(edited by Joseph.9853)
[Necro] Am I doing this right?
Never tried solider with wells. Seams like you’re trying to do some strange condition, power, bunker hybrid. I don’t recommend running soldiers with anything but MM. The below is what I run.
I’m able to put out plenty of damage in addition to surviving. It’s fine for the minions to pop to a zerg as they’ll just detonate novas on themselves.
If you don’t want minions you should probably go for Dire or Rabid and just do a condition bunker.
I’ve always been told to stay away from Minions when it came to WvW, exception for roaming possibly… So if it works for both zerging AND roaming, definitely willing to take it. I do run MM in PvP with soliders, and it does work miracles for me, so worth a shot trying in WvW.
Still opened to suggestions though! Willing to test out anything.
This is my (very) unorthodox soldier MM build: http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-343Z;1sHkD0s3wI-K0;9;4A89;0047036158;45cW0R;1OZG5OZG56x
Very, very tanky, but I use it to spearhead attacks with my team, particular in Courtyard, because I can take the initial burst of one or two opponents and fight back well. I survive so long that, in that scenario, I rarely get taken out more than once and I’m a giant pain in the kitten the whole time. And I use the same build for roaming in WvW for the same reasons. Take all of it with a grain or two of salt, though, as I’m no expert. Just a quirky player lol
This is my (very) unorthodox soldier MM build: http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-343Z;1sHkD0s3wI-K0;9;4A89;0047036158;45cW0R;1OZG5OZG56x
Very, very tanky, but I use it to spearhead attacks with my team, particular in Courtyard, because I can take the initial burst of one or two opponents and fight back well. I survive so long that, in that scenario, I rarely get taken out more than once and I’m a giant pain in the kitten the whole time. And I use the same build for roaming in WvW for the same reasons. Take all of it with a grain or two of salt, though, as I’m no expert. Just a quirky player lol
Not at all going to get salty (okay maybe a little, lol); just very appreciative I’m getting the advice I should of asked for a long time ago!
You’re gonna find it hard to find a build that suits both WvW zerg and solo roaming. This is mainly because WvW zerg meta asks of specific things out of necros, most importantly, being a power necro with big well bombs. You need to be a Wellmancer with high power and crit to effectively do your job and play your role in a ZvZ situation. You lay your wells of corruption and suffering where the Commanders asks you to, and you play your positioning right as being a power necro in ZvZ is all about positioning.
Being tanky means your bombs simply don’t hurt as much, don’t crit as much, and your minions (if you go that route) will simply melt in red circles of death that’ll be everywhere. Also condi does no good for ZvZ due to the amount of cleanse readily available in any large scale combat situations, not to mention your wells don’t bomb as hard being a condi.
Now on the flip side, condi and MM excel at solo roaming. When you solo roam, you need to be able to take focus damage from any class, because you’re alone and all focus & cc will be on you. Your whole mindset changes, the utility skills you pick will change from thinking aoe to thinking single target, things like corrupt boon become more popular on a roaming build. You definitely want to tank up a bit when solo roaming.
So rather than trying to find a build that works for both ZvZ and solo roaming situations, you best carry 2 suits of armor/weapons, and just swap them when you want to do different things. You won’t find a build that is ideal for both. You could pretend you’ve got a condi or MM build that works well for ZvZ, but you’re selling yourself short and not contributing as well as you could.
If you’re solo roaming, big piece of advice (I figured this out the hard way even though I was somewhat aware anyway:) If you’re fighting someone (my experience was a diamond skin ele) and you have the advantage because of sheer tankiness and golem charges from a flank position, DO NOT EVER FOLLOW THEM NEAR A GATE. Ugh. Fought the guy for a while even with guards mauling me too, but just… Not enough AoE with minions to burn them all or his them all with Unyielding Blast.
So, yeah. Watch for guards is the gist of it lol
So I tried out MM for roaming today, and it does have it’s miracles… just all goes downhill when I had a couple of YB on me… Luckily had some help by, so it wasn’t as bad. I am going to run back and forth between what I have and roaming with wells, and seeing if that plays.
I appreciate everyones suggestion to this point! The one thing I’ll point out is if I can avoid any gear changing, I will: I just forget to easily to remind myself to do whatever. Hopefully they will do gear templates in the future, as I hear a lot talk about that. I’m finally happy they changed it to WvW like how it is with PvP and PvE with traits: they’re all different now, and don’t have to worry changing traits/utilities if I go in and out like I used too..
So, gear changing wouldn’t really be the number one option on my list, but if deems necessary, I’ll reconsider.
I would like to bump this up, as I am still looking for some feedback.
So I gave in and decided to try berserkers gear out with wells; while I did not fully just change everything, my armor/weapons is currently berserker stats, while my trinkets are continuing to be soldiers.
Although I’m not getting the full load from hitting with the wells like I could be, is there something I could still change in regards to builds? Or is what I have no something useful?
I also will mention I will change out scepter for axe in my scepter/warhorn combo, as when I feel it’s needed, but continue to keep staff on main hand.
Hi hi!
I’ve been running with my necro for over a year now, and love every moment of game play on him I can get (yes, I said a necro and favorite). It really has came more and more to mind recently, especially with the 6/23 patch, if I should really be looking into a different gear stat than what I have now.
As of now, I run all soldiers, trinkets and all (except one ring): everything ascended. While I do get my nice run from him if I was doing this all in WvW (soul purpose of it), just feel rather week if I am not in a zerg. If I just 1v1 someone, I can survive for a few minutes, but always end up taking a toll of death: but I just keep rising back up.
So, maybe I’m doing something wrong? Is there a gear-set I should be running? I’m open to suggestions, though it will be hard for me to get away from soldiers, so anything to build around that would be great!
Here is my current build, hope that gives you an idea of what I run: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRQQNAW7djc0Q1N2SD20A/NOsGKZAEyl88kjgMg2CxwIA-TVCBABCu/gWK3QTJIAHEAvUSYp6PM8EAy4CAonuhAAIA38mBAXXjDNAA-w
I do run wells, but willing to change those out.
This guide will change your life!
gavyne pretty much nailed it.
If you are using wells, you are not the front line. You don’t need toughness and vitality, you need precision and ferocity, and to enjoy being part of the wvw meta.
If you are roaming, wells are not the best tool, as they are easily dodgeable. Signets, conditions, and minions work much better, but you would have to choose curses or spite. As a power necro, soldier’s might still be useable (you loose a lot of damage), but for condi you really need condi damage, unless you plan on killing your enemy with their own conditions (works miracles in spvp, don’t know if in wvw people use glasscannon condi builds for roaming).
As for your build, it’s a little weird.
Why would you use the scepter, when you have little to no condition damage? Scepter is underwhelming even in full condi builds…. I think axe or dagger would better suit your style, giving you some burst for when you need it, you do have power as your main stat….
Hi hi!
I’ve been running with my necro for over a year now, and love every moment of game play on him I can get (yes, I said a necro and favorite). It really has came more and more to mind recently, especially with the 6/23 patch, if I should really be looking into a different gear stat than what I have now.
As of now, I run all soldiers, trinkets and all (except one ring): everything ascended. While I do get my nice run from him if I was doing this all in WvW (soul purpose of it), just feel rather week if I am not in a zerg. If I just 1v1 someone, I can survive for a few minutes, but always end up taking a toll of death: but I just keep rising back up.
So, maybe I’m doing something wrong? Is there a gear-set I should be running? I’m open to suggestions, though it will be hard for me to get away from soldiers, so anything to build around that would be great!
Here is my current build, hope that gives you an idea of what I run: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRQQNAW7djc0Q1N2SD20A/NOsGKZAEyl88kjgMg2CxwIA-TVCBABCu/gWK3QTJIAHEAvUSYp6PM8EAy4CAonuhAAIA38mBAXXjDNAA-w
I do run wells, but willing to change those out.
I run a similar build. I recommend using more wells.
I use well of blood and well of power. In WvW, I found WoP great for AoE condi clear in the front line push. I would use Soul Reaping Top, Mid, Mid. DS is your dps form. I’m only not in DS long enough to drop wells, some needed marks, and then staff 1 (which gives 4% LF per hit up to 20% per cast).
Travelers is an interesting choice. I just run Blood Mid Bottom Top and just run with daggers. I try to stack as much power as possible (I run fighter runes), but wurm runes give a significant ferocity buff which is useful with 50% bonus crit in DS. Anyone giving out fury bumps your crit % to 74 without needing a point of precision.
I can say I will use the axe more in this case than what I will the scepter. I am really trying to prepare this character for what we could expect out of the elite specialization (greatsword) for the necros, and was rather told of power.
I did some changing/configuring around with skills/gear, so I will post it here, as well as edit in OP for future readers.
NEW SET-UP HERE: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRQQNBmODbkjGapxaaw6G4wxh1QJDgQ+XnncEkB0WIGmUA-TVSBABZpc7MlgUq+zAHEguUSgnuhj2fYhrAAAPAgAAIA38mBAAA-w
Some changes I did make:
- Armor went from soliders to berserkers, but maintained soldiers on trinkets for some extra survivability.
- Swapped out scepter for axe, as well as focus for warhorn.
- Changed from traveler runes to speed runes (could avert back; did it for the vitality purposes, but travelers may end up being going back too; big purpose is the speed; would rather not go back to a signet, or trait for just speed).
(edited by Joseph.9853)
This is more or less what I use in WvW.
- huge survivability and LF generation
- Perma 25% speed boost
- no issue at all in 1v1 (just use DS and enjoy your 100% crit chance)
- 2 stun breaker
- No need to be skilled just a good understanding on how spectral skills and DS work is needed.
This is more or less what I use in WvW.
- huge survivability and LF generation
- Perma 25% speed boost
- no issue at all in 1v1 (just use DS and enjoy your 100% crit chance)
- 2 stun breaker
- No need to be skilledjust a good understanding on how spectral skills and DS work is needed.
Looked at this one, and saw you do not use a staff; not sure if either weapon set could be replaced by that without the build not working as efficiently, so this one could be a pass on for now. Will definitely give it a try though soon!