Necromancer Change Wish List

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Looking back through the forums I fell upon the thief Nerf Wish List, I never commented on it but I was surprised by it’s longevity,popularity and efficiency so I decided to create a necro version of it for changes since the previous ones left existence even when the same issue reappears . Plz follow the format, don’t mind my signature. If you are still playing necro I recommend to post your suggestions here and we’ll try to keep it alive. I am aware that thief is more popular than necro. Examples:

What: Death Shroud
Why: It’s mechanic has been an excuse for no active defense, prevent siphons to be effective because it’s scales with vitality, was intended to be taken down which resulted in necro being a natural aggro magnet, it’s stackable property creates uncontrollable variants in fights results such as too low LF at beginning of fights.
Suggestions: Reduce it’s pool to 10k base, Soul Reaping now reduces it’s drain while active, Vital Persistence converts 7% vitality into DS, DS is not longer affected by vitality, siphons works in DS, changes to utilities/skills to properly compensate.

What: Signet of Vampirism
Why: It’s target and ICD requirements make it a underpowered and restricted heal
Suggestions: Removal of ICD on passive and active, passive now siphons instead of just healing, active now works like a venom and gives 5 stacks to allies for more reliable uses.

What: Grasping Dead
Why: It received an nerf due to Dhuumfire but when the trait got nerfed the skill nerf was never reverted
Suggestion: Give back it’s stack of bleed or transform the current stacks into torment

What: Mark of Blood
Why: Same as Grasping Dead
Suggestion: Give back it’s stack of bleed.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


What: Signet of Undeath
Why: This active of this utility and it’s CD prevent a proper use of this signet despite the acceptable passive
Suggestions: Reduce CD to 90 sec, activation time is now 1 1/2 secs

What: Signet of Plague
Why: Necromance fragile state as well as the growing use of randomized conditions hinder the passive of this skill.
Suggestions: Incoming conditions heals you with no ICD, CD reduce to 50 secs

What: Corrosive Poison Cloud
Why: The self inflicted weakness greatly hinders this skill usage as well lack of backbone
Suggestions: Using this ability applies 3 stacks of torment to the necro for 4 secs, the skill now destroy projectiles.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bran.7425


What: Signet of Undeath
Why: This active of this utility and it’s CD prevent a proper use of this signet despite the acceptable passive
Suggestions: Reduce CD to 90 sec, activation time is now 1 1/2 secs

Cooldown would be too low the only revive skill with a similar cooldown to what you want would be search and rescue (85 sec, but in spvp it has a 180 sec cooldown).

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


What: Enfeebling Blood (trait and skill)
Why: Necro’s lack of blast finisher reduce their uses in groups since they don’t have much to offer
Suggestions: It is now a blast finisher

What: Locust Swarm
Why: It is a melee intended school but the cripples serves no purposes
Suggestions: It now applies 1 sec of weakness per pulse now

What: Vampiric Rituals
Why: Siphon is miserable, nerf of Well of Blood nerfed this trait.
Suggestions: This trait now add extra 2 sec to well duration and scaling with healing power and power is increased.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Locust Swarm is fine as-is. The cripple + Swiftness ensures that opponents can’t just run away from you. It is the ultimate sticking skill. Plus, pulsing Weakness would be stupidly OP.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


What: Signet of Undeath
Why: This active of this utility and it’s CD prevent a proper use of this signet despite the acceptable passive
Suggestions: Reduce CD to 90 sec, activation time is now 1 1/2 secs

Cooldown would be too low the only revive skill with a similar cooldown to what you want would be search and rescue (85 sec, but in spvp it has a 180 sec cooldown).

It’s unused state(Search and Rescue) everywhere should tell us that we don’t want the signet in the same path it is a utility skill not an elite 90 sec seems appropriate considering the acceptable passive, rangers have their own pet pattern issue.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Locust Swarm is fine as-is. The cripple + Swiftness ensures that opponents can’t just run away from you. It is the ultimate sticking skill. Plus, pulsing Weakness would be broken OP.

I partially see that, the main reason for this suggestion is necro doesn’t do much at melee other than face tank in DS even with dagger pvp wise, all they do is stay at range siphon or immobilize for a burst chance or before the siphon, weakness would allow to focus on dps more, it would only be OP if DS stays the same refer to my first suggestion about DS.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bran.7425


Just pointing out that the best you can hope for in a cool down reduction is provably 165 second matching the elementalist revive skill. Would you place it on your bar then?Probably not.

However outside of the warrior elite banner how many of the revive skills really see any play?

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Locust Swarm is fine as-is. The cripple + Swiftness ensures that opponents can’t just run away from you. It is the ultimate sticking skill. Plus, pulsing Weakness would be broken OP.

I partially see that, the main reason for this suggestion is necro doesn’t do much at melee other than face tank in DS even with dagger pvp wise, all they do is stay at range siphon or immobilize for a burst chance or before the siphon, weakness would allow to focus on dps more, it would only be OP if DS stays the same refer to my first suggestion about DS.

I see dagger auto being done all the time in PvP, so I don’t know who you are facing. With Locust Swarm, it’s simple to keep in range for that. Necro dagger is pretty high sustained damage, after all. The cripple allows them to focus less on gapclosing and more on damage.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Just pointing out that the best you can hope for in a cool down reduction is provably 165 second matching the elementalist revive skill. Would you place it on your bar then?Probably not.

However outside of the warrior elite banner how many of the revive skills really see any play?

Pretty much kind of this. Who makes something useless? If they at least bothered to make it some use should be needed/capable , it’s fine to have better skill based on situations but not useless everywhere, War Banner is an elite SoU is an utility at least it deserves lower CD comparing necro vs warrior in design, the non usage of revive utilities should tell them they shouldn’t stay like this.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Locust Swarm is fine as-is. The cripple + Swiftness ensures that opponents can’t just run away from you. It is the ultimate sticking skill. Plus, pulsing Weakness would be broken OP.

I partially see that, the main reason for this suggestion is necro doesn’t do much at melee other than face tank in DS even with dagger pvp wise, all they do is stay at range siphon or immobilize for a burst chance or before the siphon, weakness would allow to focus on dps more, it would only be OP if DS stays the same refer to my first suggestion about DS.

I see dagger auto being done all the time in PvP, so I don’t know who you are facing. With Locust Swarm, it’s simple to keep in range for that. Necro dagger is pretty high sustained damage, after all. The cripple allows them to focus less on gapclosing and more on damage.

I stop seeing dagger on necro everywhere but in my own hands in PvE last time I saw it in PvP was before April 15th patch a siphon necro that was quite decent but I don’t remember much if any AA from him, if it is different now then alright but the melee issue still exist.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


What: Parasitic Contagion
Why: The limitations of conditions in PvE and WvW, the prevention of heal in DS, the unreverted stack nerf makes this trait greatly underwhelming,
Suggestion: The heal is boosted to 8% and now work in DS

What: Reaper’s Precision
Why: It’s miserable RNG with miserable rewards
Suggestions: Crit proc chance is now 66% and give 2% LF

What: Shrouded Removal
Why: It’s in a boon duration line and has good potential
Suggestions: Entering DS converts 1 condition into a boon

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


What: Spinal Shivers
Why: It’s excessive cast time plus fragile state of necromancer hinders a proper set up
Suggestion: Cast time reduced to 3/4 sec

What: Summon Blood Fiend
Why: The healing is not affected by healing power, the passive healing is miserable
Suggestions: The passive heal counts as siphon and scales with healing power, minion attacks every 2 secs instead of 3

What: Well of Darkness
Why: It has an unfitted combo field and is mainly taken with Chilling Darkness to be considered decent, it’s CD is not match vs other similar blind sources
Suggestions: Reduce CD to 40 sec, it is now an ice field

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

(edited by Sagat.3285)

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Locust Swarm is fine as-is. The cripple + Swiftness ensures that opponents can’t just run away from you. It is the ultimate sticking skill. Plus, pulsing Weakness would be broken OP.

I partially see that, the main reason for this suggestion is necro doesn’t do much at melee other than face tank in DS even with dagger pvp wise, all they do is stay at range siphon or immobilize for a burst chance or before the siphon, weakness would allow to focus on dps more, it would only be OP if DS stays the same refer to my first suggestion about DS.

I see dagger auto being done all the time in PvP, so I don’t know who you are facing. With Locust Swarm, it’s simple to keep in range for that. Necro dagger is pretty high sustained damage, after all. The cripple allows them to focus less on gapclosing and more on damage.

I stop seeing dagger on necro everywhere but in my own hands in PvE last time I saw it in PvP was before April 15th patch a siphon necro that was quite decent but I don’t remember much if any AA from him, if it is different now then alright but the melee issue still exist.

In that case, I have no idea if you’ve been paying attention. Of Power necros, I would say 70% use dagger/warhorn as the primary weapon set, with only about 15% using axe at all.

EDIT: Also, fun fact: Blood Fiend’s heal scales with 65% (maybe 66) healing power. But it’s the Fiend’s healing power, not yours.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

(edited by Drarnor Kunoram.5180)

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


I agree, most power necros run dagger. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


I agree, most power necros run dagger.

I am aware they do I just stated that I barely see much AA on dagger.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Why would you barely see it when that is the pure reason for taking dagger? Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Why would you barely see it when that is the pure reason for taking dagger?

Ask them not me, when a necro is out of DS even in it my team usually crushes him, all the AoE on point doesn’t help either, I rarely fight off point but I see necro has being easily taken care of, I usually see them AA on DS,lich,putting wells,running I just don’t see much AA on them with dagger not saying it’s bad I just take on action better than theory.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

(edited by Sagat.3285)

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


What: Reapers Touch, Spectral grasp
Suggestion: increase the projectile speed and reduce cast time to 1/2 second, spectral grasp cast time is fine as is
Why: the skill is too slow to land its full potential and the cast time on RP is too long for the reward, especially since it is most effective when close to your enemy to get all 3 bounces, you’re just left defenceless for a incomparable reward. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: The Wizland.8435

The Wizland.8435

What: Siphons. All of them.
Suggestion: Improve base healing, improve scaling with healing power, heal in DS, and make it heal allies.
Why: Siphons grant too little health and them not working in DS prevents us from getting a bit more sustainability, along with preventing the whole death on leaving DS (Unholy Sanctuary isn’t powerful enough). Making them heal allies also improves team play a bit.

What: Curses Grandmaster Trait
Suggestion: While in DS, soft cap incoming DPS to 6000. I’m not sure whether I’ve seen this elsewhere or not; if I’m taking it from someone else, I’m sorry. All credit where credit is due.
Why: Other classes have other methods of damage mitigation, and not through just face tanking. This would allow us to survive being focused (or tank bursts), while still allowing enemies to take us out if they wish to (for reference, with primary stat vitality and 6 points in Soul Reaping, we get a 23k life force cap. If we hit the DPS cap it’d take about 4 seconds to get us out of DS). It’d also give more build variety for tanky specs.

What: AI
Suggestion: Simple. Fix it and make it attack enemies. If this is too much trouble grant a trait to teleport our minions to us or the enemy and reset their AI. That’d get them to attack. I also think allowing attacks during movement would help them out.
Why: Stop staring at flowers Golem!

What: Boon Corruption.
Suggestion: Make it prioritize Stability.
Why: Allowing the enemy to hide behind other boons is fairly annoying, especially on skills like Well of Corruption. Honestly this is primarily a personal gripe, but it’d be a buff nonetheless.

What: Spinal Shivers
Suggestion: Reduce cast time to 1 second.
Why: It takes to long to cast the skill and might be difficult to cast it fast enough.

What: Well of Darkness
Suggestion: Reduce number of pulses to 3 and cooldown to 30 seconds. This gives us the same uptime but allows for more versatility.
Why: This is primarily a PvE buff. Since you usually won’t want lots of blinds on a single enemy (due to them dying quickly), it’s better to be able to apply it more often. In PvP, again, it gives more versatility.

What: Well of Power
Suggestion: Increase stability stacks to 3.
Why: Compared to some of the other skills out there, the number of stability stacks on this is pitiful. This’ll allow us to take a bit more heat.


(edited by The Wizland.8435)

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Softspoken.2410


What: Projectile Interaction
Suggestions: Add projectile destruction or reflection to the Necromancer, either through increased functionality on a utility or through changes to traits.

  • Corrosive Poison Cloud is a usual suggestion, but a trait relating to spectrals (Spectral skills also reflect projectiles for X seconds?) seems plausible.
  • Maybe have Well of Darkness or corruption also destroy projectiles?
  • Making Unholy Feast (Axe 3) reflect everything currently in the air mimics the behaviour of Whirling Defense (Ranger Axe 5) and Magnetic Wave (Elementalist Earth Staff 4).

Why: Literally every other profession has some method of dealing with projectiles specifically, whether it be through destroying those projectiles or sending them right back. These can require specific weapons, utility skills or traits, but the option exists for everyone that isn’t a necromancer.

What: Death Shroud and Healing
Suggestion: Allow it to pass through to the health pool.
Why: I find this the most unintuitive DS mechanic, and really disagree with it being used as a balancing feature. Would someone using Cleric gear to babysit a Necro in PvP actually be too effective of a tactic?

What: Siphoned Power
Suggestion: Change this to grant retaliation, not might.
Why: Now when you’re getting beaten to death, this trait will give you a boon relevant to being hit. The only way to make use of this trait currently involves way too much set-up to be worth much, especially stacks of might that last for a whole 5 seconds. Also, I want retaliation to be a Thing on necromancers, and it basically isn’t.
Edit: Really you could just trash the entire Siphoned Power trait as it stands. I love the idea behind it, but it just doesn’t work.

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: OlliX.1705


Alright, making a wishlist. The first couple are the ones I’d consider highest priority, and probably easiest to implement. ^^

What: Combo finishers.
Why: Necro does not have a lot of finishers. Adding more finishers will make us more useful when grouped with other players. Lack of party utility is a main reason for necro being excluded in PvE content.

  • Enfeebling Blood (and Weakening Shroud trait) is now a blast finisher.
  • Wail of Doom and Unholy Feast are other good candidates for blast finisher.
  • Ghastly Claws is now a whirl finisher.
  • Dark Path is now a leap finisher.
  • Necrotic Grasp is now a 100% projectile finisher.

What: Projectile mitigation.
Why: Every other class has some way to deal with projectiles. This is another useful utility that necromancers don’t have access to.

  • Corrosive Poison Cloud now destroys projectiles.
  • Spectral Wall now reflects projectiles.

What: Axe
Why: Axe is pretty useless for anything other than quick life force before entering death shroud. It could do with a good increase in damage and some cleave or extra range to make it useful in other scenarios.

  • Rending Claws deals more damage and hits up to 3 enemies. Ghastly Claws also hits up to 3 enemies.
  • Rending Claws and Ghastly Claws has their range increased to 900.

What: Life force in condi builds.
Why: No life force can be critical for any necro build, but especially condition focused builds take a long time to do this and are severely crippled without life force.

  • Necrotic Grasp now has a slightly faster cast time and applies torment (or some other condition) on hit to make it worth auto attacking with.

What: Stunbreak.
Why: Our stunbreaks have long cooldowns and could use some improvement, especially with our inability to mitigate damage and CC, or disengage from fights.

  • Signet of the Locust is now an instant cast stunbreak.
  • Well of Power is now instant cast.
  • Overall cooldown reduction on stunbreaks.

What: Most lifesteal traits are not very potent at all.
Why: Life steal traits is not an important part in any popular builds because of how weak it is. Exceptions being Transfusion and Vampiric Master which are fairly potent. Increasing how they scale with your stats would make them good options for extra damage as well as sustain.

  • Healing from siphons now scale a lot more with healing power.
  • Damage from siphons now scale a lot more with power.

What: Healing and Death Shroud.
Why: Blood Magic conflicts with a core mechanic of our class, regeneration becomes useless and party members can do nothing to help us when we use it. Some healing in death shroud would help improve our sustain, which is pretty bad in its current state and also make this trait line more useful.

  • Healing from traits now work through death shroud.
  • Outside heals and regeneration also works, but at reduced effectiveness.

What: Minion AI.
Why: Minions don’t attack half of the time, pathing is also an issue.
Suggestion: Fix it please. :p

[qT] Necro main.

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kadin.2356


You understand that the “thief nerf wish list” is a joke thread poking fun at all the horrible suggestions people come up with in their rage posts about stealth right?

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


You understand that the “thief nerf wish list” is a joke thread poking fun at all the horrible suggestions people come up with in their rage posts about stealth right?

That why it’s so popular, the main purpose of this one was to create a single to stack of necromancer changes kind of like a merge of what had been stated and proven over and over again. I also mentioned that I know necro is less popular than thief probably the least.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


What: Unholy Martyr
Why: As GM trait it is greatly underwhelming especially for a profession that lacks proper support
Suggestion: Draws 1 condition from 3 allies every 2 secs, heal allies when condition is removed instead of self LF gain

What: Mark of Evasion
Why: The closest to useful adept trait of Blood Magic at least make 1
Suggestion: Give it an extra bleed stack

What: Foot in The Grave
Why: It’s a GM trait the trade-off of damage to get it is unfair and doesn’t guarantee a certain protection vs CC
Suggestion: Add 1 stack on entrance or exit

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


Why would you barely see it when that is the pure reason for taking dagger?

Ask them not me, when a necro is out of DS even in it my team usually crushes him, all the AoE on point doesn’t help either, I rarely fight off point but I see necro has being easily taken care of, I usually see them AA on DS,lich,putting wells,running I just don’t see much AA on them with dagger not saying it’s bad I just take on action better than theory.

Because many new fotm powermancers can only cast life blast. You have to know when you should use Dagger AA. You can’t obviously go all ham with meditard during his one shot rotation. But after interrupting him, immobilizing and positioning on his back? Sure, you should.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Am I bugged because I compared increase of DS in pvp with carrion vs rabid nothing happened but when I put some points in vitality AKA Blood Magic I saw increase… If this is intended that’s messed up.

Edit: Why should this be the case? What were they thinking by allowing Blood Magic to increase DS pool?? Is that’s the excuse for the miserable siphon and healing ? Wow block it and fix the line just wow.


“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

(edited by Sagat.3285)

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


What: Vitality affecting DS
Why: It made a trait line useless and prevents necro from using the healing power stat properly
Suggestions: Block it and fix Blood Magic already stated but I see no reason for it to affect it DS and we all see the “results”.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


well of darkness should be smoke field, not ice field imo

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: The Wizland.8435

The Wizland.8435

What: Vitality affecting DS
Why: It made a trait line useless and prevents necro from using the healing power stat properly
Suggestions: Block it and fix Blood Magic already stated but I see no reason for it to affect it DS and we all see the “results”.

How does vitality affecting DS make a trait line useless? If anything it buffs us because most LF gain skills are percentage based, meaning we get more LF to work with.


Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


What: Vitality affecting DS
Why: It made a trait line useless and prevents necro from using the healing power stat properly
Suggestions: Block it and fix Blood Magic already stated but I see no reason for it to affect it DS and we all see the “results”.

How does vitality affecting DS make a trait line useless? If anything it buffs us because most LF gain skills are percentage based, meaning we get more LF to work with.

A great health equals slower recovery, it is directly related to Blood Magic it being line being recovery, DS is not a resource to work with it’s is primarily a main defense mechanic with available skills, necro does more damage out of DS vs non players or inactive ones the idea of over stacking it and serving as shield hindered the defenses out of it.

Some might argue what’s wrong with that well DS is not is only 5 skills and is used in rotations less while power speced but you end having to face tank with no retaliation. It’s just too excessive that’s why duels put limit on start up DS, necro is vulnerable at start of match, sn encounter vs a lesser skilled player could have been won if you had more of it. I love but they chose the worse main mechanic in history and how it affected the rest was wow.

It seems that I was bugged it took me a while to get the DS while using carrion probably some stats bug. I would like to emphasize again DS is not really a resource mechanic initiative/adrenaline/energy are. Leave the DS pool increase to Soul Reaping well don’t check my suggestion and give necro a proper defense.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

(edited by Sagat.3285)

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: zapv.8051


What: Spectral Wurm
Suggestion: Both parts instant Cast
Why: Mobility

What: Spectral Walk
Suggestion: Make the first activation a 1200 range port
Why: Mobility

What: Speed of Shadows
Suggestion: grants 7-10 seconds of swiftness on entering DS
Why: Mobility

What: Dark Path
Suggestion: Ground targeted 900 range port, 240 aoe
Why: Mobility

We aren’t any tankier than eles, or warriors yet have way lower mobility, no reason for this. There is no rule that says necros should be slow.

Necros don’t have reflects, invulns, vigor, blocks,
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: The Wizland.8435

The Wizland.8435


I don’t think you understand that LF regen is percentage based. If you have a higher cap; it does not take longer to get, it just takes longer to lose. I agree that necro should start with some LF, but that’s not really related to reducing our cap on it.


Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285



I don’t think you understand that LF regen is percentage based. If you have a higher cap; it does not take longer to get, it just takes longer to lose. I agree that necro should start with some LF, but that’s not really related to reducing our cap on it.

You barely do anything in DS, it’s dominance over possible real defenses makes the necro weak in team environment, you always here necro OP killed me…yeah he somehow had full life force and you 1v1 him. I can’t explain how much of hindrance DS is, necro is balanced around best scenario and 1v1, taking part of the effectiveness of active recovery and possible better defenses to boost you to grind for a dragging one is bad and is recognized by all necros. You cannot tell me necro is in a proper spot.

As always kitten DS.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

(edited by Sagat.3285)

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: The Wizland.8435

The Wizland.8435

You barely do anything in DS, it’s dominance over possible real defenses makes the necro weak in team environment, you always here necro OP killed me…yeah he somehow had full life force and you 1v1 him. I can’t explain how much of hindrance DS is, necro is balanced around best scenario and 1v1, taking part of the effectiveness of active recovery and possible better defenses to boost you to grind for a dragging one is bad and is recognized by all necros. You cannot tell me necro is in a proper spot.

As always kitten DS.

So the solution is to nerf it? Something doesn’t seem right here.


Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


You barely do anything in DS, it’s dominance over possible real defenses makes the necro weak in team environment, you always here necro OP killed me…yeah he somehow had full life force and you 1v1 him. I can’t explain how much of hindrance DS is, necro is balanced around best scenario and 1v1, taking part of the effectiveness of active recovery and possible better defenses to boost you to grind for a dragging one is bad and is recognized by all necros. You cannot tell me necro is in a proper spot.

As always kitten DS.

So the solution is to nerf it? Something doesn’t seem right here.

You don’t nerf it follow my suggestions plz, you reduce it’s dominance as main defense mechanic it becomes a semi defense and 3rd weapon swap mechanic. Now with the removal of rare perfect situations where you 1v1 us with full LF screaming OP and the target practice intended puropse the necro has now clear space for improvement of recovery, real damage mitigation, proper damage, group skills and more.

I don’t feel like laying on the floor receiving hits while covered in a green meat shield. I cannot understand who would came up with such a mechanic, approve of it,actually go with it out of alpha. If they really balance around conquest they should see it’s hindrance by now also in all three modes.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

(edited by Sagat.3285)

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: The Wizland.8435

The Wizland.8435

You don’t nerf it follow my suggestions plz, you reduce it’s dominance as main defense mechanic it becomes a semi defense and 3rd weapon swap mechanic. Now with the removal of rare perfect situations where you 1v1 us with full LF screaming OP and the target practice intended puropse the necro has now clear space for improvement of recovery, real damage mitigation, proper damage, group skills and more.

I don’t feel like laying on the floor receiving hits while covered in a green meat shield. I cannot understand who would came up with such a mechanic, approve of it,actually go with it out of alpha. If they really balance around conquest they should see it’s hindrance by now also in all three modes.

Your suggestion was to just nerf it. Even if siphons work, we need options other than being required to go down a specific line for defense. If you’re going to nerf something, please buff something else to compensate.


Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


You don’t nerf it follow my suggestions plz, you reduce it’s dominance as main defense mechanic it becomes a semi defense and 3rd weapon swap mechanic. Now with the removal of rare perfect situations where you 1v1 us with full LF screaming OP and the target practice intended puropse the necro has now clear space for improvement of recovery, real damage mitigation, proper damage, group skills and more.

I don’t feel like laying on the floor receiving hits while covered in a green meat shield. I cannot understand who would came up with such a mechanic, approve of it,actually go with it out of alpha. If they really balance around conquest they should see it’s hindrance by now also in all three modes.

Your suggestion was to just nerf it. Even if siphons work, we need options other than being required to go down a specific line for defense. If you’re going to nerf something, please buff something else to compensate.

What: Death Shroud
Why: It’s mechanic has been an excuse for no active defense, prevent siphons to be effective because it’s scales with vitality, was intended to be taken down which resulted in necro being a natural aggro magnet, it’s stackable property creates uncontrollable variants in fights results such as too low LF at beginning of fights.
Suggestions: Reduce it’s pool to 10k base, Soul Reaping now reduces it’s drain while active, Vital Persistence converts 7% vitality into DS, DS is not longer affected by vitality, siphons works in DS, changes to utilities/skills to properly compensate.

You don’t nerf it follow my suggestions plz, you reduce it’s dominance as main defense mechanic it becomes a semi defense and 3rd weapon swap mechanic. Now with the removal of rare perfect situations where you 1v1 us with full LF screaming OP and the target practice intended puropse the necro has now clear space for improvement of recovery, real damage mitigation, proper damage, group skills and more.

Plz stop ignoring my responses, I can’t say what exactly needs to be changed because I don’t have a private server to test it out but I know the necro community can agree about the idea of reducing DS dominance for real improvements.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


What: Dhuumfire
Why: Moving to Life Blast hindered the rotation due to either excessive time in DS and cast time of Life Blast, you actually do less damage using it, nerfs received due to it were never reverted, cleansing is more potent than before
Suggestion: Create an icon for it and make it trigger on weapon swap for better control

Edit: Increase base duration to 4 sec.

What: Signet of Locust
Why It lacks backbone and is easily avoided
Suggestions: Reduce activation time to 1/4 sec and add breakstun

What: Blood is power
Why: Excessive bleed stack duration and selfish might, lackluster skill
Suggestions: Might stacks reduced to 5 and are shared with 3 allies, inflicted bleed stacks are increased to 5 for 15 secs, self inflicted stacks are increase to 3 for 6 secs, CD reduced to 25

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

(edited by Sagat.3285)

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


[…]It’s mechanic has been an excuse for no active defense, prevent siphons to be effective because it’s scales with vitality, […]

Mhh sorry but i dont understand that.

Why does the scaling with vitality prevents siphons from being effective? Isnt it more the case that healing simply doesnt work in DS? I mean even if DS didnt scale with vitality, the healing would still be prevented.

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


[…]It’s mechanic has been an excuse for no active defense, prevent siphons to be effective because it’s scales with vitality, […]

Mhh sorry but i dont understand that.

Why does the scaling with vitality prevents siphons from being effective? Isnt it more the case that healing simply doesnt work in DS? I mean even if DS didnt scale with vitality, the healing would still be prevented.

Even if DS allowed it it would be useless just less. A greater health equals lesser recovery that’s why they don’t work in DS right now why heal we can facetank for longer and I still have my #6 it would probably be off CD but even that is easily stopped and you will probably be covered in conditions or CCed when your LF runs out, DS is also directly related to what they want necro to defend with every other defense/sustain is lessen and balanced at best scenario AKA full LF and 1v1.

They completely removed the weak sustain that already existed when DS got CD, stab with DS came back in GM trait and even more laughable changes, I cannot undunderstand their reasoning they didn’t accomplish anything rez/revive with DS was there but keep being removed and put back just wow. This is not worth an expansion.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


What: Epidemic
Why: Condition necro is more fragile in team fights than other specs and has limited AoE condi, if he managed to not get tossed around and apply a significant amount of condition on 1 foe despite abundance of AoE cleansing, he deserves a proper burst to help the team
Suggestions: Increase radius to 1.2k, reduce CD to 10 secs, activation time reduced to 1/2 sec

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


What: Epidemic
Why: Condition necro is more fragile in team fights than other specs and has limited AoE condi, if he managed to not get tossed around and apply a significant amount of condition on 1 foe despite abundance of AoE cleansing, he deserves a proper burst to help the team
Suggestions: Increase radius to 1.2k, reduce CD to 10 secs, activation time reduced to 1/2 sec

that would be more than op

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


What: Epidemic
Why: Condition necro is more fragile in team fights than other specs and has limited AoE condi, if he managed to not get tossed around and apply a significant amount of condition on 1 foe despite abundance of AoE cleansing, he deserves a proper burst to help the team
Suggestions: Increase radius to 1.2k, reduce CD to 10 secs, activation time reduced to 1/2 sec

that would be more than op

How? What chances are there of that happening? You want to balance around best scenario too?

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


Even if DS allowed it it would be useless just less. A greater health equals lesser recovery that’s why they don’t work in DS right now why heal we can facetank for longer and I still have my #6 it would probably be off CD but even that is easily stopped and you will probably be covered in conditions or CCed when your LF runs out, DS is also directly related to what they want necro to defend with every other defense/sustain is lessen and balanced at best scenario AKA full LF and 1v1.

That doesnt really answer my question though. If i understand you argument right, then this would apply to the other professions aswell, since their self healing also gets weaker relatively if their health pool increases.

I think our siphons have mainly 2 problems. The first would be that they dont work in DS (the healing part) and the other that their numbers are rather weak. The amount of LF or that LF scales with vitality has nothing to to with that.

And just to clearify, i also think that DS has alot of problems that need to be adressed but i dont think that those problems came from the fact that DS scales with vitality…

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Even if DS allowed it it would be useless just less. A greater health equals lesser recovery that’s why they don’t work in DS right now why heal we can facetank for longer and I still have my #6 it would probably be off CD but even that is easily stopped and you will probably be covered in conditions or CCed when your LF runs out, DS is also directly related to what they want necro to defend with every other defense/sustain is lessen and balanced at best scenario AKA full LF and 1v1.

That doesnt really answer my question though. If i understand you argument right, then this would apply to the other professions aswell, since their self healing also gets weaker relatively if their health pool increases.

I think our siphons have mainly 2 problems. The first would be that they dont work in DS (the healing part) and the other that their numbers are rather weak. The amount of LF or that LF scales with vitality has nothing to to with that.

And just to clearify, i also think that DS has alot of problems that need to be adressed but i dont think that those problems came from the fact that DS scales with vitality…

It already applies to other classes, ele burst heal just like guard, war has sustained healing taking shouts reduces damage greatly, thief has slow healing due to stealth and evade. Vitality increasing DS just adds more to it’s dominance, that dominance is the one hindering real sustain, it’s not the main reason siphons are terrible it’s just a negative multiplier.

An example would be if ferocity affected adrenaline bar, damage multipliers from Discipline would be useless and balanced around the scenario that you maintain high adrenaline easily weapon dps would be transferred to burst skills. The idea of high pool is bad look at adrenaline/initiative/energy those deplete and refill quickly and actively it’s very different from LF which is reverse mana pool without the benefits, resource mechanics should remain low but refill fast actively the devs failed to understand that (with necro). That’s why I proposed making Soul Reaping decrease drain and Vital Persistence to transform vitality in LF, block natural vitality increasing the pool, decrease the pool so our defense and attack is not balanced around best scenario that is impossible to maintain and made us the worst designed class in the game.

DS is an okay mechanic I just hate the flaws they put on it, the out of combat stacking is fine it’s just the possibility of high pool that cursed us. It feels like they got lazy and just slap it on necro but of course they didn’t make that mistake with revenant. It’s hard admitting a mistake but you can always redeem yourself and enjoy a better future.

Edit: A bit off-topic but it seems necro is in a good place in WvW zergs, they nerfed mesmer for GWEN to happen mesmer glamour bombs were better than wells, the duel profession would have been more useful than us in zergs, I felt like that was a lazy step to delay necro’s fall which came back to bite, look at tournaments as soon as necro gets focused change camera. Bring back glamour bombs so many can stop being blinded.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

(edited by Sagat.3285)

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


What: The necromancer description on wiki/forums
Why: It misleads new players and outsiders
Suggestion: Masters of the dark arts necromancers are dark paladins that summon half brained minions, manipulate the aggro mechanic and can suck the hope out of you. Necromancers grind to build Life Force and used it to tank damage wasting foes skills on them while your allies attack them, powerful even in death their downed state is fearful. Unlike their counterpart guardians necromancers are only capable to spec for best individual encounters.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


What: The necromancer description on wiki/forums
Why: It misleads new players and outsiders
Suggestion: Masters of the dark arts necromancers are dark paladins that summon half brained minions, manipulate the aggro mechanic and can suck the hope out of you. Necromancers grind to build Life Force and used it to tank damage wasting foes skills on them while your allies attack them, powerful even in death their downed state is fearful. Unlike their counterpart guardians necromancers are only capable to spec for best individual encounters.

reminded me of a good, old joke:
Plague Signet
Signet Passive: Copy conditions from your allies onto yourself.
Signet Active: Stop copying conditions”

(that is how it used to work once xDD)

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


What: The necromancer description on wiki/forums
Why: It misleads new players and outsiders
Suggestion: Masters of the dark arts necromancers are dark paladins that summon half brained minions, manipulate the aggro mechanic and can suck the hope out of you. Necromancers grind to build Life Force and used it to tank damage wasting foes skills on them while your allies attack them, powerful even in death their downed state is fearful. Unlike their counterpart guardians necromancers are only capable to spec for best individual encounters.

reminded me of a good, old joke:
Plague Signet
Signet Passive: Copy conditions from your allies onto yourself.
Signet Active: Stop copying conditions”

(that is how it used to work once xDD)

I remember sigh…

There absolutely no way they did not get lazy with necro, they predicted all this and expect us to rejoice and worship them when the suffering is over. I won’t be that guy I’’ll be the guy to remind them how many players and how much credibility they lost in the process, the game is already going down hill I fail to see how HoT will fix that.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

(edited by Sagat.3285)

Necromancer Change Wish List

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


What: Minions behavior
Why: They function miserably
Suggestions: Minions can attack while walking,scale of player stats,attack who you attack and change target if you do as well

What: Real scaling sustain
Why: A high possible pool of LF cursed us and make us extremely vulnerable in team fights and created uncontrollable and wrongly dependent factors in duels
Suggestions: DS suggestions first, mobility and scaling defense like evades needs to be tested by players and spreaded into the professions, this cannot happen just by thinking about it

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread