This is by far my favorite Necro build. It creates an extremely well rounded toon PLUS it works well with the new changes and upcoming heal (if you can bear to part with your buddy the Blood Fiend)
With just a flip of a few Traits and Skills you can change to a Well Siphon build… not quite as much damage or siphoning, but better for those melee friendly, support heavy fights with blinding and life sucking survival combo fields, stability and condition removal and more damage % through vulnerability for all! ( )
The build and gear choice explain it all, your minions – kill and heal, your crits – kill and heal (so if you’re caught with no minions you’re still generating health)
I went with Bone Minions over Flesh Wurm because each individual minion siphons health (2>1) and they’re a nice AoE when ya blow ‘em up. Bone fiend’s double tail attack also creates 2 siphons for a total of 7 siphons/sec PLUS your crit and hit siphons. Minion health and damage are increased, with recharge rates lowered through traits. 6 Minions are also 6 sources of condition removal via Fetid Consumption which I chose over Siphon Mastery because I feel as though it has a better effective healing level – but can also swap out for condition-light fights for 20% more siphon damage and healing. All this benefit from minions without even using their abilities yet!
With constant healing and condition removal staying above 90% health for both Scholar Runes and Blood Magic 25 is a breeze – it’s like Scholar runes were made for this build. Blood Magic 25 combined with the siphon damage from crits and hits more than makes up the power difference between Berzerker (the very popular) and Assassin’s gear. With Blood Magic 25 and Death into Life you get a nice healing bonus for your siphons which does (however slight) effect their healing (Going from full Magi stat gear (Prec, Vit, HP) to full Assassins only decreased healing per siphon by ~20).
I took Spite III as a fail safe to help keep my health over 90%, but you can switch it out if you like something better.
I chose the Axe for range, auto attack vulnerability and the multiple hits of Ghastly Claws, alongside the Warhorn for tiny Locust crit and hit siphons and to daze my foe and high tail it out of there in case I need to increase my range from my enemy. The 3&5 of the Axe/Focus combo along with Bone Minion explosions make for a nice AoE burst. I went with Dagger for the quick strikes and health siphon with a second immobilize in case they think they can run away from me, alongside the focus for a vulnerability and regen to bounce to myself for added health and a nice chill to reduce frequency of damage from skill attacks and to slow them down in case they still try to get away!
High Damage, High Health Regen, Automatic Condition Removal – could you ask for anything more?
Minion Tips:
Need to put them away for a minute? WP or take any form changing elixir! (like the ones you get from running dungeons) and “poof!” they’re gone!
Making a run past NPC’s? Send one in to blind, another to immobilize and never underestimate the Flesh Golem wrecking ball – point and laugh at your enemy on their backs as you run by! Let them keep the NPC’s occupied and your party safe, then when you get to your safe spot – pop an elixir to kill your minions and reset the npc’s if necessary.
(edited by Heithinn.6508)