Necro Optimized

Necro Optimized

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aazen.9340


So. I went and leveled a Necro, got him decked out in all Prec/Tough/Con damage. I’m in love with the staff, I kind of want to go Master of Marks. Question is, am I geared for it? How do I spec for it? And what should be my other set of weapons other than staff? Utitlties? Any useful info would be great.

This would be a setup for just about any situation with minor changes as needed. Thanks!

I’m only here to see how the story unfolds. Any self respecting leading man would do the same.
Steam Legion [PUNK]

Necro Optimized

in Necromancer

Posted by: knbBlackTemplar.3059


Scepter should be main weapon for condition necro. Thats all.

80’s: Sylvari Necromancer (Main). Human: Thief, Warrior (PvP Main), Engineer. Charr Guardian

Necro Optimized

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aenema of State.6893

Aenema of State.6893

Take this and play around with it. You can utilize the staff more, but scepter def takes the cake on condi builds

Sea Of Sorrows

Necro Optimized

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Scepter will be your main weapon in any condition build. Staff is pretty much never your main weapon unless you are going for a full defensive build; its a utility/defense weapon.

I wouldn’t suggest traiting it much for PvE either, except at most 20% CDs.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Necro Optimized

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


Long story short, you can main staff but you wanna go hybrid with it.
So unless you want to keep your full rabid gear, this might be what you’re looking for
This guy asked me a few questions about my build recently
we continued a rather lenghty discussion via pms, if you’re interested I might share some of it here.