Necro is too OP
Playing my Necro at the moment and literally all I have to do is press F1 and then own anyone near me.
This is a joke. Please nerf me so I can play other classes.
Necro is the strongest fighter type of class. But try playing healer (Tempest auramancer or Druid), they contribute in another way.
Main nec, but switched to ranger, doing pretty good so far.
git gud
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Seems like you don’t have too much understanding of the necro class. It’s not just you start a necro then you kill everyone it’s not how it works. If you are a bad necro you will lose most of your 1v1s and only have success in a team where 4 peoples are already stronger than the enemies 5 players and none focusing you till the end of the game. You have to be a skilled one in competitive gaming if you want to keep up close to revenants scrappers etc.
Please… It’s really easy for us to kill everything. Honnestly I’m in favor of a nerf, simply because I’m bored to see a lot of “lords of darkness” who have no idea of the class, but still can EXPLODE their foes because the necro is IMO the strongest class currently…
Necros/rangers are everywhere, and this is not for no reason…
I see more DH then anything else currently, and necs not op sorry to burst your bubble dat trap spammich. Alot of people like to base their opness on 1 on 1 fights but when you have a team working in unison with good knowledge of thier class, and can pick up ques it’s pretty devastating. That’s why you see peeps cry about premades.
(edited by Crimson Shi.5047)
Can someone just close out this trash of a thread?
I’m sorry, currently the necro is OP as f***. This is not a shame, but in my opinion it’s annoying. This is not fun at all to play a god (of death actually).
Power reaper, condition reaper, surviviability… We are too strong. You have to admit it, because it’s obvious that we’ll be nerfed one day.
And another class will be the new OP, and so the GW2 circle of imba continues. So?
I’m sorry, currently the necro is OP as f***. This is not a shame, but in my opinion it’s annoying. This is not fun at all to play a god (of death actually).
Power reaper, condition reaper, surviviability… We are too strong. You have to admit it, because it’s obvious that we’ll be nerfed one day.
This is a joke right? I’m not saying we’re as bad as a year ago but in no way is Necro OP. We lack a good way to survive focus fire (don’t even bring up shroud). We are at be a a decent jack of all trades but for everything we have there is a class that does it better with the exception of 1 condition chill. We are not best at DPS, We are not best at bunkering, we are not best at boon removal, We are definitely not best at mobility, not best at healing. How are we overpowered? On top of all that Necro is a difficult class to master. Our survival is dependent on precise timing of entering and leaving our shrouds because we have no blocking, no invulnerability, mediocre heals and no escape (unless maybe you build a chillomancer). Again how are we OP.
I have a lot of fun playing Necro and I’m not saying we suck but we’re not OP.
its funny too see all these people saying necro isnt op
then explain why you only see necros in pvp? , i just tried the metabuild of necro and its soo easy to play… , just press all skills of staff , then fill some with scepter , go shorud press everything and stomp
you guys are killing pvp
i just tried the metabuild of necro and its soo easy to play… , just press all skills of staff , then fill some with scepter , go shorud press everything and stomp
Stream it
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GTX 980M – SSD 512GB R/W:550/520MB/s
17.3" 1080p – 32GB 2400MHz DDR4
its funny too see all these people saying necro isnt op
then explain why you only see necros in pvp? , i just tried the metabuild of necro and its soo easy to play… , just press all skills of staff , then fill some with scepter , go shorud press everything and stomp
you guys are killing pvp
Because you play against people who have no idea how the game works?
Of course you can roll your face over the keyboard when the enemy is basically doing nothing…
Because necro wins most fights if your opponts dont dodge as such its pretty effective vs bad players.
Problem is: assuming both players barely dodge/block anything, necro kind of has to win as it has less access to dodges/blocks than any other class and relies od generating life force+absorbing damage with it -> if both players hit most of their abilities necro should always win otherwise the class couldnt even with if everything goes in its favor. Yes, the design philosophy is kittened but that is exactly how nec/reaper is designed currently.
We are not best at DPS, We are not best at bunkering, we are not best at boon removal,
I have to nitpick, but Necros are very, very much the best boon removal in the game right now. Mallyx Revenants are second with Mesmers third, but Necros are a level above all other professions on that front.
you sure should try getting focused and chain cc’ed by scrappers and revs in a team fight mid then
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
This whole game is overpowered.
Huge amounts of necros are having fun right now…I just can’t understand why…. /sarcasmoff
I see more DH then anything else currently, and necs not op sorry to burst your bubble
dat trap spammich. Alot of people like to base their opness on 1 on 1 fights but when you have a team working in unison with good knowledge of thier class, and can pick up ques it’s pretty devastating. That’s why you see peeps cry about premades.
You posted earlier “ranting” about how warrior, thief etc. weren’t viable and now you’re saying that reaper is balanced. It’s one of the major reasons those classes aren’t used as much. I can only assume that it’s your only class and that’s why you think it’s fair. It’s obvious that you’ve got no concept of fairness in sPvP yet.
Im not going to say its op, i’m not going to say it isn’t op.
But the couple people saying that you aren’t op because you can get focused fire is a little ridiculous don’t you think? Of course you shouldn’t be able to live if you ganked…
All i can say about reapers is the chill uptime is insane, and is very strong, but they recently at least toned the damage of it down in the last patch, and i think its likely to be addressed further.
For now though, enjoy your necros, its their turn to be top of the food chain for a bit.
But the couple people saying that you aren’t op because you can get focused fire is a little ridiculous don’t you think? Of course you shouldn’t be able to live if you ganked…
It’s not that anyone expects necro’s to live when being focussed, it’s about how long you can survive being focussed and in what kind of state you are afterwards.
A lot of classes have damage immunity skills (like infusing light, elixer s,evades,…), which negate damage while necro charge up a bar which allows them to absorb damage. So when a another class is being ganked he activates that immunity skill and can survive for that duration, he also comes out of this situation with just his imunity skill(s) lost.
A necro being ganked is a bit different, they activate shroud and shroud absorb the damage. So if five player attack the necro, he will die five times faster then if one person is attacking him. Even if he manages to survive he will come out with 0 life force which means that they have to build it up for a while to be at full strength.
All i can say about reapers is the chill uptime is insane, and is very strong, but they recently at least toned the damage of it down in the last patch, and i think its likely to be addressed further.
For now though, enjoy your necros, its their turn to be top of the food chain for a kitten
ill uptime is insane, but it’s also heavily invested in. Most skill traits/have actually a lower uptime of chill compared to dark path. Also we are having a low condi cleanse meta at the moment so reaper can flourish easier.
Playing my Necro at the moment and literally all I have to do is press F1 and then own anyone near me.
This is a joke. Please nerf me so I can play other classes.
if that’s all you do as a necro, you must be one of those necros i kill so easily when 1v1.
I always mained a necro, and i consistently own around 90% of them, so there must be something more than hitting F1, or they would give me more trouble.
Im not going to say its op, i’m not going to say it isn’t op.
But the couple people saying that you aren’t op because you can get focused fire is a little ridiculous don’t you think? Of course you shouldn’t be able to live if you ganked…
All i can say about reapers is the chill uptime is insane, and is very strong, but they recently at least toned the damage of it down in the last patch, and i think its likely to be addressed further.
For now though, enjoy your necros, its their turn to be top of the food chain for a bit.
well, there are classes that can survive getting focused. there are also classes that don’t have to stand on a point to deal damage. We are very powerful but are only effective in melee range, and cannot disengage easily, so i think it’s balanced.
Also, the insane condi managment a necro has, is almost nothing in this new condi meta. You transfer and they transfer back. You cleanse and in the next second you have all conditions know to man on you again.
I am enjoying the necro but for tough fights, it feels useless if you don’t have some serious support.
I see more DH then anything else currently, and necs not op sorry to burst your bubble
dat trap spammich. Alot of people like to base their opness on 1 on 1 fights but when you have a team working in unison with good knowledge of thier class, and can pick up ques it’s pretty devastating. That’s why you see peeps cry about premades.
You posted earlier “ranting” about how warrior, thief etc. weren’t viable and now you’re saying that reaper is balanced. It’s one of the major reasons those classes aren’t used as much. I can only assume that it’s your only class and that’s why you think it’s fair. It’s obvious that you’ve got no concept of fairness in sPvP yet.
Fariness in regards to the other classes, a good scrapper or ele can lock down a good reaper. Lock down meaning he can’t leave as the scrapper ele are stunning/cleansing. If the nec make a mistake the scrapper will kill em or the dance can go on forever. If they make a mistake in their skill rotation, they die.
A DH who can pick off a reaper yanking him into his traps to stun daze him is playing to his roots too. If the reaper has no LF it’s GG.
Druid in my experience can face tank a nec if they can time thier CC when the nec has no stability or use roots when they do.
Overall when I made that post I was also referring to team composition.
It doesn’t take a pro to see how the current meta is at this point in time.
@Aenesthesia.1697 Pretty much, anyone who goes into this current sPVP with that mind set will be disappointed the higher they go. More experienced players who know how to read tells with such a predictable mindset will bait, and kill new necs. But then the same can be argued of any class.
EDIT: I have a fondness for all the classes in this game, and love pvping with all them. If you had really read my post you would have read that my two favorite classes to pvp with are warrior, and thief. (as well as nec :p )
(edited by Crimson Shi.5047)
Too OP? Not unless you can have full life force all the time. And even then, not really.
I do feel like it’s pretty strong right now but the only thing I don’t really like is the boon corruption on auto attack, scepter was already great and i’d rather see something like that on axe.
Reaper is kind of playing the equalizer role right now, if it gets nerfed, I guarantee people will start complaining about Druids, Healing Tempest, and Scrappers because nobody else can deal with them nearly as well.
I agree, basically Nec is in the spot where Ele was before diamond skin nerf, and why everyone cries they are imba. Because if it wasn’t for necs then everyone would still be running bunkerish boon kitten classes.
honestly…..i miss playing necro fear….i find fear more fun.
Henge of Denravi Server
Necros being powerful is needed to keep scrappers in check. Count the number of counters scrappers have, you won’t need to use too many fingers. And as powerful as reapers are, at higher tier PvP and pro leagues, the only class currently being stacked is revs. Nope, not necros, you will find most higher level teams stack 2 revs if they stack any class at all. Stacking necros is pointless due to being too immobile and too easily trained.
Like the current meta or not, it is the way Anet has it at the moment. You can nerf necros, but you will also need to nerf scrapper and revs. Revs & scrappers are c’blocking warriors, thieves, and DH from being played at higher end. No need to utilize any of these 3 classes because revs & scrappers can do everything they can do, but better.
Druids are another story altogether. If they weren’t easily trained down, they would likely get a secure meta spot. They have what it takes to be a good class, and are quite clutch at revives. But most teams focus them down first even over reapers. If they had the sustain of scrappers when being focused, they would be up there. A druid vs reaper 1v1 is one of those long fights that usually could go either way.
So yeah, it kinda sucks to see so many reapers in the ranked right now. They kinda give us long time necros a bad name. But reaper stacking isn’t that big of an issue at higher tiers because they become not optimal to stack later on. Pro league players and higher tier players will spank any 3-4 reaper team with one eye closed. They’ll use a combination of eles, revs, scrappers, and maybe bring 1 reaper along. Winning against a reaper stacked team is really not an issue at all.
For the record, I don’t like how Anet pushed necros into the condi role. I’ve always preferred power builds & gameplay. But I’m now playing condi because it’s required if you want to do well and you don’t want to disappoint your team. Funny I mentioned power, because power reapers get spanked pretty hard these days. That’s another thing, if they want to nerf reapers, they better boost power builds.
Not easier than condi rev.. now that is the easiest I have played..
Depends heavily on context and format.
I’d argue power reaper is the most balanced elite spec released with HoT, and necromancers countering boon builds is really healthy for the state of sPvP. More boon access nerfs and more buffs to professions’ core traits as to make counters more definitive would be a big push in the right direction imho. We shouldn’t see professions running around with permanent swiftness/protection/regen/stability uptime with frequent aegis and resistance.
The only profession (long before HoT) with access to permanent speed increases used to be the thief on Signet of Shadows, which held a weak active effect to compensate, because no class could stack permanent swiftness on itself and no other classes had movespeed signets. A utility skill would be sacrificed for a slightly weaker version of permanent swiftness. Seeing so much boon use cover so many build holes while making no sacrifices is what has led us to bad class balance and design over the years.
Boons are supposed to compensate slightly for a weakness or bolster a strength to get the edge on a foe, not make something good innately at everything by stacking them so severely. If this is a new design philosophy, then there needs to be more boon removal than there is even now.
Actually, Engineers always had perma swiftness…
Yea, uhh… every engi worth his salt took a specific trait that granted perma swiftness just by equipping a kit, And why runes of the traveler where so expensive pre HOT.
Playing my Necro at the moment and literally all I have to do is press F1 and then own anyone near me.
This is a joke. Please nerf me so I can play other classes.
‘’Weve waited for so long, now its our time to shine.’’
Playing my Necro at the moment and literally all I have to do is press F1 and then own anyone near me.
This is a joke. Please nerf me so I can play other classes.
‘’Weve waited for so long, now its our time to shine.’’
We still not that good lol
Playing my Necro at the moment and literally all I have to do is press F1 and then own anyone near me.
This is a joke. Please nerf me so I can play other classes.
‘’Weve waited for so long, now its our time to shine.’’
We still not that good lol
Waiting for the OP to face good revs/thieves so they make nec feel like utter trash
Can’t we just go back to the “good ’ole days” when only the very best of Necros weren’t snowball food and nobody would risk taking one without the highest of confidence?
The main Problem is, that the Necro always got focused by the opponent team. which of the top teams have a Necro? none.
Lack of Mobility, Lack of blocks, lack of stunbreakers makes it necessary for a necro to tank a team. it was not fun to play necro for the last years. now it’s ok in my opinion. once you get focused you’re still down.
I’ve been having good success 1v2 on condi-reaper on point. In reaper shroud im near invincible. Out of it i almost fear for my life and have to play very defensively till RS is back.
Lack of mobility and general condition cleansing are what i feel as the biggest drawbacks even with consume conditons, “suffer” and staff 4. Spectral armor is a good stun break and you can spec for reaper shroud to be a stun break if you need it. You lose Dhuumfire if you do that though and Dhuumfire is super powerful.
(don’t even bring up shroud).
WHAT?!?! Hahahaha
The main Problem is, that the Necro always got focused by the opponent team. which of the top teams have a Necro? none.
Lack of Mobility, Lack of blocks, lack of stunbreakers makes it necessary for a necro to tank a team. it was not fun to play necro for the last years. now it’s ok in my opinion. once you get focused you’re still down.
Actually all of the top teams had a necro in the most recent tourny games.
Moreover, the rose colored glasses are so thick in this thread. I can’t even….
Waiting for the OP to face good revs/thieves so they make nec feel like utter trash
Revs have no condi clear. They have stab on dodge. Just AA when they dodge and turn it into fear. GG. Necro and condi mez are literally the biggest counter to them. If you’re dying to a Rev, you’re really doing it wrong.
Waiting for the OP to face good revs/thieves so they make nec feel like utter trash
Revs have no condi clear. They have stab on dodge. Just AA when they dodge and turn it into fear. GG. Necro and condi mez are literally the biggest counter to them. If you’re dying to a Rev, you’re really doing it wrong.
You talking about 1v1 mate? Then you’re the one doing something wrong
Mmmm I have a reaper I should bring out of the closet (currently play mostly Mesmer, and only wvw)
Which is this OP builds people keep talking about? Chillomancers?
(I say mostly in jest, I find necros too slow to run across the map :P)
Playing against a necro, especially as a rev/theif, to a lesser extent ele and mes and warr, is akin to getting your balls or boobs flicked repeatedly with reasonable force by a very close friend.
The game has become an extended duration death simulator with flashy particles. It’s getting pretty boring…
Ive seen more graveyards than the reaper who sent me there and he’s an avatar of death itself.
Playing my Necro at the moment and literally all I have to do is press F1 and then own anyone near me.
This is a joke. Please nerf me so I can play other classes.
I know Warriors feel kinda weak at the moment but come on. Is coming here and crapping on the Necro really the way to argue for your chosen main? In PVE the Reaper is far from being the strongest or the best. In unranked PVP, which is the only kind I play I get killed just as much as I kill others on my Reaper.
What’s op at the moment is the whole condition situation and that needs addressing. Just make sure to leave my power Reaper out of it.
And finally isn’t there a dedicated forum for PVP grief ?
We are not best at DPS, We are not best at bunkering, we are not best at boon removal,
I have to nitpick, but Necros are very, very much the best boon removal in the game right now. Mallyx Revenants are second with Mesmers third, but Necros are a level above all other professions on that front.
Necros are the best at boon corruption. This is where they excel in fact, but Mesmers have way more access to boon removal and can steal boons. So in terms of effectiveness this one is debatable. But in shear numbers of boons that can be removed Mesemers have the crown
(don’t even bring up shroud).
WHAT?!?! Hahahaha
Shoud is the argument people used to say Necros were OP since the game launched but seeing the amount of necros on top teams you can tell we were never OP. Shroud is our only defense but still doesn’t provide the sustain as some other classes who have tons of blocks, invulnerability, mobility an stealth. “OMG Necros have a 2nd life bar so they are OP” is the reason we’ve been kittented on since day 1. Now finally the devs realized that most players can’t fully utilize their lofty design. (and by most only 1 player has ever made it to a top ranking team as a necro) This is because shroud doesn’t make us instantly godly. Necro is fun to play and Shoud is cool as hell (no pun intended) but it has flaws like any other game mechanic.