pull off conditions straight off the mob for X amount of damage. There might also be something with necros pulling the conditions onto themselves so they can send them back or whatever. Many of the utilities create a condition on us anyways, so manipulating conditions is kind of the style it seems like the devs were going for.

(edited by Zindrix.1750)

My idead to fix bleed cap

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dredlord.8076


pssst, or they nerf epidemic further into the ground….

yes please!!!! nerf that skill into the ground. It is like a curse disguised as a cool skill.

Why is our fear so short? because we can epidemic it…

Why do we have only 1 second bleed on crit ? because we can epidemic it…

Why does scepter poison not even last through the next auto attack chain? because we can epidemic it…

Why do we stack bleeds slower than most classes? because we can epidemic it…

Why haven’t they given us burn yet? because we can epidemic it…

Why will the burn they are talking about giving us be super short duration? because we can epidemic it…

nerf the hell out of it and give us some decent base condition and CC durations