Necro Patch Notes - 12-10-13
What happened to strength of undeath getting buffed? Was that just left out of the patch notes or did they decide not to do it?
They nerfed the last good thing about a condition necromancer in PvP… now we are just bad at everything when it comes to PvP.
My faith in ArenaNet is now gone… and everyone that knows me, knows how much i praised this company and what it has done, and what i thought is trying to do…
Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.
What happened to strength of undeath getting buffed? Was that just left out of the patch notes or did they decide not to do it?
I don’t believe that trait was ever discussed as being buffed.
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –
It was somewhere but its not on the main thread so im officially confused. They were supposed to be normalising traits to be equal across tiers so a 25 pt minor should definately be 10%. Oh well guess this will delay my guide until i can work out if its still worth changing the traits. :/
So few changes compared to every one else and it’s all bad stuff or worthless. How they can do this to necromancers over and over again is a puzzle to me.
Lol, 25 skill points for a “heal” that is worse than EVERYTHING we already have…
I bought the skill so you don’t have to:
The initial post is entirely opinion-free.
I bought the skill so you don’t have to: initial post is entirely opinion-free.
Pathetic excuse of a “heal”
Just absurd. Compare how many changes we got compared to the other classes. Even bug fixes – there are A LOT of bugs with our class..
why is weaking shroud 2 sec? 2 sec are useless…
Thanks, ANet, for helping me to let this game go. You are continually working to F over the Necromancer class and you have finally succeeded.
/signing off until…well…who knows, maybe forever!
Tjegra: 80 Norn Necromancer
Mefitic: OTW to 80 Asura Necromancer
• Curses IV—Enfeeble: Decreased the weakness duration to 2 seconds. Decreased the bleeding to 1 stack and 6 seconds. Removed the cooldown.
This is insulting… i feel insulted by this, 2 seconds is something trolls / noobs that you own in PvP would say while raging. I can’t believe this is real… maybe it should have been 1 second… to make sure no one will ever take that trait again…
PS: they gave us damage, when we asked for attrition and survivability vs focus fire… and now… now they nerfed our damage so many times, that we actually have less damage then before “the buffs”… especially if you chose not to use Dhuumfire…
Killed all build diversity… killed the class…
I’m out…
Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.
(edited by Nemesis.8593)
I thought they where supposed to just increase the cooldown on Curses IV, which I agreed since it had lower cooldown than Enfeebling Blood itself… what is this Enfeeble bullkitten? Enfeebling Blood on DS is how I used to respond to thief d/d burst, now I’m sooo dead!
I just saw a vid of a necro vs a diamond skin ele......I felt sick watching it.
well I am disappointed. the new healing skill already was depressing compared to the rest of the new skills.
rant inc
I can’t really call the change to weakening shroud a nerf, they just outright made it worthless! 2 seconds of weakness? 1 bleed stack? lol? is that a joke? this used to be one of our main tools to applying weakness and burst stack bleeds. really making the trait’s cd higher or matching the actual skill’s cd would have been acceptable.
looking at mesmer’s Chaos V alone makes me laugh at how pathetic our current weakening shroud is.
Aaaand hey look a nerf to MoB? lol? really? why? like really? why destroy our ability to stacks bleeds? so all condimancers are forced into speccing for burning? something engis get at master tier while we have to go all the way to grandmaster? bullkitten!
I guess Anet is telling us to re-roll mesmer, put on new healing signet and run PU/Phant thus becoming the new warriors or switch back to power builds.
at least I took a week to get accustomed to my power build again in case bleed stacking ability takes a hit.
if even Nemesis has lost faith in Anet’s ability to improve condition necromancers then there is not much I could say to improve morale
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
• Curses IV—Enfeeble: Decreased the weakness duration to 2 seconds. Decreased the bleeding to 1 stack and 6 seconds. Removed the cooldown.
This is insulting… i feel insulted by this, 2 seconds is something trolls / noobs from you own in PvP would say while raging. I can’t believe this is real… maybe it should have been 1 second… to make sure no one will ever take that trait again…
here, for some reason they always take 50% increased condition duration and shorter DS-recharge into account when talking about weakening shroud.
I just saw a vid of a necro vs a diamond skin ele……I felt sick watching it.
it’s not like everyone and their mothers knew already what a terrible idea such a trait is.
Gunnar’s Hold
the weakening shroud nerf hit us hard (2sec for gods sake is no enough)
Chin up, guys. At least they buffed reanimator!
I am so done with this kittening game.
This is how the Weakening Shroud nerf evolved:
1. Initial proposal was to increase the CD to match the /D skillfact—the Devs felt that Necros had too good an uptime on Weakness.
2. (Rightful) complaints about the change turning WS into a RNG skill.
3. Devs conceded the change was misguided, instead removed the ICD and decreased the duration and stacks of Bleed/Weakness.
4. When (rightful) complaints came this time, they were shot down by good ol’ Jon saying, “With 100% ConD duration and Near to Death, this is a 57% uptime on AoE Weakness, which is borderline OP.”
So there you have it: A trait balanced around an incredibly specific situation (I’m unaware of any build that has both 100% ConD duration AND NtD), and then called OP in that incredibly specific situation.
Never mind that a Thief with a SB can maintain perma-Weakness with 15 traitpoints and SB’s own self-combos.
But hey, we Necros get to sit on the bench with the Thiefs and commiserate. You know—the whole misery and company thing.
The weakening Shroud change was actually what the necro community requested: a smaller effect, but actually on-demand. Now, that said, ANet grossly overestimated the weakness uptime from this triat, so they made it pretty close to worthless. At 3 seconds base, I would have been all right with it.
i think arena net is actualy hammering down the condimancer so to push necro back to minion master wich they likely feel underused. Necro is about multi stacking pets. Altrought curse are cute necro has a lot of other spec.
I for myself am pleased with the upgrade to reanimator altrought i wish they reduced it to 5 second cooldown instead (minion army eheheheeh)
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
So…. ok they post these changes like 2 months ago to take a look at our opinions and after all our criticization they told themselves oh it should be good, no? Are they THAT handcuffed or just stup…?
So…. ok they post these changes like 2 months ago to take a look at our opinions and after all our criticization they told themselves oh it should be good, no? Are they THAT handcuffed or just stup…?
My thoughts as well… its nice they had the month+ time to think over our comments and suggestions and come up with a nice middle ground.
• Curses IV—Enfeeble: Decreased the weakness duration to 2 seconds. Decreased the bleeding to 1 stack and 6 seconds. Removed the cooldown.
This is insulting… i feel insulted by this, 2 seconds is something trolls / noobs that you own in PvP would say while raging. I can’t believe this is real… maybe it should have been 1 second… to make sure no one will ever take that trait again…
PS: they gave us damage, when we asked for attrition and survivability vs focus fire… and now… now they nerfed our damage so many times, that we actually have less damage then before “the buffs”… especially if you chose not to use Dhuumfire…
Killed all build diversity… killed the class…
I’m out…
Cheer up, Nemesis. In a couple of months they’ll give us a super laser that kills all players instantly in a 900 radius.. They’ll also remove the condition transfer from deathly swarm though.
why it looks like they always nerf all playable builds to force players to grind new armor/weapon sets…… tyvm Anet,after this ******** 4 guilds in our ally decided move to another games and never to buy any of your products, gratz to losing cca 700+ paying customers. (sry for bad grammar)
They’ll also remove the condition transfer from deathly swarm though.
But they won’t say it in patch notes, it’ll be reported for 3 months as a bug, and in March we’ll get a patch note saying “Working as Intended.”
That was one of the main reason when we got focused it helped soooo much. Weakness is a powerful condition. ALL NECROS get focused because we have no MOBILITY SKILLS.
Time to level a mesmer because seems like mesmers can now do a way better job with conditions and have mobility while having a ton of kittening clones.
Rank 80 sPvP
Champion Phantom
(edited by Prophet.1038)
good ol’ Jon saying, “With 100% ConD duration and Near to Death, this is a 57% uptime on AoE Weakness, which is borderline OP.”
So there you have it: A trait balanced around an incredibly specific situation (I’m unaware of any build that has both 100% ConD duration AND NtD), and then called OP in that incredibly specific situation.
Anetards assumption: 57% uptime
Realistic max. uptime for condition necros: 35% uptime
Realistic max. uptime for power necro: 20~40% uptime
2.x seconds… there’s quite the huge chance that none of the attacks in that window will even be affected by the weakness.
Necros needed nerfs Nemesis. We never should of been buffed in the first place except for maybe some LF generation/sustain. Now its debatable if the way they nerfed us is the right way, but either way we are fine. If you think this killed condi then you still don’t grasp the class.
Twitter- @ZombifyGW2
There isn’t anything to discuss about. Anets argumentation is built on an air bubble that we would center our entire build around ONE trait or skill. Since this isn’t viable because we would lack in every other aspect of a fight then, the air bubble pops and Anets argument is invalid. Case closed.
Hmm. I thought they were going to change Dhuumfire and Terror to be within same tier and same trait line? What happened to it as it was a good suggestion?
Eh. If anet insists that Necros are supposed to be glass cannons then I guess that’s what I have to play. I guess it’s time to swap to that 30 spite and at least 20 curses.
Considering how squishy necros are I need to be able to kill foes faster than they can kill me.
I think i’m done with this game. Tired of Anet walking on eggshells regarding necro balance.
No Build variety. More recycled content(oops living story). No more more time and money from me Anet.
Necros needed nerfs Nemesis. We never should of been buffed in the first place except for maybe some LF generation/sustain. Now its debatable if the way they nerfed us is the right way, but either way we are fine. If you think this killed condi then you still don’t grasp the class.
Can i try to kill you with a friend ?… I promise you will die in 15 seconds and you can not escape… then you bring a friend, and try to kill my friend… he will ALWAYS escape you.
But of course… Necromancers are still OP, yet no one plays them in tournaments.. or if they do they die all over the place.
I have yet to see a necromancer kill stuff in tournaments… and i have watched those that were made with great interest…
And another thing… we are now worse then we were back before the “balancing” started. We got Dhuumfire which later was nerfed and made almost useless… we also got nerf on staff bleeds, on enfeebling bloodon, on terror and something was said to have been done to signet of spite…
1 buff to damage / 4 nerfs to damage… + meanwhile condition removals have been buffed = we are now worse then we were before…
Surely you see that… you have to see that… you can’t be that blind…
The only reason why you continue to say that necromancers are ok as they are now, or the nerfs were needed, is because in your PvP experience… maybe team play… you frequently focus fire > kill other opponents while your team protects you from focus fire. Those opponents are usually less skilled then you… after all, aren’t you like the PvP person… few are as skilled as you… you always kill people but never at the same skill level.
Doesn’t matter… going to play a few other classes until Elder Scrolls online comes out…
It’s not just the balance… it’s the recicled content delivered way too frequently… i keep making videos asking for the content to be delivered less frequent – higher quality…
All in vain…
Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.
(edited by Nemesis.8593)
<whispers> I’m with you there.I for myself am pleased with the upgrade to reanimator altrought i wish they reduced it to 5 second cooldown instead (minion army eheheheeh)
Necros needed nerfs Nemesis. We never should of been buffed in the first place except for maybe some LF generation/sustain. Now its debatable if the way they nerfed us is the right way, but either way we are fine. If you think this killed condi then you still don’t grasp the class.
Can i try to kill you with a friend ?… I promise you will die in 15 seconds and you can not escape… then you bring a friend, and try to kill my friend… he will ALWAYS escape you.
But of course… Necromancers are still OP, yet no one plays them in tournaments.. or if they do they die all over the place.
I have yet to see a necromancer kill stuff in tournaments… and i have watched those that were made with great interest…
You haven’t watched me enough then ;P I have been in almost every major tournament (except this very last one since i quit) so part of that statement is false. I promise you we will still be fine. If i had it my way, id revert us back prior to the dhuumfire patch. hell even prior to the terror patch. I still had great success then when we were “nonviable”
Twitter- @ZombifyGW2
Necros needed nerfs Nemesis. We never should of been buffed in the first place except for maybe some LF generation/sustain. Now its debatable if the way they nerfed us is the right way, but either way we are fine. If you think this killed condi then you still don’t grasp the class.
Can i try to kill you with a friend ?… I promise you will die in 15 seconds and you can not escape… then you bring a friend, and try to kill my friend… he will ALWAYS escape you.
But of course… Necromancers are still OP, yet no one plays them in tournaments.. or if they do they die all over the place.
I have yet to see a necromancer kill stuff in tournaments… and i have watched those that were made with great interest…You haven’t watched me enough then ;P I have been in almost every major tournament (except this very last one since i quit) so part of that statement is false. I promise you we will still be fine. If i had it my way, id revert us back prior to the dhuumfire patch. hell even prior to the terror patch. I still had great success then when we were “nonviable”
I’ve watched alot of your tournaments, are you saying you were not being the first person to get focused? Because WE always are the first ones to get focused. 2 Reasons our mobility sucks kitten, we can’t medicate enough damage now that we don’t have the weakness to reduce the damage. Our downstate should honestly just be considered a double down.
Rank 80 sPvP
Champion Phantom
Necros needed nerfs Nemesis. We never should of been buffed in the first place except for maybe some LF generation/sustain. Now its debatable if the way they nerfed us is the right way, but either way we are fine. If you think this killed condi then you still don’t grasp the class.
Can i try to kill you with a friend ?… I promise you will die in 15 seconds and you can not escape… then you bring a friend, and try to kill my friend… he will ALWAYS escape you.
But of course… Necromancers are still OP, yet no one plays them in tournaments.. or if they do they die all over the place.
I have yet to see a necromancer kill stuff in tournaments… and i have watched those that were made with great interest…You haven’t watched me enough then ;P I have been in almost every major tournament (except this very last one since i quit) so part of that statement is false. I promise you we will still be fine. If i had it my way, id revert us back prior to the dhuumfire patch. hell even prior to the terror patch. I still had great success then when we were “nonviable”
I’ve watched alot of your tournaments, are you saying you were not being the first person to get focused? Because WE always are the first ones to get focused. 2 Reasons our mobility sucks kitten, we can’t medicate enough damage now that we don’t have the weakness to reduce the damage. Our downstate should honestly just be considered a double down.
Oh hi Prophet. I remember you from when i was still on SOR. No that is not what i am saying at all. Our damage needed a nerf. Our survivability wasn’t touched this patch. And those 2 problems can be fixed with good positioning. You literally can make it hell for the other team if they want to try to switch to you. Now yes we are really easy focus targets if we get out of position and it does suck.
Edit: I caught myself. Our survive was changed in terms of the weakness nerf on enfeeble. You can still play around it though.
Twitter- @ZombifyGW2
(edited by Infect.2738)
Necros needed nerfs Nemesis. We never should of been buffed in the first place except for maybe some LF generation/sustain. Now its debatable if the way they nerfed us is the right way, but either way we are fine. If you think this killed condi then you still don’t grasp the class.
Can i try to kill you with a friend ?… I promise you will die in 15 seconds and you can not escape… then you bring a friend, and try to kill my friend… he will ALWAYS escape you.
But of course… Necromancers are still OP, yet no one plays them in tournaments.. or if they do they die all over the place.
I have yet to see a necromancer kill stuff in tournaments… and i have watched those that were made with great interest…You haven’t watched me enough then ;P I have been in almost every major tournament (except this very last one since i quit) so part of that statement is false. I promise you we will still be fine. If i had it my way, id revert us back prior to the dhuumfire patch. hell even prior to the terror patch. I still had great success then when we were “nonviable”
I’ve watched alot of your tournaments, are you saying you were not being the first person to get focused? Because WE always are the first ones to get focused. 2 Reasons our mobility sucks kitten, we can’t medicate enough damage now that we don’t have the weakness to reduce the damage. Our downstate should honestly just be considered a double down.
Oh hi Prophet. I remember you from when i was still on SOR
. No that is not what i am saying at all. Our damage needed a nerf. Our survivability wasn’t touched this patch. And those 2 problems can be fixed with good positioning. You literally can make it hell for the other team if they want to try to switch to you. Now yes we are really easy focus targets if we get out of position and it does suck.
Edit: I caught myself. Our survive was changed in terms of the weakness nerf on enfeeble. You can still play around it though.
I like the fact that you say “use positioning” vs invisible enemies… hmmm… let’s say a thief + mesmer – MOA… let me try to explain what is going to happen…
They appear… your disappear…
Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.
Being the first person focused doesn’t make the class bad.
No but being entirely incapable of countering that focus unlike every other class in the game does. A focused necromancer is a dead necromancer. Our superb condition damage was meant to compensate for that glaring weakness but that no longer holds up.
…we want the necromancers to focus on sustaining themselves through the use of death shroud, health siphoning, and slowing down their opponent’s ability to act.
So we have to assume that Anet doesn’t want necros doing damage (or considerable damage). Apparently, they want the necromancer is dedicated to hold, curiously given no access to stability, the poor scalability with healing power, long colddowns and cast times… Imho necromancer is a broken class compared with the play style that GW2 requires.
I’m considering to leave GW2 and wait for TESO or WS…
Necros needed nerfs Nemesis. We never should of been buffed in the first place except for maybe some LF generation/sustain. Now its debatable if the way they nerfed us is the right way, but either way we are fine. If you think this killed condi then you still don’t grasp the class.
Can i try to kill you with a friend ?… I promise you will die in 15 seconds and you can not escape… then you bring a friend, and try to kill my friend… he will ALWAYS escape you.
But of course… Necromancers are still OP, yet no one plays them in tournaments.. or if they do they die all over the place.
I have yet to see a necromancer kill stuff in tournaments… and i have watched those that were made with great interest…You haven’t watched me enough then ;P I have been in almost every major tournament (except this very last one since i quit) so part of that statement is false. I promise you we will still be fine. If i had it my way, id revert us back prior to the dhuumfire patch. hell even prior to the terror patch. I still had great success then when we were “nonviable”
I’ve watched alot of your tournaments, are you saying you were not being the first person to get focused? Because WE always are the first ones to get focused. 2 Reasons our mobility sucks kitten, we can’t medicate enough damage now that we don’t have the weakness to reduce the damage. Our downstate should honestly just be considered a double down.
Oh hi Prophet. I remember you from when i was still on SOR
. No that is not what i am saying at all. Our damage needed a nerf. Our survivability wasn’t touched this patch. And those 2 problems can be fixed with good positioning. You literally can make it hell for the other team if they want to try to switch to you. Now yes we are really easy focus targets if we get out of position and it does suck.
Edit: I caught myself. Our survive was changed in terms of the weakness nerf on enfeeble. You can still play around it though.
I like the fact that you say “use positioning” vs invisible enemies… hmmm… let’s say a thief + mesmer – MOA… let me try to explain what is going to happen…
They appear… your disappear…
Do you have any idea what would happen if 2 squishy classes like that opened on me in a high tier setting (openning in terms of them over extending with an invis while their team is playing standard)? they would die. They would be so vulnerable to a swap by my team it wouldn’t even be funny. ESPECIALLY if the mesmer slots moa and not mass invis.
With that being said, positioning does fix a lot of this. Good positioning forces the enemy to have to get into a bad position. Playing in high tier, good teams take advantage of this all the time. Now maybe we could use a few more quality of life changes, but the counter pressure we have is too much. Especially with how easy it is to apply.
The whole point of my post is to say that condi necro wont die from these changes. Its getting phased out of the meta due to power creeping of other classes (warrior, ele with the new diamond skin). Thats what you should be worried about.
Twitter- @ZombifyGW2
My worry is that the nerf to Enfeebling Blood is absolutely going to kill my berserker necro. It was the main source of defense for this build and I can only imagine how quickly I will get burst down now.
My worry is that the nerf to Enfeebling Blood is absolutely going to kill my berserker necro. It was the main source of defense for this build and I can only imagine how quickly I will get burst down now.
That is a legitimate worry for sure. I too used enfeebling for defensive purposes when i ran power. Still need to test out how the new death into life scaling with power. May make up for it. Probably not haha
Twitter- @ZombifyGW2
I’m done with necro also, gonna retire the creature and bury it 6 feet under! There just isn’t no point no longer.
My worry is that the nerf to Enfeebling Blood is absolutely going to kill my berserker necro. It was the main source of defense for this build and I can only imagine how quickly I will get burst down now.
That is a legitimate worry for sure. I too used enfeebling for defensive purposes when i ran power. Still need to test out how the new death into life scaling with power. May make up for it. Probably not haha
Yeah, I am trying to think of another way to keep my defense up in the power build and am thinking I will probably have to run well of darkness (which I already run for the stomp) as well as signet of spite to get a little more weakness and a blind on the foe.
I dont think I will swap out weakening shroud yet, primarily so that I do have SOME weakness available on demand for clutch situations. I may end up having to take near to death to make it viable though which I would rather not have to do :/
As I started getting into WvW, ranger wasn’t working for me. Long heard neighboring shouts that necro was in a bad way, but I saw potential and invested time/gear, learned it and followed discussion/updates.
Boy, did I bet on the wrong horse.
My understanding held that necros were the premiere condi pressure/damage class, among other viable builds/mechanics. Yet as I’ve grown with the class it continues that devs feel we do conditions too well.
By itself that’s perplexing (especially given the meta), yet with no practical or substantial changes to improve other areas, reinvigorate skills or lay trait roadmaps that would open doors to new potential, there are only so many conclusions that can be drawn; none of them are encouraging to begin or continue playing this class (unless you’re happy with it and don’t look forward to improvements, then by all means this seems the place to be).
Making WXP account-bound may be shaping up to be some better news of this period: Anet will be giving us WvWers the open door to pick a different profession. I’m not so cynical that I believe it’s being encouraged, but if you actually believe necro is in a better place today than it was last week then maybe you need to be more cynical.
Necros needed nerfs Nemesis. We never should of been buffed in the first place except for maybe some LF generation/sustain. Now its debatable if the way they nerfed us is the right way, but either way we are fine. If you think this killed condi then you still don’t grasp the class.
Can i try to kill you with a friend ?… I promise you will die in 15 seconds and you can not escape… then you bring a friend, and try to kill my friend… he will ALWAYS escape you.
But of course… Necromancers are still OP, yet no one plays them in tournaments.. or if they do they die all over the place.
I have yet to see a necromancer kill stuff in tournaments… and i have watched those that were made with great interest…You haven’t watched me enough then ;P I have been in almost every major tournament (except this very last one since i quit) so part of that statement is false. I promise you we will still be fine. If i had it my way, id revert us back prior to the dhuumfire patch. hell even prior to the terror patch. I still had great success then when we were “nonviable”
I’ve watched alot of your tournaments, are you saying you were not being the first person to get focused? Because WE always are the first ones to get focused. 2 Reasons our mobility sucks kitten, we can’t medicate enough damage now that we don’t have the weakness to reduce the damage. Our downstate should honestly just be considered a double down.
Oh hi Prophet. I remember you from when i was still on SOR
. No that is not what i am saying at all. Our damage needed a nerf. Our survivability wasn’t touched this patch. And those 2 problems can be fixed with good positioning. You literally can make it hell for the other team if they want to try to switch to you. Now yes we are really easy focus targets if we get out of position and it does suck.
Edit: I caught myself. Our survive was changed in terms of the weakness nerf on enfeeble. You can still play around it though.
I like the fact that you say “use positioning” vs invisible enemies… hmmm… let’s say a thief + mesmer – MOA… let me try to explain what is going to happen…
They appear… your disappear…
Do you have any idea what would happen if 2 squishy classes like that opened on me in a high tier setting (openning in terms of them over extending with an invis while their team is playing standard)? they would die. They would be so vulnerable to a swap by my team it wouldn’t even be funny. ESPECIALLY if the mesmer slots moa and not mass invis.
With that being said, positioning does fix a lot of this. Good positioning forces the enemy to have to get into a bad position. Playing in high tier, good teams take advantage of this all the time. Now maybe we could use a few more quality of life changes, but the counter pressure we have is too much. Especially with how easy it is to apply.
The whole point of my post is to say that condi necro wont die from these changes. Its getting phased out of the meta due to power creeping of other classes (warrior, ele with the new diamond skin). Thats what you should be worried about.
Hold on… let me see if i understand this right… if two “squishy” classes open up like that on you, they will die… You’ll kill them both ?… CHALLENGE ACCEPTED
But in all seriousness… you would survive because of your team, not because of your class, or you as a player… as experienced as you are…
Do you ever lose 1v1s ?… I’m certain that you will lose most 1v2s without the chance to escape… i am also certain that when you focus fire an elementalist or mesmer or thief… they’ll just leave…
Everything you are saying comes from the perspective of outskilling your opponents…
What if they “outposition you”… what if you who opens at the wrong time… do you have a chance to reset fight and try again ?
Do you not get ping-ponged when focus fired like the rest of us ?…
I respect you as a skilled player, but not what you are saying… you don’t have more stability then us, you don’t have more mobility then the rest of us… unless you play a “special custom” necromancer, which i am sure you don’t…
So you still can fall victim to what we fall victim… and what you are saying against this is “well… don’t fall victim”… yeah…
I play a game so i kill people half my skill level, and call it balance… fun…
Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.
Ok let me stop you before you get ahead of yourself or misunderstand what i am saying- This game is balanced around TEAM PLAY, Nemesis. Anything i mentioned was with that in mind. At no point am i talking about duels, 1v2s etc. So yes, if 2 glass classes decided to open on me in a pvp enviroment where i am running with a team, they probably will die (no im not 1v2ing them assuming they are of equal skill).
Now if you want to talk about a wvw instance, im pretty sure most classes would die to a double invis opener assuming skill is equal again lol.
And no im not playing some custom special necro or i am some God :P I just think i play the class with a more efficient/different playstyle that works for me and has worked out for all the teams i’ve played with. This class has ALWAYS been about good positioning since the nerfs in beta 2. You don’t have many escapes, then try to minimize the scenarios that you would need them. I too do die at times but i feel i stay up pretty consistently in tournaments
Twitter- @ZombifyGW2
(edited by Infect.2738)