It’s hard work being a necro. This is the main thing I’d like to get across. If you’re along side a very tight-nit team over the mic and everyone is peeling for you and holding your hand and catering to your needs then you can go pro for sure :P. But when you dive into the deep end alone even with plenty of experience the hammers will come down on you.
It’s really really tough being a necro. Reasons:
1. No stability: Other classes enjoy the freedom and option of having stability. Stomping when they please. Resing when they need to. Avoiding nasty pitfall grabs in nasty little troll maps. Solid gold. Cant be shook. That means necros have to work 10x as hard evading, timing everything, and just being on their toes. If not, enjoy the ride.
2. Lifeforce build-up: Thieves, mesmers and rangers enjoy the luxury that is stealth without the need to put in any kind of work to earn it. They can hop in and out freely, make mistakes, and not feel that threatened. Guardians, engineers, warriors mesmers all enjoy their invulnerability without care. No need to actually do something to become immune to everthing that hits you for a time. Just gotta wait somewhere while it resets. Blocks, vigor, and all the other good perks are theirs for the popping. WE have to work for our extra defense. Which actually really really sucks lol.
3. No mobility: So unlike every other class in the game, when we’re in a fight, we’re pretty much not leaving until you die or the enemy decides to leave by avenue of all those buffs stated above. So.. we cant just leave. Maybe if we use a wurm but that’s not reliable. It really isn’t. So we’re meant for fighting. So why do we get thrown around like a rag doll? Who knows..
4 Hard ****ing work: Since every other class is going invis, throwing clones around, spamming their stuns and knockdowns/knockbacks our way. Constantly regenerating, cleansing (passively even), hitting us with their fury crits, jumping in every direction either by dashing or shadowsteping or just teleporting, and doing all the fun stuff we can’t, we have to do the work. We have to not make mistakes. We have to find the real mesmer, find the thief, reserve our precious stun-breakers for dire moments, evade as much cc that comes our way as possible, and pretty much do everything lol. While they smash spams like they’re playing hungry hungry hippos.
Necro’s are the enemy of every other class. lol They are all designed with specific intent to be able to combat a necro successfully. We on the other hand are susceptible to every class since they all have something we cant defend. Whether it be CC, high mobility or whatever. They have the stuff to beat us. They all good friends lol. It’s us vs them XD
I swear when they made necros they didnt really think of them as necros. Other classes they saw what they were supposed to be and showered them with all the fun stuff they could think of to accommodate it’s theme. Thieves can go stealth.. well lets give them as much freaking stealth as we can possibly crap into their skills sets. Mesmer clones and stealth… same thing. I won’t go over all of them lol
Necros… When you think of necro’s (or at least when I do) I think vampires, liches, other dark strong and powerful dudes. Not a rag doll. I can’t remember the last book I read or even movie (especially movie) I’ve seen where the vampire get’s slapped around like a ball. Tossed around. Back and forth.
Or, I cant remember when a vampire or any dark spellcasting figure was flabbergasted when somebody went invisible.
Or, I cant remember them siphoning life worse than some holy paladin guy.
Or, I cant remember when a necromancer couldnt’ raise the dead XDDD. ( im just picking on em IDC so much about the process but many do)
I cant recall when a vampire was slow and sluggish. Falling on his face. Durrrrr. Or when a necromancer needed to fight other people as if they were the villain. Wondering where they went. Figuring out how to survive. I understand it’s a game and everyone should have to do those things… (and i would say that again to assert that idea to all classes that didnt follow suit) but honestly. We have to work so freaking hard. Everyone else is zipping around, taking blasts of hammers to the face and not flinching, and we’re like the opposite lol.
Us and them people. XD