Necro - WvW roaming - V.14

Necro - WvW roaming - V.14

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Some post patch roaming content, using the new traits from curses and the changed version of Dhuumfire. The build did not drastically change for me, but I did swap around some sigils with the new changes around their cooldowns.

Sigil of Frailty is my new favorite to be sure. The lack of cooldown means it can proc, and does proc all the time. It serves as a really nice way to cover bleeding now that burning is not auto-proccing for coverage. The extra coverage (at least in my opinion), is significantly better than extra bleeds from Earth.

Comments and questions welcome about the build and the playstyle.

Necro - WvW roaming - V.14

in Necromancer

Posted by: JimiHaze.8701


Is there a reason you choose to still use Dhuumfire over Parasitic Contagion? I’ve been playing around with PC for a little while now after the patch and it seems phenomenal.

Necro - WvW roaming - V.14

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Is there a reason you choose to still use Dhuumfire over Parasitic Contagion? I’ve been playing around with PC for a little while now after the patch and it seems phenomenal.

For two reasons:

1. To show it is still a really strong trait.

2. I don’t like PC very much. When I need healing, I need way more than it can provide, and when I don’t need healing it doesn’t do anything for me.

The times PC really pays off are after a really strong epidemic. At that time, generally people are going to be dropping, running, but not beating my face in, yet that is the only time PC will be healing me for anything worthwhile.

The rest of the time it is like a worse siphon trait, that deals no damage.

Granted I have not given it a fair shake yet, because I wanted to build for Dhummfire first after the patch, and have only dabbled in it, but the new dhummfire is a lot like terror… it is controlled burst, and giving that up for situational healing is a tough sell.

Also I roam with a healer… so there is that to consider. Without him, the extra healing might be better, but I have found the “sustain game” on necro never pans out the way you want it to in outnumbered fights.

Necro - WvW roaming - V.14

in Necromancer

Posted by: bobo.3098


your build looks super interesting.
I’m coming back to the game, after a long hiatus; and was scowering the forums for a WvWvW build that would suit my playstyle. Yours seems to be just that I think.

Can you tell me more about the general idea of the build; what you look out for/try to achieve.

More importantly perhaps; what gear are you running; and how can a poor returning player mimick similar results

Appreciate the efforts

Necro - WvW roaming - V.14

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


That is the gear and build that I used for the video. I have full ascended gear, but frankly it isn’t a requirement and only nets you a mostly marginal increase in damage and HP.

You would be able to achieve similar results with a mix of Rabid (from temples for Karma) and Dire (from the TP), instead of a full set of Dire. The sigils are mostly preference now, as they are all pretty good, so don’t feel inclined to use exactly the ones that I have.

I don’t do many large WvW fights, for a lot of reasons, but mainly because individual play doesn’t seem to have a large enough effect when there are 40 players spamming skills on 40 other players.

So I build around finding smaller fights, and generally not taking more than a few people around with me. The larger your group size, the more likely you are to run into a big group you can’t take (a zerg) or a small group you would just horribly overwhelm. So needless to say, we don’t take many stiff objectives (like towers and keeps), but camps are always worthwhile to flip and find fights in.

As far as the traits are setup, the idea with this particular build is to maximize the condition pressure you can put on in single target and AOE. As a result your defense is only carried by a your large HP pool from the Dire gear. This is why, in all the clips, I have my guardian friend with me. He is running a build so supportive it is sickening for the average player.

In my opinion, that is something that complements necro quite well. Since he can make up for my lack of healing, my lack of defense against CC, and my lack of might stacking, it creates a situation where you can easily have lots of AOE bleeds ticking over 200 points each. You kill enough things to regenerate your life force pool and spectral wall generates some as well.

You are of course more prone to getting blown up as a result of the weak defensive setup, and without support, 1-2 thieves can ruin your day in a hurry. My personal opinion has always been that necro is a team roamer, and if you want to solo roam, you need to find another build (there are lots of good ones out there from others).

Plus you get to use epidemic all the time, and that is the most rewarding skill in the game to use, when it works out well.

Necro - WvW roaming - V.14

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


More importantly perhaps; what gear are you running; and how can a poor returning player mimick similar results

Build is in the video discription on youtube.

Also I roam with a healer… so there is that to consider. Without him, the extra healing might be better, but I have found the “sustain game” on necro never pans out the way you want it to in outnumbered fights.

I dare say, the healing you got from your ally is more spectacular than your own gameplay. ^^
It is far better than PC could ever be, so I don’t think picking that trait would compensate. On the other hand, while I agree with your arguments for Dhuumfire and against PC, every little bit of healing counts. You might need it at a later time in case you don’t make it out of combat after the “big” healing-epidemic.

Necro - WvW roaming - V.14

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


More importantly perhaps; what gear are you running; and how can a poor returning player mimick similar results

Build is in the video discription on youtube.

Also I roam with a healer… so there is that to consider. Without him, the extra healing might be better, but I have found the “sustain game” on necro never pans out the way you want it to in outnumbered fights.

I dare say, the healing you got from your ally is more spectacular than your own gameplay. ^^
It is far better than PC could ever be, so I don’t think picking that trait would compensate. On the other hand, while I agree with your arguments for Dhuumfire and against PC, every little bit of healing counts. You might need it at a later time in case you don’t make it out of combat after the “big” healing-epidemic.

It is actually quite true when you consider how much harder it is to play support.

You have to be aware not just of your own conditions, health, and position, but all of your allies as well. Determine which ally needs the most support as they are not all going to be in range of each other. Deciding if you should be attacking, healing, or stomping. Not to mention if you go down, at least with a necro ally, there is a very slim chance I can actually res you.

As a DPS class, you really just have to keep yourself in a good position and kill things. I can run in any direction I need to bring a target down, which often sends him into fits.

In this case, the guardian is even using healing breeze, which can heal me for 9k, but leaves him completely vulnerable to burst damage. Since most people don’t go for the guard it works out quite well, in most cases. Talk about an amazing skill you never see anyone use.

I have become so accustomed to having support, I really don’t play much when he isn’t around. I should have spent more time on the video slowing down the parts where I get chain healed for 10k, but I tend to get lazy after getting the clips put together.

Necro - WvW roaming - V.14

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


I should have spent more time on the video slowing down the parts where I get chain healed for 10k

I actually created a slow-mo of some parts of your video for that very reason, in a super sophisticated manner I might add (hitting the space bar a lot).
Althought, the “heal” that made me most curious was an almost simultanious downed+rally, giving you 7k hp out of nowhere as it seemed.

Which reminds me, a rally I got today actually made me lvl-up and restored my entire hp pool, also knocking back the 3 low-hp guys who were in the middle of stomping me which downed all of them instead. xD

Necro - WvW roaming - V.14

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


I think if you are in downed state, and level up, you stand back up with full HP. I remember back when people were abusing those leveling up manuals to troll zerg folks by downing and getting back up with the level book till they perma died.

The insta-rallies have always been strange… in that case I should have rallied with more than 7000 hp, so I am not sure what happened. I actually rallied with like 15k, which would be right since it was my first rally, and it short changed me 8k hp out of nowhere. I suspect it had something to do with the fact I just dropped out of DS, but who knows.

Necro - WvW roaming - V.14

in Necromancer

Posted by: oZii.2864


good video as always ren

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Necro - WvW roaming - V.14

in Necromancer

Posted by: bobo.3098


thank you for the reply;
this really shows what a well coordinated small team can accomplish in gw2 :)
I will definitely keep this set up bookmarked, but for now I think I’ll have to start from a more solo oriented build.

If there is a good solo build you would want to recommend, I’d love to hear it.

Appreciate your efforts, I learned a lot :)

Necro - WvW roaming - V.14

in Necromancer

Posted by: mompen.7952


14 hp part of the video was quite fun.

Good job! Good job.

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Necro - WvW roaming - V.14

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


14 hp part of the video was quite fun.

Good job! Good job.

And people say that +5 infusions don’t matter! Good thing I invested in those.

(edited by Rennoko.5731)

Necro - WvW roaming - V.14

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


And people say that +5 infusions don’t matter! Good thing I invested in those.

They are the only reason I crafted ascended armor for my necro.
30 vitality from infusions plus 11 from increased minor stats (carrion). That gives me an extra 410 hp and 492 extra hitpoints in DS without any traits in Soul Reaping. So basically I can take 1k more damage.
All other additional stats are negligible, but the vitality alone was worth the quite outrageous expense.