Necromancer Condition/Pets?

Necromancer Condition/Pets?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Damion.7584


I’ve been dabbling with all the classes and in my mind I keep wanting to play Necromancers because I just love the idea, the (hopefully) DoT heavyness and the pets.

I have been reading the Necromancer forums for quite sometime and am aware of the sad/difficult state they’re in (Especially in sPvP) but that’s not too concerning to me, as I’m just leveling right now and hope that by the time I hit 80 that will be addressed.

With all of this in mind, I would like to be the cookie cutter “Conditionmancer” that I hear so much about, yet can’t find/figure out the build or a pet build, but I don’t know how viable a full pet build is.

Any feedback would be great, I’ll be frequenting this thread to hopefully get an answer asap. Thanks!

Necromancer Condition/Pets?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


Pets are too stupid to be reliable. Which is why most people don’t go particularly pet heavy.

It seems like a third of the time they just stand there doing nothing at all, a third of the time they run after some random mob and start hitting it even though you don’t want them to, and a third of the time they do what they’re supposed to do.

Necromancer Condition/Pets?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Damion.7584


That’s what I was afraid of since I noticed there was no option to even control them, so with that in mind do you know the Conditionmancer build?

Necromancer Condition/Pets?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Riot Inducer.8964

Riot Inducer.8964

At current the minion AI is rather buggy, there’s some work arounds and they are quite good at their job when they actually obey you and their active abilities are some of the more powerful skills available to necromancers. That said until the AI is fixed it is a bit like herding cats.

As far as actually building for a Minion Master setup it’s quite easy as pretty much all minion related traits are in 3 lines (Spite, Death magic, & Blood magic).

Necromancer Condition/Pets?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nismu.4019


As minion master you ahve so many minions that atleast few of them usually attack and while problem exists its not game breaking, as you can still kill mobs even without using utilities (and with other builds you pretty much are every now and then without help of utilities. )

sure dps suffers but i have done to level 80 and done dungeons without major problems.

Necromancer Condition/Pets?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Damion.7584


What weapon(s) would I want to use as a Conditionmancer? Are there any specific Trait lines or skills that are really strong?

Necromancer Condition/Pets?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Enzo Kensei.9850

Enzo Kensei.9850

What if…the Necromancer mechanics were the summoning pets instead of death shroud?
Putting DS as a utility skill, i think that it could work using pets and conditions.
Lets say putting F1,F2,F3 pets for any situation, if you want ranged dmg pets you press F2 and 2-3 pets would be summoned, want close dmg pets F1 and condition pets F3. So putting the Minions into the Necromancer mechanics you could summon only 2-3 of them and a flesh golem as a elite.
I think that it is a great ideia that could be worked. What do you think?


Necromancer Condition/Pets?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Celek.1352


Conditionmancer should ALWAYS use Scepter and either dagger or focus… I prefer focus for the aoe vulnerability and pretty epic slow. In your second set it’s pretty much personal preferance some people prefer marks using a staff while others like me prefer axe/warhorn for the swiftness, vulnerability, and overall higher dmg output. Personally I run a Conditiondotmaster build. Using radioactive bubble thing and the 2 wells all targetable + lich form and condition heal. But I think thats just all personal preference.

Snacksize – Isle of Janthir – Agony