Necro elite skill suggestion

Necro elite skill suggestion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Miss Sugarific.8471

Miss Sugarific.8471

So I was comparing the necromancer from GW1 to the GW2 necro and am rather dissapointed that in GW2 necromancers don’t get to make use of corpses anymore, which for me is an iconic necromancer ability. I understand that with the open world and enemy respawn that reanimating corpses would make things more complicated…

However with the recent update that stops people from rezzing when a party member is in combat, I figured it would be great if the necromancers had an elite skill that could temporary reanimate a players character and make use of his corpse.

The possibilities of how this would work are endless. The player’s corpse could become playable again with certain undead skills, the corpse could go on auto attack, the player revives again if they manage to kill something, or the player just simply drops dead again after a certain amount of time, etc.

No doubt there are lots of loopholes in this idea, but just throwing the idea out there.

Necro elite skill suggestion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


They got rid of corpses because those skills were useless in smaller-group fighting. They were pushing 5v5 for competitive eSports, making all those skills complete crap. The reason it was in GW1 and worked okay, was because there were like 600 skills to choose from. In this game though, corpse based skills would make 4+ skills completely useless outside WvW and PvE, which is outside their design wants.

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