Necro - WvW roaming - V.5
Some nice epi bombs on downed players Gotta love when they all stack to rez, can’t even evade what’s gonna hit them. Sometimes it’s better to let someone die than to bother rezzing.
Good fights overall, you did well to prevent the DS skill lock bug from happening too much, some heals were spot on and needed to be cast now or never. Keep it going!
Panhauramix Guardian/Pistoleros Engineer/ Orbite Thief
Gates of Madness – Leader of Homicide Volontaire [HV]
Some nice epi bombs on downed players
Gotta love when they all stack to rez, can’t even evade what’s gonna hit them. Sometimes it’s better to let someone die than to bother rezzing.
Good fights overall, you did well to prevent the DS skill lock bug from happening too much, some heals were spot on and needed to be cast now or never. Keep it going!
I don’t really have the lockout bug that much really… not sure if it is just how I play or what, but I don’t believe that I do anything special to avoid it. I have a much bigger problem with DS2 fizzling out on me.
The dirty little secret in some of these fights is the 500 HP per second from the elite ranger pet. That thing is pretty amazing to have around, and yet I still wander away from it far too often for my own good.
Awesome video, thank you for taking the time to do it. This is what we need more of, actual videos of people playing in real situations – People coming in complaining about necro being op can take a look at the video, and see what’s involved in pulling off some of the things we can do. They see a necro being almost unkillable without realising the support their ranger friend is providing.
It’d be a lot of work, but it’d be fantastic if someone were able to do annotated break downs of what’s going on in these fights (for example, if you are aware of tf2 and stabbystabby showing the break down of some of his matches as spy).
Also, because it’ll inevitably be asked, I think this is (one of) the builds you are using, yes?
Awesome video, thank you for taking the time to do it. This is what we need more of, actual videos of people playing in real situations – People coming in complaining about necro being op can take a look at the video, and see what’s involved in pulling off some of the things we can do. They see a necro being almost unkillable without realising the support their ranger friend is providing.
It’d be a lot of work, but it’d be fantastic if someone were able to do annotated break downs of what’s going on in these fights (for example, if you are aware of tf2 and stabbystabby showing the break down of some of his matches as spy).
Also, because it’ll inevitably be asked, I think this is (one of) the builds you are using, yes?
That linked build is pretty close except that I am running 5/6 perplex runes, a rabid crest, and Sigil of Bursting on both staff and offhand. Yes it is well accepted most powerful condition build, but it is the same one I have been running since the day they change greater marks, and a similar variant before that.
I did run in the video without spectral armor at 50% (30/30), and found it to be VERY very hard to do. The difference it makes in these kind of fights is almost impossible to measure. It could mean upwards of 30 more second of surviability.
I have toyed with the idea of doing a voiceover of the fights after the fact, to point out certain noteworthy moments, but have resisted for a couple of reasons. Mostly just that I like music, and I like videos that I can just relax and watch, so I assume other people like that as well. Also, like the healing tree, I would hate to give away too many fun secrets of success.
On my short list is to do a more instructive style video on roaming, such as how someone might get into that line of work, pitfalls and challenges etc. Anything I can do to encourage that style of play, I will do, because it is much more enjoyable for any player than the zerg blobbing that goes on at a regular interval.
Another good video Ren. Enjoyed the 1v2 vs the d/p thieves. A commentary or Annotations type video would be pretty awesome. Daphoenix does(did) them on his excala videos for D/D elementalists and it’s really cool to kind of get into that person’s head on exactly how they look at a given scenario and how they would deal with it as best they could.
You could do it via annotations… or just text, if you can pause at the right spots etc. It’s not easy to do well, and probably very time consuming. I just think it’d be useful for new necros or necross just getting into WvW – as well as being something we can point at to say, yes Necro’s can indeed win in a 2 vs 5, but this is the skill level required to pull it off.
Since I don’t really know of a better spot to ask this, have any fellow condition necros found a good way to deal with two thieves with Hide in Shadows and the condition removal in stealth trait coordinating their stealths so that you make no headway on either one?
I can handle a single thief just fine, but when that second one pops up, I always get killed.
Since I don’t really know of a better spot to ask this, have any fellow condition necros found a good way to deal with two thieves with Hide in Shadows and the condition removal in stealth trait coordinating their stealths so that you make no headway on either one?
I can handle a single thief just fine, but when that second one pops up, I always get killed.
With 2 thieves actually coordinating as in voice comm I can’t say I could tell the difference on the ones I have faced. I have a thief with alot of hours so I know how they work.
My best recommendation would be to burst 1 down as much as possible to pressure him to back off and then deal with the other. One will probably try to reset and come back in. It honestly is going to be a difficult fight if the thieves are smart especially if they are coordinated. They can both pop thieves guild on you for instance and it could be GG. It’s doable but if you take Rennoko’s clip for instance where he was fighting the 2 thieves 1v2 that was pretty narrow.
If a thief is popping up and you don’t see him coming while in mid fight then it might just be GG. I don’t run epi often and slot spite signet alot more just because 1 spite signet can force a thief to blow shadow refuge early and alot of times buy you time, I have kind of fallen in love with spite signet even in 1v2’s because the condi pressure is so good that it usually forces 1 to immediately back off.
(edited by oZii.2864)
Since I don’t really know of a better spot to ask this, have any fellow condition necros found a good way to deal with two thieves with Hide in Shadows and the condition removal in stealth trait coordinating their stealths so that you make no headway on either one?
I can handle a single thief just fine, but when that second one pops up, I always get killed.
You can’t really win. You can survive until help arrives, or until you can waypoint away (maybe), but you really won’t win if the conditions are as you stated; Good coordinated thieves – somewhat tanky but with good DPS
The reason is becauase you cannot prevent them from stealthing, and you cannot DPS them down in stealth because of the removal and healing they get in that state. They have two houses, two blinding powders, shadowstep, sword 2. If you do manage to fear them out of one house, they have the second house to fall back on.
In the fight where I had the 2-3 thieves on me the entire time, I managed to down them both multiple times, but couldn’t do anything to them once they were in downed state. I would have lost ultimately if my thief ally had not come in to take care of the stomping. He is very good at finding them in stealth and stabbing them, something that is ineffective for a condition necro.
But such is the case of COMBAT stealth, and one of the reason other games have shied away from doing the same thing.
Consequently, while a thief could potentially beat 2 necros at once, if they were equally coordinated as above, the thief wouldn’t stand a chance either. The only difference is he would be able to run away.
loved the video! oh by the way… what does the sigil of bursting do???
(edited by emanueldst.8049)
A 6% damage boost to your overall condition damage. So for me it is around 92-95 damage extra.