Necro appreciation

Necro appreciation

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZeroArmada.9426


I have to say, I’m incredibly glad I got my necro to 80. I’m running a d/d wells build and kitten is it awesome. I love the necro class, and I don’t know why I didn’t make one earlier but better late than never. The ONLY problem I have is that my wells don’t stun break/give stability, which means I have to be extra careful when running dungeons with heavy knockdown enemies (AC is a good example). That, and the severed dagger skins (Halloween dagger skins) don’t properly turn. Whenever I attack, it looks like I’m wailing hits on an enemy with the end of the dagger, rather than the actual blade. It is an incredibly minor thing and I don’t expect a fix for that anytime soon, but it is still bothersome. Other than that, I absolutely love this class <3

ATTACHMENT: A better view of how the dagger is held, when the blades should be held upside down instead of how it is.


Necro appreciation

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xeferial.7562


Thank you! I absolutely love this class, it’s nice to see someone else does too. Mostly I just see angry posts about how they suck at everything. I actually have the exact same spec as you, and it works fantastically! Unless something really goes wrong, I can take pretty much anything on. Let’s hope people start enjoying the class more. Less QQ and more Pew Pew.

Necro appreciation

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rultrath.1679


Yes, I love this class too. I understand why some people have problems with it, the main reason I love it I suppose because I don`t use minions or conditions which seem to be the things most people have issues with. I think the class is well done and if you play properly you can do well with it, I win well over half my 1v1 encounters with my build and hold up well in groups.:)

Level 80 Necromancer main of FEAR.
All around player WvW main.
Dragonbrand Server

Necro appreciation

in Necromancer

Posted by: Luke.4562


The class is well done? Ok. right…
1v1 encounters with noobs doesn’t mean the class works.
If experienced players say it is inferior to other classes a reason must be there.
I “liked” the Necromancer too when i did 80, but when i started analizing it more deeper I ended that enthusiasm. It’s a matter of time and experience.

ALPHA, BETA, several months, … 1 Year later…“When it’s ready”[cit.]

(edited by Luke.4562)

Necro appreciation

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheWalkingDead.7298


Deathshroud being useless for anything other then a power build (and even then pretty bad). No burst. Slow stacking of conditions. Extremely limited access to stability. Extremely long cool-downs on almost all of our utilities. Many traits still bugged (more then any other profession). The fact that a lot of or utilities flat out don’t work (corrupt boon missing 50% of the time, spectral grasp missing 80% of the time, people just walking out of wells) Minions (need I say more?). Oh yeah, extreme lack of combo fields/finishers. This is just off the top of my head. kthxbai.

Necro appreciation

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZeroArmada.9426


Deathshroud being useless for anything other then a power build (and even then pretty bad). No burst. Slow stacking of conditions. Extremely limited access to stability. Extremely long cool-downs on almost all of our utilities. Many traits still bugged (more then any other profession). The fact that a lot of or utilities flat out don’t work (corrupt boon missing 50% of the time, spectral grasp missing 80% of the time, people just walking out of wells) Minions (need I say more?). Oh yeah, extreme lack of combo fields/finishers. This is just off the top of my head. kthxbai.

It is a bit frustrating when enemies either walk out of our wells or get pushed out but, I’m still finding necro incredibly fun

Necro appreciation

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hellgaunt.1734


Deathshroud being useless for anything other then a power build (and even then pretty bad). No burst. Slow stacking of conditions. Extremely limited access to stability. Extremely long cool-downs on almost all of our utilities. Many traits still bugged (more then any other profession). The fact that a lot of or utilities flat out don’t work (corrupt boon missing 50% of the time, spectral grasp missing 80% of the time, people just walking out of wells) Minions (need I say more?). Oh yeah, extreme lack of combo fields/finishers. This is just off the top of my head. kthxbai.

This is not even serious – I bet that even if they make the points like you want it you’ll find something else to be annoyed at. If you don’t like the necro class play something else and don’t whine about the state of the necro, which admittedly still have major issue but not glaringly gamebreaking issues.

Yes it’s sad that minions are as useless as they are. Yes the traits are tossed around to make Curses a vastly more interesting setup than Spite for most power builds – but it’s not so broken that you can’t build a proper spite powermancer and the necro class when properly build is actually one of the strongest 1v1 classes in the game due to the amount of counters, health, escapes and debuffs.

If you don’t realize that you have no business playing a necro.

Yes I love the necro profession to the point that each time I play my Guardian or Warrior I feel something is missing and I’m weaker overall when building to do the same damage as my necro.

But the bad thing is still minions. When they are fixed the necro profession is in a very good spot