Necro skills and projectile speed?

Necro skills and projectile speed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Apollo.7583


Why are necro projectiles so ridiculously slow? Im pretty sure at one point I was outrunning either Necrotic Grasp or Spectral Grasp.
Also most 1 skills seem like they could use a buff in attack speed, not a lot but just a bit. They feel awfully slow.

Our only stability skill is Foot in the Grave and I just dont get why I need 3 seconds of stability in death shroud when I cant even stomp in the form.

Necros really need a teleport skill and maybe Im wrong but I thought in early videos Dark Path was originally a target type teleport (something like blink/shadowstep), why was that changed? It hardly hits in wvw/pvp as its so slow and dodging it is easy. It should be a teleport since it gives an aoe chill would allow for more skillful engages/escapes.

Fears seem really short and we only have 2 on weapons (others require downed, stun, reviving); I have never seen a character use a stun break on a fear. I know with traits it can get a bit better but 1 second seems awfully short compared to warrior fear and thief stolen fear. 4 seconds would be too much but 1 seems way too short.

Im surprised at the lack of poison on Necros; we have scepter chain 3 giving 2 seconds, chillbains/poison fields, corrosive cloud and signet of spite. Kind of wish I had rolled a human necro for the elite Grenth form. But Id like some sort of trait to add more poison options (maybe spectral skills applying it? spectral walk/armor having a small aoe poison)

I wont change from Necro as its the most entertaining to play but it really seems lacking.

Necro skills and projectile speed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: emikochan.8504


I think it’s a problem with most magical projectiles

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Necro skills and projectile speed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Takarazuka.3025


I would have to go back and see early videos of Dark Path, but I don’t recall it ever being a targeted teleport (of course I hardly remember Saturday so who knows). It suffers from the same issue all magical projectiles do… just too kitten slow like emikochan said.

Agreed on stability…. having to go 30 in to SR just to get stability in Death Shroud sucks. We also have it in Lich Form, but popping a 180s cooldown for stability isn’t exactly a plus to me. Maybe others see that different… but I don’t.

Necro skills and projectile speed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Softspoken.2410


Im surprised at the lack of poison on Necros; we have scepter chain 3 giving 2 seconds, chillbains/poison fields, corrosive cloud and signet of spite. Kind of wish I had rolled a human necro for the elite Grenth form. But Id like some sort of trait to add more poison options (maybe spectral skills applying it? spectral walk/armor having a small aoe poison)

This is the one I feel most. When “high access to poison” was mentioned in the necromancer’s class overview, but not in the thief’s, I choked on my drink a little.

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

Necro skills and projectile speed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Im surprised at the lack of poison on Necros; we have scepter chain 3 giving 2 seconds, chillbains/poison fields, corrosive cloud and signet of spite. Kind of wish I had rolled a human necro for the elite Grenth form. But Id like some sort of trait to add more poison options (maybe spectral skills applying it? spectral walk/armor having a small aoe poison)

This is the one I feel most. When “high access to poison” was mentioned in the necromancer’s class overview, but not in the thief’s, I choked on my drink a little.

Except the obvious Scepter 1, there is CPC, Plague, Chillblains (Lich and DS used to have poison effects too but they got removed/revamped if traited all sacrifice skills used to have it if i remember right). Theif got it on just as many sources 4. So its not like they have vastly superior poisoning, but it is correct that the a-net devs have no idea what a necro kit has when compared to others.

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