We all know where necro stands in spvp, and this is a post about one of the many things that make necro bottom tier, yet is not often mentioned – the weapons. Plain and simple – their design and synergies are often bad or unbalanced. Or both.
So without further introductions, let old dr Zef diagnose this dead patient:
1. The Dagger – unlike most things necro this weapon’s sin is being OP. Powerful melee damage, cleaves, fast mulitple hits for triggering on hit effects, great life force build up on auto, solid hp leech on #2, very good immobilize on 3, and both #2 and #3 having 600 range.
It’s near impossible to not go dagger when playing necro.
Rating: 4.5/5
2. The scepter And here comes the redhaired fat stepchild with crooked teeth. The scepter is hands down the worst weapon in necro’s kitten nal. What is supposed to be a sustained ranged condi weapon in reality is a deathwish,
Crimes of the scepter are numerous. Firstly for a ranged 1v1 weapon it lacks the power to be such. There is no direct nor condi burst to make you a threat before opponent grows a beard and you’re long dead. If you’re looking for defensive option, like on mesmer’s scepter – good luck! There ain’t none here, unless you’re talking cripple from grasping dead, but that has to land first, and it’s one chance per 10s.
Nail to it’s coffin is the 900 range, which kills it’s chances to be a viable condi-snipe tool (welll that and lack of burst).
Scepter has no place in battle with opponent who is fighting you and not running away or not aware you’re there picking him off.
Rating: 1.5/5
Staff – imagine you have 5 skills. None of them good. Wasted 10s is how i feel about the staff. 4 outta 5 skills are marks, which unless used directly on enemy are a waste of a cast. They’re visible from a mile and a simple dodgeroll solves all the mark problems for the enemy. When that’s done and avoided what you’re left with is most often putrid mark for condi cleanse and slow, power based auto. I won’t say auto-attack is bad, it’s far better then scepter and has 1200 range. But it’s still not very strong, and very brain dead. Ranger’s bow auto attacks heavily reward positioning making them far less boring. With staff it’s a snoozefest.
Rating: 2.5/5
Axe I stand corrected by community. Axe damage is horrid. It needs some serious buffing of it’s AA and #2 damage skill. Still while lacking in power the overall concept is good – vulni + burst + aoe retal. But those damage numbers needs some attention.
Rating: 2/5
warhorn – warhorn rocks, a control weapon with swiftness, lf gain and cripples. Made for moving around and melee combat., dagger’s best friend.
Rating: 5/5
offhand dagger – guess that’s supposed to be the offhand condi weapon. The condi cleanse with blind is nice, but enfleebling blood is a dissapointment for a #5 skill. Soon we’ll have that on a trait when entering ds (currently we get nerfed version), so that shows how trashy it is.
rating: 2.5/5
focus reaper’s scythe is nice for some fast vulni stacking and life force gain (+ regen). It’s a bit too visible, but still a good #4 skill. It’s the spinal shivers that give me the chills. 1.25s is a horrid cast time, and at best it strips 3 boons. On other character that may be impressive, but necro is known for corrupting boons, not just stripping them. And that trait that does the very same skill when opponent is below 50%. Shows how little spinal shivers are valued.
rating: 2.5/5
When it comes to weapons necromancer really got the short end of the short stick. Lack of defensive options (such as blocks or evades, or even a kitten blind (save single blind on offhand dagger), lack of solid condi burst (on character that’s supposed to be THE condi class), lack of good melee power cleave (reaper will adress that) and lack of a clear role for most of them (staff, scepter, focus), combined with some of them being ridicously op (dagger& warhorn) screwes necro in spvp even more.
I hope A-net will wake up and start thinking about how to adress these necro issues.
(edited by ZeftheWicked.3076)