Necro Suggestions
I played Guild Wars 1 for 7 yrs in PvE, PvP , competative missions and even Hero battles. Necro was always the anti-Physical class as well as the master of condition manipulation.
The problem with necro in GW 2 is they took all the punishment hexes away from the traditional GW1 necro making mesmer the only class with punishment hexes.
This greatly reduces the role of a necro as necro hexes was anti- physical and mesmer was always anti-caster. With all the bugged or useless traits I would propose the following suggestions in 2 parts.
I would add several punishment skills ( Hexes ) like…
1: Insidious Parasite ( 33% of incoming dmg is converted to Stolen health per attack while hex is in effect 10 sec duration.. 30 sec cooldown).
2: Price of Failure (25% chance to miss. 25% of Dmg done is directed back to attacker while hex is in effect 10 sec duration.. 30 sec cooldown).
3: Spoil Victor (Causes confusion or 100% retaliation 5 sec duration…20 sec cooldown).
4: Barbs (1 additional bleeding 5 sec per attack while hex is in effect 20 sec duration.. 20 sec cooldown ).
5: Defile defenses (1-3 Boon Removal 1 stack bleed self for 5 sec per boon removed. 15 sec cooldown ).
6: Faintheartedness ( 33% reduced attack speed on target 10 sec duration 10 sec cooldown ),
7: Reckless haste ( 25% target increased attack 50% chance to miss 10 sec duration 20 sec cooldown ).
8: Ulcerous Lunge ( cause 3 stack of bleeding when target uses a shout ),
9: Vocal minority ( Deals dmg to target and nearby foes everytime target uses a shout 10 sec duration 20 sec cooldown ).
10: Weaken armor ( applies 10 stack of vulnerability for 10 sec 20 sec recharge ).
11: Virulance [NEW ELITE] ( if target foe is suffering from a condition Apply 3 stacks bleeding 9 sec, poison 7 sec and weakness 10 sec…45 sec cooldown).
Suggested fixes to current skills and traits.
1: parasitic Bond: triple the health gained upon killing a foe.
1: Summon bone minion: change name of putrid explosion to death nova, same effect.
2: Reanimator: Change to summon 1 jagged horror when a foe dies per 5 points in death ( max 5 ). Double their health and add effect causes bleeding for 3 sec on attack.
3: Dark Armor: Change to 33% of dmg you take is diverted to nearest minion.
4: Spiteful Vigor: change to trigger on applied regeneration as well.
5: Deadly Strength: Change to 5% of toughness is converted to increased minion dmg.
6: Death nova: Change name to putrid explosion, change effect to when a minion dies it creates a death nova dealing dmg to nearby foes and applies poison for 3 sec.
7: Ritual of Protection: Change name to Ritual of Curruption. Change effect to wells cause 1 stack of vulnerability for 5 sec per pulse.
1:Ritual mastery: move to curse Major Trait in Grandmaster.
Soul Reaping: Rework this entire trait to be useful.
Utility Skills
1: Change cooldown on all wells to 30-35 sec.
2: Change all signets to 30 sec cooldown except signet of spite which should be 45 sec.
3: Change all spectral skills to 30 seconds cooldown that are already not at 30 sec.
Weapon skills:
1: Putrid Mark: reduce dmg 15% & reduce recharge to 15 sec.
2: Reapers Mark: remove dmg from skill & reduce recharge to 25 sec.
3: Chilblains: reduce recharge to 15 seconds, reduce chill duration 1 sec.
1:Deathly swarm: reduce recharge to 10 sec.
I know these changes to many would seem to be OP however it would put the necro back into its role of not only being the master of condition manipulation,
but also put it back on track as the anti – physical class.