Necro Minion fix ideas

Necro Minion fix ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: galhalean.7380


This might not be the best stated (or written) set of ideas but here it goes..

So one of the biggest complaints is the AI of the minions ( don’t worry I won’t go on about this as it has been stated many times). The only thing I will state is the goal I would like to see is not having the same control of the minions as the ranger has to their pet, but to have the minions attack only what the necro is attacking and not wonder as they sometimes do. In addition, the minion will ONLY attack targets the necro is actively attacking even if the minion itself is being attacked. So this means if the minion aggros something then it will not attack until the necro acknowledges the target and attacks. This should help with balancing and help stop the accidental aggro that commonly happens with minions.

Okay with that out of the way I would like to know what everyone thinks about this!

So the 2nd(ish) biggest thing I hear complaints about is the jagged horrors (trait and lich elite). I think they can be fixed (apart from AI issues) by having them not tick health away but to have a certain amount of hits (so for the sake of examples every where lets say 3). So when the minion is summoned they get to use 3 hits and after hitting something they will lose a percent of health (by the way I’m saying we keep their health pools to around that of an illusion) proportionate to the number of hits. Now if you kept track, the jagged horror is summoned with (let’s say) 300 health, sweet right? But when it hits a target it is ticked for 100 health leaving them with 200 health. So ( I know I love the word So) when it is hit by someone it will naturally have less hits and if the health is below the tick of damage the hit will still go through (that way it still does something either dealing 3 hits or taking some damage, either way it’s still useful.

Now what if someone builds up 1000 horrors or something right? Well no… if the AI works like I stated above then they have to attack so they will tick down and die without getting too many horrors. I still say it should deal bleed on hit but I would like to see it go to 2 stacks up from 1.

I hope this isn’t too mind numbing and that I’m not beating a dead horse too much.
Let me know what you think!!