Necro in pvp = hard countered
They changed it when weakness was changed to work on crits. They thought it would be too strong so they locked it behind an icd. What they should of done is just reduced the proc chance or the duration. And left it as no icd.
Ohh i know the reason it is more that i disagree with it. So maybe my wording wasnt the best in my post before…
I’m pretty certain Enfeebling Blood was nerfed as well, plus the amount of weakness blasting poison fields gave.
Also, weakening shroud wasn’t nerfed. It was obliterated.
I’m pretty certain Enfeebling Blood was nerfed as well, plus the amount of weakness blasting poison fields gave.
Also, weakening shroud wasn’t nerfed. It was obliterated.
Those were both left alone, actually.
Weakening Shroud didn’t really get nerfed, it got changed. Lower condition effect in exchange for proccing a lot more often. Power builds saw a buff in damage output, for example. The “lower condition effect” was lowered a bit too much (everyone said 3 seconds would have been correct), though.
It was a 15" icd, which, assuming you spent a little time in DS rather than just flash, is basically every DS. It alone gave us 40% weakness uptime, although weakness was, err, weaker then. :p Now it’s 20%, 40% with near to death, which is hard to fit in on a condimancer (who will be the one taking it, zerkers take ranged wells instead usually) and only if you DS on cooldown. Not to mention fewer bleeds. I’d be happier if they removed the bleeds and applied 4" weakness alone.
I would say we need more weakness but there is so much condition cleansing…
More weakness is better, though. Maybe specializing will help. Weakness does fit well with a short range power weapon.
Well that’s the thing though, we need more frequent application – long duration/long recharge weakness is useless because it will get cleansed quickly. It should be something you have on demand when you see the big burst coming.
Class simply needs more access to a combination of blocks, evades, stability, or other damage mitigation skills to be more useful. I have never felt that my damage was poor, but I have always felt that I could not maneuver or deal with damage spikes when focus fired. In addition, it’s so frustrating to get ping pinged around as we have trouble with the cc meta that seems to be rampant. I wish anet would seriously take a look at these things or give us something to freaking compensate.
Class simply needs more access to a combination of blocks, evades, stability, or other damage mitigation skills to be more useful. I have never felt that my damage was poor, but I have always felt that I could not maneuver or deal with damage spikes when focus fired. In addition, it’s so frustrating to get ping pinged around as we have trouble with the cc meta that seems to be rampant. I wish anet would seriously take a look at these things or give us something to freaking compensate.
Changing a lot of our skills to instant-cast instead of every skill and its mother having a casttime or being a channel might help a big deal aswell. Seriously, a certain other class does the damage we do with Life Transfer with a skill on a WAY lower CD, instant cast and inbuild firefield and evade.
I have to admit the amount of effort it takes to beat a engi/mesmer that uses AI to attack you while they go invuln, stealth, and run around pillars all day so you cant hit them is over the top. (sad thing is those builds require little to no effort :/) Makes me wish necro did have stealth in a way, although i know it doesn’t fit. That way instead of the opponent getting the satisfaction of watching me die to AI attacks while he is stealthed, invuln or hiding. I can just stealth too until his wears off so his AI cant hit me >.< I could also run away I guess but i can’t help but see it as hard counter for poor necro if they are forced to run. I agree medi guard also counters hard, They deal damage more quickly than necro and have so many blocks/blinds combined with all their condi removal it feels very one sided for condi nec. The other classes or builds i dont really have trouble with at least, including warrior. So i don’t think everything hard counters necro into uselessness it just comes off as rock/paper/scissor balance to me.
Anyone have any tips vs good medi guards or people who let AI do their dirty work while they hide or invuln?
(edited by OMNIBUS.2913)
Hey omni. Condi pressure destorys engis, jsut stay outta turret range as best you can. Same for thfs, but they are more annoying. My bud plays dps medi guard so i duel him alot for practice, and its tough, you gotta know what to save your dodges for. If you don’t dodge his gs tele you’re toast, idk about all but its def what my bud starts his burst with. Aside from that, same as the others. It’s an offensive build so if you keep em on the defense they’re at a big disadvantage. Their condi cleanse isnt as good as bunker by far, so you got that at least. If you can force a cleanse w/o S0S, hit em with S0S, followed by fear chain. Should be GG after that
engi: turret engies tend to drop their turrets on the point while they go sideways to kite around them. This may sound obvious, but go for the engi, not for the turrets/point.
If you manage to get up close and personal, your cripples could become actually quite effective as engies generally have very few cleanses. He then would probably try to lure you into his turrets, in which case do not follow him, keep your distance, no matter how low his HP is, as a neat Krait can turn the whole matchup to his favour.
Stomping can be extremely frustrating as the engi will probably go down near to his turrets, so expect loads of CCs. Best to bleed them out (literally), if you can afford the time that it takes.
Unfortunately there are some maps and points, where turret engies with good turret placement are essentially untouchable by condi necros (Henge on Forest for example). My tip would be to leave him to old age in that case and capitalize on the 4v5 your team will have during the match. Watch out for his rotation and try to snipe him on the road as they are essentially free kills while on the move.
medi guard: as macaulay has pointed out, medi guards have mediocre cleanses – try to bait them out. His biggest advantage (or hard counter) is his CoP, which converts all his condies into boons (essentially a hardcounter for SoS). If you can bait it out with a high enough bleed/torment stacking, it’s a win for you for sure.
Use sigil of torment (guess most of the necros have realized how much better it is than geomancing) – torment can do wonders against guards, as they have to keep moving constantly to stay in range, especially medi guards, since all their dmg comes from melee bursts.
A common combo is that they immob you with scepter#3 and then port to you with their Focus#5 and GS spin. A good medi guard times his Focus#5, so that it would explode on impact. You can exploit this and anticipate when the burst will come. The Focus#5 pulses 3 times before it explodes (eplodes on the 4th), try to observe it and either blind (dg#4) or fear the guard. It might worth noting that you’d have to be extra precise on the fear so that you’d fear him after he ported, as his port skill is a stunbreak aswell.
Or break the focus shield before it explodes (can be frustrating on condi) and you will halv his damage output instantly.
But the general tip is to use your cripples/chills effectively and you should be out of harms way as he won’t be able to catch up to you.
(edited by glorius.1235)
Thnx for the advice on medi guard, i’ll focus on making them waste his cleanses sooner and watch for tells. Sometimes the blinds and blocks can mess up my condition stacking too. But I have alrdy beaten some now, it was just a few legendary champ medi guards that got me >.<.I generally don’t have trouble with other engi builds or thieves. Just turrets cause some of the turret engis like to abuse los so I can’t hit them or transfer condi while their turrets hit me. But i’m playing more patient vs them now and keeping my distance from the turrets. Capping around works too, it’s still annoying dealing with them tho XD.
Make withering precision icd per target like ele blinding ashes, and maybe it would be worth it.
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.