Necro - WvW roaming - Video

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Since the patch I have had quite a bit of fun in WvW, and thought I would put together a video of some of that.

Currently I am running a 30/20/10/10/0 build in full rabid gear.


Newest video

Special thanks to my roaming buddy (Vezin) who is in most of the video. He tanks for me, and keeps me up and running.


For the build/traits:

A little explanation on the build:

Spite Tree (30 points): Burning as it stands right now is great single target, and I make liberal use of epidemic, so having tried multipe builds since the patch, it seems just foolish not to take this. Also 30% longer conditions is nothing to sneeze at. The master and adept level traits I picked in this tree are fairly standard, as there are not amazing traits really in those slots for a condition user.

Curses (20): This I struggled with this for a while, as dropping 10 points from this tree is reducing my overall condition damage by 100. However, with the extra 30 points in spite, I no longer feel like I really need lingering curses in WvW. The 25 point minor is also basically useless for me in full rabid. Terror is a lock for condition builds, and with the buff to weakness, and our close quarters combat, I feel weakening shroud is very powerful, and worth taking.

Death Magic (10): No choice here. Thanks greater marks.

Blood Magic (10): Here is where I make up for my lost survivability from losing points in Soul Reaping. The minor and mark of evasion give me great uptime on regen without forcing me into staff before I want to go into staff. It makes a massive difference, and synergizes very well with weakening shroud, works in plauge form. The extra bleeds are of course welcome as well.

This trait setup can also be easily swapped around for zerg vs. zerg, which is another reason I like it. I may do another video about that some other time.

I use the cheaper crystals, because I am cheap, and rare veggie, because it is the only food a condition user should ever consider.

A little note about why I use nightmare instead of undead. Taking nightmare runes lowers your condition damage by about 90 or so from full undead, lowers your toughness a little, but raises your condition duration 10%, and gives you a mini-doom when someone attacks you.

The proc rate is not amazing, but you do notice it, and it does help on occasion. The real reason why you want nightmare though is to break the 74% fear threshold, while maximizing condition damage. Any other option to get above 74% is going to lower your overal damage (giver’s weapons for instance).

At 80% duration from food and runes, the sigil of paralyzation lets you get 3 doom ticks at close range, and 2 fear ticks at long range. The guarantee of these extra ticks is huge, especially if your fear procs on a clean condition player. Using this sigil, it allows your 80% duration to all, to break 100% duration on fear also.

Earth for sceptor is also a lock for me, because it can proc often (once every 2 seconds), and will proc off some utilities too. I also lean very heavy on my sceptor.

As far as utilities, epidemic and BIP are the two damage utilities that allow me to take on large groups, but also reduce any chance of boon removal or survival. That is why the new spectral wall works great in bridging that gap.

I mentioned it in other posts, but for roaming, the most important thing is you team comp and knowing when to run. The last patch made necro so powerful, running isn’t so much of an issue unless a huge force is around, but its still important to not overcommit. I also roam with a friend on mumble who runs a res-pet utility on ranger, because I get focused quite a bit when we duo and trio roam. We lack any kind of practical stomping, as you may have noticed, but we get by. His conditions also get amplifeid by my condition damage with epidemic.

Best of luck on roaming, it is doable on necro and quite fun if you get the hang of it.

(edited by Rennoko.5731)

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Insanebolt.7392


That was beautiful

Show build on GW2skills?

I am so Drowsi
SoR for Life

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ascii.9726


I approve of this video, awarding it the rating of:


Rank 580+ Necromancer WvW Stream
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Grimstar.6931


What traits did you pick up? Sigils? Consumables?

Sanctum of Rall | Level 80 Human Thief, Necromancer, Warrior, & Ranger

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


What traits did you pick up? Sigils? Consumables?

Ill put some info in the main post in an edit.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Grimstar.6931


What traits did you pick up? Sigils? Consumables?

Ill put some info in the main post in an edit.

Okay. Also I forgot to ask what Runes as well.

Sanctum of Rall | Level 80 Human Thief, Necromancer, Warrior, & Ranger

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yadeniel.9310


No please, i dont want to see more nerf threads

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: GiggleFairy.3807


what was the ranger running if i may ask and im gona have to try this on my necromancer

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bryker.5719


Now that’s some good Necro play. But I’m very jealous of how little you were focused compared to how much I am in WvW (Theives love me). The only thing I would suggest is dropping BiP, not because it’s a bad utility but you seem to forget to use it quite a bit. Switching it for Well of Darkness for AoE blind on stomps (you mentioned this being a problem) as well as for safer rezzing.

Morte Novella – Necromancer | Bryker – Guardian
(Jade Quarry) Team Savvy

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: GiggleFairy.3807


thats a good idea. i never thought of using a well for that lol.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bryker.5719


It’s made the biggest impact on being able to 1vX for me. I don’t think I’ll be dropping it from the bar anytime soon.

Morte Novella – Necromancer | Bryker – Guardian
(Jade Quarry) Team Savvy

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


I use BIP all the time… if anything I think my weak point is that I don’t epidemic often enough…. I don’t really care for wells honestly as the cooldowns are still too long for me, and if I did run a well it woudl be WOP. BIP gives you a big big boost for your opening condition spam, and its hard to beat that.

I get focused some in the video, but again, having a melee BM ranger in their face helps a lot at keeping people off me. Not sure of his build, maybe he will swing by and post it for you.

And yes, there was a suprising few number of zerker thieves on that night. Most nights when there are zerker thieves on, especially if they group up for double backstabs, its a very irritating and uninteresting night for a 2vX. I get blown up in about 1 second if two zerker thieves focus me, stealth, stomp… So that still happens. I can hammer one really well now, but two… not a chance.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: BadJas.5178


That’s a really cool video. I’m really interested in the ranger’s build as well, my guild is still looking for some cool ranger builds. The Necromancer build is ace, and your teamplay is impressive.

Half-Digested Mass Effect [eww]
Gunnar’s Hold

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cempa.5619


Keep it up guys, Rangers were having fun and making cool vids just like this..won’t be long now Anet is consistent if nothing else.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Hey, my ranger build is full apothecary gear with 10/0/30/10/20. Traits III, III – VII – XI, III, V – VII. Dwayna runes on the armor. Weapons sword/dagger with axe/torch. I use Sigil of Corruption for stacks then switch to Sigil of Battle on both main-hand weapons and Sigil of Agony on off-hand.

Utilities are Troll Unguent, Signets of the Hunt, Renewal, and Wild with elite as Spirit of Nature for the active ability to revive down allies.

The food I use is cheap crystals with veggie pizzas, sometimes mango pies.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ascii.9726


Terror Condition is the best way to go when roaming in WvW for Necromancers. Power Wells can clear camps faster but wells are so unreliable in small scale fights.

I am surprised you chose Nightmare over Undead though, you can hit a much higher condition cap in WvW and the consistently changing variables when fighting multiple people in WvW would null out the single target benefit somewhat.

Have you considered using Giver statted weapons for the +20% condition duration?

Rank 580+ Necromancer WvW Stream
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA

(edited by Ascii.9726)

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ray.3780


There’s a fairly straightforward solution to your difficulty stomping, consider slotting in Well of Power somewhere, I wouldn’t ever run around without a stun breaker, and actually, it’s good for stomping many, but not all classes, and it’s burst condition removal (also some of our only access to VIGOR).

Because #1 on many downed classes actually inflicts fairly dangerous conditions, this utility also drops those so you can get that stomp with 1k HP left or whatever. The stability on it means that no random Joe is gonna run in like a hero and knock you down to save his ally.

I think there’s only two things that gip using Well of Power to stomp people, and that’s Stealth (shadow refuge) or classes which move/clone etc. during downed

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Leeto.1570


Nice movie, was hoping to see solo roaming but seems i will have to test myself how powerful necromancer is in 1vX WvW scenarios now.
Enjoyed your choice of music.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: profgast.7816


rare veggie, because it is the only food a condition user should ever consider.

For the record it isn’t the ONLY food.
The Koi Cake (Dragon Bash food) is a cheaper (currently) 20 minute version.

The Bowl of Garlic Kale Sautee (Flame and Frost food) is a 1 hr version

But point is taken that Condition Damage/Duration is pretty much king for necros

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: War Mourner.5168

War Mourner.5168

Yeah, koi cake is literally dirt cheap, no reason not to have bought a bunch of stacks to last you forever, since it has the same effect as pizza.

What server are you on? The servers you’re fighting seem to be the ones I usually fight against.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Hey, my ranger build is full apothecary gear with 10/0/30/10/20. Traits III, III – VII – XI, III, V – VII. Dwayna runes on the armor. Weapons sword/dagger with axe/torch. I use Sigil of Corruption for stacks then switch to Sigil of Battle on both main-hand weapons and Sigil of Agony on off-hand.

Utilities are Troll Unguent, Signets of the Hunt, Renewal, and Wild with elite as Spirit of Nature for the active ability to revive down allies.

The food I use is cheap crystals with veggie pizzas, sometimes mango pies.

This is the ranger I roam with if that was not self explanitory. He moonlights as a mesmer, but we can forgive him for that.

Terror Condition is the best way to go when roaming in WvW for Necromancers. Power Wells can clear camps faster but wells are so unreliable in small scale fights.

I am surprised you chose Nightmare over Undead though, you can hit a much higher condition cap in WvW and the consistently changing variables when fighting multiple people in WvW would null out the single target benefit somewhat.

Have you considered using Giver statted weapons for the +20% condition duration?

I have spent a very long time mulling this over in my head, and the challenge with giver’s weapons is that they hurt condition damage so very badly to take, and are horribly under-statted on the 2h weapons.

Basically you have this:
Full Rabid + undead =~ 2100 condition damage
Full Rabid + nightmare = 2000 condition damage + 10% duration
Full Rabid + undead + one giver’s 1h weapon = 2010 + 10% duration
Full Rabid + undead + one giver’s 2h weapon = 1920 + 10% duration

If I decide to use giver’s on an offhand, I then have to use it on my staff as well, to keep my staff fears long enough. That is where you see the massive tank in condition damage.

Bottom line is that I really need to maintain 74% or more fear duration. Since I have 70% from food and traits, I need 4% more from somewhere else, while trying to maintain as much damage as possible. I believe this setup is the best I can do.

I could however slot Giver’s, and it would make my fears longer, but every loss of condition damage makes the burns and terror significantly weaker.

There’s a fairly straightforward solution to your difficulty stomping, consider slotting in Well of Power somewhere, I wouldn’t ever run around without a stun breaker, and actually, it’s good for stomping many, but not all classes, and it’s burst condition removal (also some of our only access to VIGOR).

Because #1 on many downed classes actually inflicts fairly dangerous conditions, this utility also drops those so you can get that stomp with 1k HP left or whatever. The stability on it means that no random Joe is gonna run in like a hero and knock you down to save his ally.

I think there’s only two things that gip using Well of Power to stomp people, and that’s Stealth (shadow refuge) or classes which move/clone etc. during downed

WOP will not help much for stomping. It doesn’t provide a long stability, so you can still be stunned, it doesn’t blind, it just keeps my conditions clear, which isn’t much of an issue. WvW, as you point out, also has lots of thieves, mesmers, elementalists. I don’t consider stomping to be my forte in this build, and I will leave that task up to the tanky player, but I think WOD would be the best solution if I was to go that route.

Rare veggie being the only food I meant as the stat combination, not the actual food itself. I think I was using koi cakes in the video, though the 20 minute duration is exceedingly annoying to line up with the crystal.

I am on Maguuma.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dasboba.1652


I roamed with a 30/30/10 build condi build last night. It’s a ton of fun. I took the increase spectral wall as my 30 in curses, but I may have to try 30/20/10/10. I had one dumb thief run into the wall 3 times on one cast. I’m not sure how that’s even possible, lol. I was going to mention Koi cakes. I agree with you, it’s soooo annoying keeping the crystal sync’d w/the 20min koi cakes, but they’re so cheap!

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aeri.5738


Video for mobile devices PLZ!

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2.” – Well, I guess you really failed, ANet!
Update 5.9.2013: getting better ANet, still way to go!
A Lannister always pays his debts – For everyone else, there’s Mastercard.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Video for mobile devices PLZ!

Should have fixed that now, or banned my you-tube channel… one or the other.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: sas.6483


I liked the video and build analysis. I’ve played around with the build and can’t do any better. I guess I have two thoughts.

1) I wonder if 100% fear duration is really necessary. Was it really necessary in the pre-patch terror builds, considering what the tradeoffs were?
2) Post-patch, it is as if the 100% duration is almost coming for free. You’re getting the 30% duration and Dhuumfire from spite along with 15% from a sigil. You had to give up 20 points in Soul Reaping and an additional 10 talent points along with said sigil slot. It seems to me that the SR option is totally inferior. This might be a problem; 30 points in spite + 20 points in curses as mandatory for a condition / terror build seems a bit odd.

… my guess is that the Sigil will be nerfed, and to get 100% fear duration we’ll be forced to go 20 deep in SR. My guess is that losing the 100% fear won’t be enough to justify giving up the 30 points in Spite. Just to speculate, ANet may have to swap +condition duration in Spite with +critical damage in SR or something similar.

Also VR is fun to fight against. My guess is that video is definitely #magswag.

- Dr Ebola

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


I liked the video and build analysis. I’ve played around with the build and can’t do any better. I guess I have two thoughts.

1) I wonder if 100% fear duration is really necessary. Was it really necessary in the pre-patch terror builds, considering what the tradeoffs were?
2) Post-patch, it is as if the 100% duration is almost coming for free. You’re getting the 30% duration and Dhuumfire from spite along with 15% from a sigil. You had to give up 20 points in Soul Reaping and an additional 10 talent points along with said sigil slot. It seems to me that the SR option is totally inferior. This might be a problem; 30 points in spite + 20 points in curses as mandatory for a condition / terror build seems a bit odd.

… my guess is that the Sigil will be nerfed, and to get 100% fear duration we’ll be forced to go 20 deep in SR. My guess is that losing the 100% fear won’t be enough to justify giving up the 30 points in Spite. Just to speculate, ANet may have to swap +condition duration in Spite with +critical damage in SR or something similar.

Also VR is fun to fight against. My guess is that video is definitely #magswag.

My guild leader would be happy to hear you say that. This week has been a real challenge with zergs bigger than any I personally have ever seen in WvW before, and generally Mag takes a vacation when they are up againt those kind of odds.

I don’t see them hitting the sigil honestly, mainly because it is a non issue in Tpvp. The sigil cannot get you the extra tick (with burning), and it just makes your fears a little longer. Historically they have not balanced around WvW and food buffs, and I don’t see them starting now.

My build swapping has shown me that it is 30/20/10/x/x or nothing… The loss of the burning hurts really bad, similar to dropping terror. I don’t like pigeon hole builds, but right now I don’t have any other options.

The longer fears that a 0/30/x/x/20 build give you are nice, and you do feel the extra 0.35 seconds on doom. The reality though: Is it worth trading an extra 35% chance at a bonus 4th doom terror tick, or giving up 850+ damage per second of burning that is going to be up almost all the time? A no brainer.

Pre-patch the extra 20% fear duration wasn’t required, but it was nice for the control. And pre-patch there really was nothing else worth taking for a terrormancer. It wasn’t a wasted stat then, it was a chance for extra damage. It is still that, but losing burning?

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: renmei.3102


Which traits would you swap out in order to make this build for running with a zerg when I need to? And which utilities would you recommend?

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Which traits would you swap out in order to make this build for running with a zerg when I need to? And which utilities would you recommend?

I only swap out the traits in curses, as the rest still work well in ZvZ.
Swapping out terror and enfeebled for ranged wells and chilling darkness.

For utilities I swap in WOC and WOD, and either keep epidemic or run spectral wall in its place.

Our focus in ZvZ is best served to blind and chill with our long durations to counter melandru and lemongrass. Once they are slowed, you can drop the WOC to try and strip down stability. Once marks are on CD, scepter AOES are effective too. Plague form in mode 2 to keep them slowed and blind when everything is on CD. DS 5 is also great in ZvZ for the immobilize.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knoll.6837


I have spent a very long time mulling this over in my head, and the challenge with giver’s weapons is that they hurt condition damage so very badly to take, and are horribly under-statted on the 2h weapons.

Basically you have this:
Full Rabid + undead =~ 2100 condition damage
Full Rabid + nightmare = 2000 condition damage + 10% duration
Full Rabid + undead + one giver’s 1h weapon = 2010 + 10% duration
Full Rabid + undead + one giver’s 2h weapon = 1920 + 10% duration

If I decide to use giver’s on an offhand, I then have to use it on my staff as well, to keep my staff fears long enough. That is where you see the massive tank in condition damage.

Bottom line is that I really need to maintain 74% or more fear duration. Since I have 70% from food and traits, I need 4% more from somewhere else, while trying to maintain as much damage as possible. I believe this setup is the best I can do.

Hey Rennoko, tried this setup yesterday with runes of the necromancers (20% fear duration on 6/6) since I don’t have access yet to nightmare ones and I must admit that I was impressed of how good the build is.

Do you think that runes of the necromancer are a good replacement for nightmares ones while waiting to get those?
I know that we loose 10% cond duration overall, but if the main target is to pass the 74% increased duration on fear shouldn’t they do the job better than the other options while at the same time giving you a good condidamage boost?

My other idea was going to use 4/6 necro & 2/6 Lyssa… what you think would be better?

Cheers guys and… MOAR DOTS!

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: ManaCraft.5630


After having messed around with burning myself in WvW, I tend to agree with your analysis. Dhuumfire is too good to lose, and so is terror, and greater marks is just a plain requisite as always. This naturally leads to a 30/20/10/0/0 base for the condition necro. The rest of the spite line isn’t all that great, but quite frankly it’s worth the investment, especially because the increased duration allows you to give up the 20 points in SR that would otherwise be required to reach 100% on fear.

I can see how people think the combination of fear and burning is a bit too powerful, however it seems to me that a condition build sans burning works nicely without becoming overpowered. It would also help if there was a real reason to sink some more points into blood for some actual sustain, but that would require viable life stealing traits, and even then I wonder if you wouldn’t be better off with the burning anyway, since it seems is actively pushing the class toward the artillery role while more or less abandoning the idea of attrition. At this point I also feel like introducing attrition would be a bad idea anyway, unless our offensive potential is curbed somewhat to compensate.

In the meantime we’ve gotten ourselves a condition necro that is actually competitive in WvW beyond the zerg – and perhaps slightly overpowered. But I believe we can get the class back in line with but a few minor tweaks. You’re still a pinball of course, but a heck of a nasty one at that.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brighteluden.2974


Dimentus soulreaver approves this video and build =) awesome work..I’ve been running a similar build for roaming around and I’ve been enjoying it very much and glad more Necro’s are also

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chesire.9043


I actually tried a trait split like this several times and failed miserably at it solo lol obviously it’s a L2P issue on my part but a roaming buddy wouldn’t hurt.

I’ve since changed it to taking 10 out of Blood Magic and put it in SR for the spectral skill CD since I run two spectrals. Glad to see some awesome roaming videos on the necro side. Keep it up mate.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


I have spent a very long time mulling this over in my head, and the challenge with giver’s weapons is that they hurt condition damage so very badly to take, and are horribly under-statted on the 2h weapons.

Basically you have this:
Full Rabid + undead =~ 2100 condition damage
Full Rabid + nightmare = 2000 condition damage + 10% duration
Full Rabid + undead + one giver’s 1h weapon = 2010 + 10% duration
Full Rabid + undead + one giver’s 2h weapon = 1920 + 10% duration

If I decide to use giver’s on an offhand, I then have to use it on my staff as well, to keep my staff fears long enough. That is where you see the massive tank in condition damage.

Bottom line is that I really need to maintain 74% or more fear duration. Since I have 70% from food and traits, I need 4% more from somewhere else, while trying to maintain as much damage as possible. I believe this setup is the best I can do.

Hey Rennoko, tried this setup yesterday with runes of the necromancers (20% fear duration on 6/6) since I don’t have access yet to nightmare ones and I must admit that I was impressed of how good the build is.

Do you think that runes of the necromancer are a good replacement for nightmares ones while waiting to get those?
I know that we loose 10% cond duration overall, but if the main target is to pass the 74% increased duration on fear shouldn’t they do the job better than the other options while at the same time giving you a good condidamage boost?

My other idea was going to use 4/6 necro & 2/6 Lyssa… what you think would be better?

Cheers guys and… MOAR DOTS!

Your base is 70% with food, and 30 points in spite. Since you only need 4% more, necromancer runes are not really needed, though the additional 10% over nightmare specific to fear does translate to longer fears, just not much more in the guaranteed damage department.

Lyssa and Mad king runes are an option, but you lose that massive 100 condition damage 5th bonus from nightmare/necro/undead if you take those, and that hurts quite a bit.

My second choice for runes would be undead, because I would be able to live with the small chance at not getting the extra damage tick, but my third choice would be necro runes, for the longer fears. I don’t care for dropping 10% on all my conditions, but it wouldn’t be all that bad.

I have just fallen in love with the passive on nightmare runes, and the more I have gotten used to it proccing, the more I notice it helping out when I need it most. It works a lot like reapers protection except that it won’t fizzle on long range targets. It hits anyone/anywhere if they proc it.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Speaking of Reaper’s Protection, have you considered moving the 10 points from Blood Magic to Death Magic to see how that works? Losing Mark of Evasion hurts, but I’m curious if it may be worth the loss,since the base duration on RP is so long (and Terror hits so hard).

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: War Mourner.5168

War Mourner.5168

hm neat, I’m on sos, might see you around.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knoll.6837


I have spent a very long time mulling this over in my head, and the challenge with giver’s weapons is that they hurt condition damage so very badly to take, and are horribly under-statted on the 2h weapons.

Basically you have this:
Full Rabid + undead =~ 2100 condition damage
Full Rabid + nightmare = 2000 condition damage + 10% duration
Full Rabid + undead + one giver’s 1h weapon = 2010 + 10% duration
Full Rabid + undead + one giver’s 2h weapon = 1920 + 10% duration

If I decide to use giver’s on an offhand, I then have to use it on my staff as well, to keep my staff fears long enough. That is where you see the massive tank in condition damage.

Bottom line is that I really need to maintain 74% or more fear duration. Since I have 70% from food and traits, I need 4% more from somewhere else, while trying to maintain as much damage as possible. I believe this setup is the best I can do.

Hey Rennoko, tried this setup yesterday with runes of the necromancers (20% fear duration on 6/6) since I don’t have access yet to nightmare ones and I must admit that I was impressed of how good the build is.

Do you think that runes of the necromancer are a good replacement for nightmares ones while waiting to get those?
I know that we loose 10% cond duration overall, but if the main target is to pass the 74% increased duration on fear shouldn’t they do the job better than the other options while at the same time giving you a good condidamage boost?

My other idea was going to use 4/6 necro & 2/6 Lyssa… what you think would be better?

Cheers guys and… MOAR DOTS!

Your base is 70% with food, and 30 points in spite. Since you only need 4% more, necromancer runes are not really needed, though the additional 10% over nightmare specific to fear does translate to longer fears, just not much more in the guaranteed damage department.

Lyssa and Mad king runes are an option, but you lose that massive 100 condition damage 5th bonus from nightmare/necro/undead if you take those, and that hurts quite a bit.

My second choice for runes would be undead, because I would be able to live with the small chance at not getting the extra damage tick, but my third choice would be necro runes, for the longer fears. I don’t care for dropping 10% on all my conditions, but it wouldn’t be all that bad.

I have just fallen in love with the passive on nightmare runes, and the more I have gotten used to it proccing, the more I notice it helping out when I need it most. It works a lot like reapers protection except that it won’t fizzle on long range targets. It hits anyone/anywhere if they proc it.

So, given the three options which are :
1- increased fear by 20% with no dmg loss (necro)
2- increased all cond duration by 10% but with a big dmg loss (mixed runetypes)
3- increased condi dmg by quite a lot but with only 70% increased condition duration instead of the so much needed 74% for the fear (undead)

You would pick option 3 correct?
Sorry but was a bit confused :/

Cheers and thanks in advance!

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


hm neat, I’m on sos, might see you around.

You mean getting killed buy us right?

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: dangerdoom.3862


First of, nice vid, I liked it.

I made a video myself of small scale fights. I’m not going to make a new topic so if that’s ok I’ll post it here.

I’m the rally-meister and get rdy to get spelleryzed! xD

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: VitalSuit.1980


In State of the Game, they mentioned that sigil of paralyzation is not supposed to be applied to fears or dazes (only stuns) so don’t get so used to using that.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: War Mourner.5168

War Mourner.5168

hm neat, I’m on sos, might see you around.

You mean getting killed buy us right?

Hm, we’ll see, although funnily enough, the very first enemies I saw today in wub were a pair of you VR guys with a pub, but I was on my own and left you to it and didn’t see you again.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dasboba.1652


I was having trouble getting over the 75% threshold. I don’t have time to farm nightmare. The easiest and cheapest way for me to get there was to just buy 2 rare lyssa runes. They were like 8s total and gave me 77%. The superior ones were 3g each and would have only given me 3% more and only 10 precision more. I then slotted the last 4 pieces with rabid crests. I already had undead runes slotted, but the 4 rabid crests gave better stats than 4 undead runes. With this setup, I can hit 1900 condition dmg with bip. I want to wait and see what anet does to nerf this before I decide to farm nightmare runes. Also, since I went 30/30/10 instead of 30/20/10/10, I was able to make up the 100 condition dmg lost from the 5th runes bonus on undead.


(edited by Dasboba.1652)

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


So, given the three options which are :
1- increased fear by 20% with no dmg loss (necro)
2- increased all cond duration by 10% but with a big dmg loss (mixed runetypes)
3- increased condi dmg by quite a lot but with only 70% increased condition duration instead of the so much needed 74% for the fear (undead)

You would pick option 3 correct?
Sorry but was a bit confused :/

Cheers and thanks in advance!

Those are the three options if you don’t take nightmare runes. If you take nightmare runes, you have slightly less damage than full undead, and 10% longer conditions, with the passive fear.

As far as the sigil not working with fear, I don’t have an issue with that. It will make melandru runes not own terrormancer’s faces so bad. Also this will push everyone back into undead runes, raising their damage back up, though the guaranteed third tick would be lost.

hm neat, I’m on sos, might see you around.

You mean getting killed buy us right?

Hm, we’ll see, although funnily enough, the very first enemies I saw today in wub were a pair of you VR guys with a pub, but I was on my own and left you to it and didn’t see you again.

We had a really cute underlevel char following us around last night. It very well could have been us. Consequently the roaming gets so much worse towards the end of the week (and don’t mind tricare, he is a hotdog). People stop caring about defending points and just fixate on killing people, which makes those outnumbered fights go very badly. I only had about an hour last night to play and I think we have 20 chasing us at NN. The video footage of last night would have been very uninteresting.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Posted another video for another week in WvW. Still trying hard to get some 1v1, and 1vX, but these matchups have so many people running around in large groups it isn’t happening. Will try again next matchup.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Speaking of Reaper’s Protection, have you considered moving the 10 points from Blood Magic to Death Magic to see how that works? Losing Mark of Evasion hurts, but I’m curious if it may be worth the loss,since the base duration on RP is so long (and Terror hits so hard).

To add another opinion, Reaper’s Protection is great for roaming, I chose it over keeping Mark of Evasion, simply because its just about always up when you engage in a roaming fight. Esp If you get jumped by a thief, real bad day for them. Or just about any prof that loves opening with CC. Less good for long zergy fights, as it tends to get blown up early, likely still have people on you anyway, then does nothing for 90 sec.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


First of, nice vid, I liked it.

I made a video myself of small scale fights. I’m not going to make a new topic so if that’s ok I’ll post it here.

I’m the rally-meister and get rdy to get spelleryzed! xD

Dude, awesome video. I really liked the music selection and the 1 word scene swipes.

nice job.

Necro - WvW roaming - Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Speaking of Reaper’s Protection, have you considered moving the 10 points from Blood Magic to Death Magic to see how that works? Losing Mark of Evasion hurts, but I’m curious if it may be worth the loss,since the base duration on RP is so long (and Terror hits so hard).

To add another opinion, Reaper’s Protection is great for roaming, I chose it over keeping Mark of Evasion, simply because its just about always up when you engage in a roaming fight. Esp If you get jumped by a thief, real bad day for them. Or just about any prof that loves opening with CC. Less good for long zergy fights, as it tends to get blown up early, likely still have people on you anyway, then does nothing for 90 sec.

It seems to get wasted on rangers using that knockback skill on me all the time, or from a pet, or from a guardian with stability. This last video I spent most of the time in a 30/30/10 build, and found it overall lacking because of the lack of regen, and lack of on demand bleeding.

As long as I stay aware of thieves on me in the area it isn’t as much of an issue to need reapers protection… now if there are multiple thieves… that is a different problem all together.