I have been swapping back and forth between my necro and my ranger and other toons for the last few weeks in wvw and i have come to one final conclusion…. Necro needs some kind of escape and shouldnt rely solely on its shroud bar to live.
Back in the day when every necro was condi and they had great damage with every skill, i can see why mobility and escapes were left out (taken away) but with the new reaper spec, which is meant to be a way to give necros a way to run frontline) i think the devs should take another look at them since most who actually run reaper run power based.
As reaper, even if you run PVT gear, you can never stand up to the damage like a heavy armor class because cloth armor just doesnt have the armor base to support the class.
Yes, as reaper you get a health boost but that means nothing if you dont have the armor and get crit every hit.
As it stands right now, reapers have very little to no survivability in wvw as power… and that is the ONLY way to play reaper since they have to be power based to do any damage with reaper shoud and you should be mid line to frontline ready to jump in.
If you are power, your wells and marks do NO damage so your worthless unless you can sustain a push.
If you go condi, your reaper shroud is worthless… so you go classic necro backline staff wells (which is not what this post is about)
I am trying to make the point that given the new reaper spec.. there has to be a trade off that makes it WORTH taking reaper and running the power that supports it.
Two ways they could fix the problems and make everyone happy who wants to play the front line cloth class you promised without making reaper OP.
First, if you go reaper line (its all based on power already) just make it so that your attacks, wells everything are power based… condi ticks, well activation etc.. are all converted to the power equivalent… maybe make it a stand alone trait in the reaper line that does slightly less than a full condi reaper.. but at least close so when we cant jump in in shroud we are at least doing some kind of noticeable damage.
Second you need to give reapers a kind of teleport (better than the crappy wyrm) or some kind of mobility on the battlefield.. Something that is close to blink, mist form or the ansecertrial grace of druid staff. If you are not going to every give necros a full 33% run buff… the least you could do is a 1200 movement skill that teleports you out of danger if you get caught because right now, necros are ALWAYS the first to go down because we have no stabo and no mobility on the battlefield and with no run buff, we are almost always the last in the battle and the first to go down.
I say dont add stabo to reaper simply because the stabo we have now on shroud 3 sucks and with the nerfs to it (for all classes) it is completly useless. Stabo in its current form gets stripped so easily the only chance for a necro reaper to live would be an escape skill as mentioned above.
Reduce our health if we take reaper line maybe as a trade off. I would love to have the druid staff 3 wisp teleport as a necro with about the same HP as my power range. But in doing so, you would need to slightly enhance our base toughness and vitality to make is like a heavy armor class or at the very least a medium armor class, because if you go reaper, thats bascially what you are.. a cloth tank class. Make reapers a medium to heavy tank in cloth with at least one escape. LIKE EVERY OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME HAS.
Most classes have multiple escapes.. Some (like thief) can never be pinned down and they at least get medium armor and invis)
I understand that necros were once unkillable with shroud and the extra HP but that is far from the case these days. On my ranger i can literally burn down a reaper with one rapid fire and not even break a sweat.
People complain about reaper because we are playing it the way you intended.. as a power frontline class now… yet i doubt that you intended nor envisioned that all the other classes would be doing anywhere near the damage output that they do now. An extra HP bar with less health than a glass mesmer is no match for the original design and really needs to be looked at again
This would fix most problems with reaper i think…