Death Shroud
21 seconds recharge, countdown starts in DS down to 4 seconds, last 4 have to be out of DS, Life force doesnt degenerate and the necro starts with 40% life force in pvp.
Counts as transformation, gives passive effects to necromancer that damage is converted to life force (no more % life force) and while in a tansformation enemy transformation skills fail (since a giant clould of death totally can be turned into a crab, moa, drake or whatever else and still lose LS since you cant go back, right…).
Necromancers real hp, boons and conditions are shown in a small ui on the right of the DS bar, Life force isnt in % but in actual numerical count.
Has a 0.7 second cd upon transformation into DS so that you dont transform back into normal form just because the game decidied you clicked twice (would also help people with outdated keyboards/laggy net/playing on opposite server while not hurting the people that dont have problems with it).
- Life Blast
Damage: Scales on every 10% life force instead of dropping at 50%
(i know it gives the necro a bigger “skillcap”, but from derps dropping down from 1.4k pre hit to 650-700 just because there was the 2% of life force missing is just cheap)
Effect of the blast and Attack speed: Scale with weapon currently equipped
Dagger – damage loss from low life force is reduced to 1% pre 10% instead 5% pre 10%
Staff – Life blast generates as much life force as damage it deals
Scepter – applies bleed and transfers condition from user to all targets hit
Axe – If Life blast is a critical hit, it explodes upon the target (130 radius damage) and applies weakness and 3 stacks of vulnerability for 3 seconds
- Life Transfer
The necromancer creates 7 spectral bonds with nearby creatures draining their life to generate life force, if the cast is finished, the necromancer gains 10% of maximum life force.
- 5th ability (River of Life)
The necromancer amplifies his supply of life energy and consumes most of it while shattering the rest around him, cannot be used if over 40% life force and 15% health, cc break, places heal on its full cooldown, 60 second cooldown itself
Heals % of necromancers health equal to half the % life force remaining, heals allies for half of the value the necromancer was healed in a 300 radius
(every transformation should have 5 skills if it removes the utility and weapon skill usage, also transforming LS into HP would be nice without having to resort to the cast Life transfer just while a Dot Removes DS to heal yourself with it)
Well of Blood – recharge reduced to 35 seconds
Corrupt Boon – Poison yourself. Transform current and for the next 3 seconds all boons applied on your foe into negative conditions, 60 second recharge
Spectral Wall – duration increased to 15 seconds, wall thickness increased by 50%
Spectral Grasp – remove life force part, add direct damage (400~ at 80 at base) projectile ignores terrain and teleports the enemy infront of you chilled for 4 seconds
Epidemic – 20 second recharge rate (lets face it it is pretty strong and right now the only thing that makes necros even playable over other classes), reapplies conditions on enemy for their remaining duration/doubles bleed, confusion and vulnerability
- Plague
Plague of Hunger – Add 3 stacks of Vulnerability to your plague.
Epidemic Outbreak – instantly end plague form to apply all conditions to all enemies inside a 300 radius for 2.5 seconds, can only be cast within 10 seconds of casting plague and after you used each other plague.
Lich Form
Applies Stability and Protection for 30 seconds
Frozen Life – For the next 15 seconds, your source of power applies a aura (260 radius) that chills, poisons and weakens nearby foes, ends when you go out of lich form.
15 second recharge
Marked for Death – Inscribe a mark that makes a foe vulnerable (10 stacks) when they trigger it.
20 second recharge
Mark of Horror – Inscribe a mark that summons nine jagged horrors when a foe triggers it.
25 second recharge
Well of Souls – Well
Boons on enemies get transfered to allies, conditions on allies transfer to enemies, Well of Blood aoe healing pre second effect, Lich gains quickness while in well. Lasts 5 seconds
60 second recharge
(edited by Andele.1306)