Necro needs a Ranged Direct Damage weapon
the dagger is mele ranged the necro doesnt need this with no moment skills
lolwut? why toss away the dagger? it’s a great weapon, fast hitting, high damage, great life force generation has 600 range on all it’S skills but the auto-attack. What’s the problem with it?
I agree with Pizz. I like the dagger as an option.
I say make the Axe the direct damage ranged weapon. It needs a damage boost. The 10-15% more damage extra is helpful in PvP, but it takes a while to stack and effort to keep it up while doing almost no damage. I can’t see the axe instantly becoming OP with a damage buff.
Im not asking for any weapons to be removed -
im asking for a ranged dirrect dammage wep to be added
Unless i’ve misread your original post you said : “Why must the necromancer be locked into condition damage” I’m telling you… it’s not
I agree, been waiting a long time for a ranged power build, staff auto attack doesnt cut it. Our only power options are axe and dagger, everything else is hybrid.