Necro Pet Tanking
Not sure how well bear tanks. But you can have up to 6 minions which will give you a lot of HP, considering the average is about 10k HP + 50% when traited, and + 71(ish)% extra in PvE. Blood Fiend and Flesh Golem both have base 13 instead of 10k.
OK, thanks! Do any of the pets get an active taunt ability?
Nope. But some of their skills will surely attract the enemy… IF they attack.
To be fair, whenever I use the minions, they normally get the enemy attention…
@ Sorrow’s Furnace (VE)
They can’t force aggro, but they tend to get it anyway. Just let them melee and use a ranged weapon if you need them to get aggro.
Yeah, enemy AI REALLY seems to hate minions (especially the Bone Fiend) and tend to target them above you in almost all situations.
Mind you, there are certain enemies that seem programmed to go for YOU above all costs (like a lot of Risen), so you’ll need to watch out for those.