Necromancer Greatsword

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aseity.9152


Not the first thread to start this, but Greatsword sounds like a lot of fun (after what most players found out with Marjory). What are some of thoughts on how you would like the Greatsword to perform for Necromancers if it does become a reality?

One thing for sure in my opinion is the lack of cleave and DPS Necromancers have in PvE that could be fixed with the new Greatsword (Dagger itself isn’t enough still I think). Maybe even something that provides a small boon(s) on the side when using Greatsword?

As for PvP, maybe a bit more mobility and ways to escape when using Greatsword?

Let me know what you guys think if you have any. I would be happy to read them. Hopefully all our thoughts and insights on what good can come out of this (making Greatsword a reality) can encourage ArenaNet to really make this happen (they are probably already working on it and that we don’t know it yet. Who knows?)

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: OlliX.1705


Attacks that cleave, some kind of mobility, and a skill that blocks attacks and grants life force when hit, maybe add a blast finisher in there too.

[qT] Necro main.

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jabronee.9465


Gap closer/further (leap/dash/teleport) are mostly needed in WvW.
In short a utility weapon as none of Necro weapons yes weapons get these features.
Stealth… lol i aint going there.

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

Eh personally I’d prefer they introduce the great axe.

The whole executioner feel feels much more necro like to me.

As for what skills I’d like to see

1: Long range # 1 attack that scales good with power.
2: Ranged short CD (near spammable) cleave.
3: AOE pull (similar to guardian greatsword # 5.
4: An AOE cripple.

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

First, I’d want the auto attack to be identical to Marjory’s. A little bit of Chill on the third hit sounds most excellent.

Second, I think the weapon needs a “fight swinger.” It won’t win a fight on its own, but it can give you much needed momentum if used properly. My idea a while back for necro greatsword had bonus damage against foes above 50% health and the necro gaining Protection for each foe struck while under 50% health. Not great to use when winning, but very helpful when you’re not in the ideal circumstances for the fight overall.

It also needs some form of party support, like Mark of Pain or Order of the Vampire from GW1.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


I hear alot about how people want the greatsword to be a mobile weapon with leaps teleports and the like. but it just doesnt fit the necro theme.

Id rather have it increase our RELATIVE mobility. By ALOT. Chill on the auto attack does this nicely. Slowing down enemies and makign us faster in comparison. Rather than a leap id rather have a pull (similar to guard gs 5 but faster and single target with a longer range) OR a leash effect (Once leashed you cant leave x range of the necro without burning a cc break to break the leash) or even a channeled aoe cripple/chill field. (finally a use for dark armor)

Ghost Yak

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


I can tell you what we’re not going to get on it.

1.) Leap/teleport/dash
2.) A block
3.) a way to escape with it.

On another note, My personal prediction for it is that the weapon is going to scale up when attacking more enemies. Much like the way the dervish benefited from its scythe back in GW1, the greatsword for necro is most likely going to be a rather poor 1v1 weapon but scale up as more enemies are introduced. 5 being the cap.

What we might get.

1.) A pull
2.) life stealing in some way
3.) A blast finisher
4.) Some form of control, be it crippling, chilled, immobilizes, fear, stun or knock down.

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: DarkMezmer.5198


I can tell you what we’re not going to get on it.

1.) Leap/teleport/dash
2.) A block
3.) a way to escape with it.

On another note, My personal prediction for it is that the weapon is going to scale up when attacking more enemies. Much like the way the dervish benefited from its scythe back in GW1, the greatsword for necro is most likely going to be a rather poor 1v1 weapon but scale up as more enemies are introduced. 5 being the cap.

What we might get.

1.) A pull
2.) life stealing in some way
3.) A blast finisher
4.) Some form of control, be it crippling, chilled, immobilizes, fear, stun or knock down.

Put a stack or two of torment on that pull and I’ll be a happy necro. Necro’s can always use more access to torment imo.

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


I can tell you what we’re not going to get on it.

1.) Leap/teleport/dash
2.) A block
3.) a way to escape with it.

On another note, My personal prediction for it is that the weapon is going to scale up when attacking more enemies. Much like the way the dervish benefited from its scythe back in GW1, the greatsword for necro is most likely going to be a rather poor 1v1 weapon but scale up as more enemies are introduced. 5 being the cap.

What we might get.

1.) A pull
2.) life stealing in some way
3.) A blast finisher
4.) Some form of control, be it crippling, chilled, immobilizes, fear, stun or knock down.

Put a stack or two of torment on that pull and I’ll be a happy necro. Necro’s can always use more access to torment imo.

Personally, I’d rather have a trait or utility skill that applies torment, but I’d be okay with the greatsword doing it. Although I wouldn’t know what to do with myself it the greatsword turned out to be a hybrid weapon.

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


Hmm I imagine itl have SOME damaging condi. But I doubt thatl be the main focus

I imagine til be more of a control/groupfighting weapon. Something to actually give the necro a sideline role (I doubt wel ever be heavy frontliners) instead of the current support/debuff role. I could see it acting as a sorta (you get in my range your not getting away until your dead or im dead) kinda weapon.

Ghost Yak

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kyvia.5961


My thoughts for the Necro GS were threshed out a bit back when they were just hinting we might get new weapons, and updated a little bit when Jory got hers recently as a fun way to kill a few minutes. It is far from perfect, but I like the ideas behind it.

Ok, so we are the “attrition” class without much actual attrition, since other classes can outheal and outprotect us and outevade us pretty much whenever they want. My idea for the GS would be a way for us to actually get into the face of enemies and stay there (3 target attacks across the board):

1: Entropic Slash: Slash your foe and gain life force. 1/2s, 2% LF
>> Entropic Stab: Stab your foe and heal yourself for a small amount of damage (leech). 1/2s
>>> Entropic Twist: Chill your target for 3/4s, if they are already chilled, Immobilize them for 1s. 3/4s

This would heal you for a small amount, giving you a little edge in the healing dept if full vampiric (balanced to be about 3/5 the heal of Healing Signet if fully traited, to account for DS and multi target), and the chill would allow you to slow your enemy and keep them near, and immobilize them if you have access to chill from another source since the full combo would not chill them long enough by itself.

2: Sacrificial Spiral: Slash your foes and yourself to deal increasing damage, final strike heals for each foe hit. 3s duration, 10s recharge.

This ability would be the hard hitting 100b/WW style attack, but it would deal damage to you for each hit (say, ~5% dealt), making it a dangerous gambit if the final strike didn’t land/got interrupted. The leech would heal your for the base damage done untraited, and a decent bit more when traited.

3: Entropic Cleave: Slash your blade across the ground in a line, leaving behind a trail that protects allies and weakens foes. On hit, damage and apply chill for 2 seconds. 1s cast, 4 second trail duration with 2s weakness and protection per tick, 15s cooldown.

This ability is the obligatory movement ability, applying a little more chill and a chance to immobilize if the enemy stays near you long enough to get off your AA combo, and leaves behind a trail which can enhance your attrition if the enemy is dumb enough to stand in it (may need some work…).

4: Desecrate: Draw an unholy symbol at your feet, dealing damage to enemies who stand in it and granting stability and life force for each hit. 3/4 cast, 20s CD, 4s duration, 1s stability per tick, 4% LF per tick.

Standard AoE ability, much needed access to some stability, tho at a much reduced rate of other classes, and LF gains.

5: Come Forth My Minion: Call forth a Vampiric Horror which damages your target and heals you. 1.5s cast, 10s duration, 35s CD.
> Explode your minion dealing damage based upon it’s health. Instant, 180 radius.

This is sort of flavor based, but is versatile in the fact that it can either up your sustain as long as it lives (attackable minion), or you can use it as a burst attack. The damage from the explosion would not be a 1-1 coefficient, so it would not be fragile, but it also would not be a 1hk ability either.

Summary: You get some more leech, making a vampiric build possibly viable and thus a sustain attrition build like we are “supposed” to be, you get to keep people somewhat near you if you get off your chills, even better in a group setting with more access to chills (tho the 1 full second immob may be OP…), some protection, and some stability. I did my best to make to as balanced as possible, short durations, avoidable obstacles, small radius’, and positioning requirements, but any feedback would be welcome, for all the good it would do since this is all a pipe dream for us all anyway

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gnat.9405


It’s gonna be triple hit with chill, some kind of blade trail, a whirl/maul (big hit) and a mobility/block, and dark field generator

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: NetBlaise.2710


What the hell are you guys talking about? All we need is a weapon that makes our dps/dmg higher then all the other professions.. Thats it…… Nothen else is needed….. Another thing that can be done is have the greatsword attacks increase dmg based on how many stacks of bleeds and conditions are on the target.. This should be a lot of dmg…

There are a lot of issues with bleed stacks when more then 1 or 2 people stacking them.. Why not add weapons for Necro, Ranger, and Eng that increase there dmg based on how many stacks of bleed are on the target… Also this dmg doesn’t matter if its your stacks are a team members stacks… GROUP SYNERGY!!!!! …… By doing this it will make other condition builds viable again in pve…

One more thing that I have to say to you devs…… The Greatsword attacks need to hit like a truck… I’m not talking about some small as Ford truck I’m talking about a big block Chevy…. Also because we have suffered for so long make the #5 ability 1 shot any mob in the game…. Yeah I said it.. One shot any mob in the game……
I’m a Mad Necro Ranger End.. I demand that I, no we have retribution…

I bet Ele, Warrior, and Guardian’s won’t say that we Necro’s, Rangers, and End aren’t viable in pve again.. The Mad NecroRangerEng is out…..

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elbritil.3817


Nice speech. Well actually i can think 4 ways about necro gs (dont misunderstand me, im a big necro fan).
1: truck hiting zerker weapon with chill and improve already aplied chill usefullness (deep freeze or something like that).
2: mid dps support weapon with self buffing through self might, boon stealing from target to us and #5 to spred our boon to our mates.
3: high dps single/3 target weapon with more than 1 fear (more fun with terror).
4: vampire lord feeling.we should get the mordrem leecher’s aoe dmg to team siphon/leech effect, this would bring a lot of team support i think.

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gulesave.5073


Building on ideas above, and trying to give a slight ritualist feel to it:

  1. Cleave combo w/chill
  2. Chain of the Avenged: Pull w/protection & retaliation (projectile finisher)
  3. Well of Mourning: damage & build lifeforce; torment if lifeforce is full
  4. Out of the Grave: Leap retreat (stun break)
    1. Into the Mists: Apply fear & gain swiftness
  5. Poltergeist: Melee minion w/might-giving spectral trail; sacrifice to fuse w/weapon for fury & burning attacks
I should be writing.

(edited by Gulesave.5073)

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


It would be hilariously awesome if the greatsword could summon minions just as the mesmer summons clones with its weapon skills. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ryouzanpaku.1273


I would like to see GS as weapon completely changing Necro set:
- each hit with GS consumes lifeforce
- each hit with GS heals necromancer
- add additional text for traits concerning Death Shroud with GS bonuses (lower the lifeforce consumption, increase healing, add LF regen while GS equipped etc etc)

Overall theme would be tanky melee….

Well who says I cannot dream?

Player plays the game. MetaKitten plays the DPS meter on the golem.

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gulesave.5073


- each hit with GS consumes lifeforce

How are you ever supposed to drop into death shroud if your regular attacks burn more lifeforce than they generate?

If you want greatsword to burn some lifeforce, maybe the 5 skill can put your blade itself into death shroud. The weapon changes, and your 1-4 skills are temporarily replaced with a more defensive set that consumes lifeforce.

Shrouded Blade

  1. Cleaving combo w/life steal
  2. Coffin Guard: Block; chill attackers and transfer a condition whenever attacked
  3. Well of Bloodsucking: steals health
  4. Spectral Veil: whirl attack that leaves a spectral blade-trail to inflict fear and grant retribution
  5. Return blade to normal, recover half of lifeforce spent
I should be writing.

(edited by Gulesave.5073)

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Azure.8670


1 – 3-5 melee cleave. 3rd hit causes chill.
2 – 3-5 melee power attack lIke maul. Does damage based on life force.
3 – aoe drain that drains enemy he but is converted to life force. Last hit of drain grants 6 sec protection and stability.
4 – well that gives aoe retaliation and destroys projectiles.
5 – ranged cripple attack, single target. Causes torment on moving targets, immo on non moving

Necromancer Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: Falcon.8713


What the hell are you guys talking about? All we need is a weapon that makes our dps/dmg higher then all the other professions.. Thats it…… Nothen else is needed….. Another thing that can be done is have the greatsword attacks increase dmg based on how many stacks of bleeds and conditions are on the target.. This should be a lot of dmg…

There are a lot of issues with bleed stacks when more then 1 or 2 people stacking them.. Why not add weapons for Necro, Ranger, and Eng that increase there dmg based on how many stacks of bleed are on the target… Also this dmg doesn’t matter if its your stacks are a team members stacks… GROUP SYNERGY!!!!! …… By doing this it will make other condition builds viable again in pve…

One more thing that I have to say to you devs…… The Greatsword attacks need to hit like a truck… I’m not talking about some small as Ford truck I’m talking about a big block Chevy…. Also because we have suffered for so long make the #5 ability 1 shot any mob in the game…. Yeah I said it.. One shot any mob in the game……
I’m a Mad Necro Ranger End.. I demand that I, no we have retribution…

I bet Ele, Warrior, and Guardian’s won’t say that we Necro’s, Rangers, and End aren’t viable in pve again.. The Mad NecroRangerEng is out…..

Ever heard about pvp selfish PvE-fanboy ?

My necromancer got upgraded to a scythe-wielding maniac.. I like it.