Necromancer Patch Notes

Necromancer Patch Notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Macros.8715


• Taste of Death: This skill’s healing fact has been updated.
• Spectral Wall: This skill has been updated to apply the correct amount of vulnerability (10).
• Vampiric: Fixed a bug with this trait so that it now functions with projectiles.
• Close to Death: This trait has been updated to provide its listed 20% boost instead of the previous (unlisted) 10% boost.
• Banshee’s Wail: This Curses trait has been updated to apply extra swiftness.
• Spectral Walk: This skill has been updated to be more active and to work properly with its recharge trait. Also, Sever Spectral Bond has been changed to Spectral Recall.
• Minion Master: This Death Magic trait has been updated to properly affect the elite skill Summon Flesh Golem.
• Putrid Mark: This skill has been fixed to make it properly unblockable with the Greater Marks trait.
• Mark of Evasion: This trait can now trigger the Soul Marks trait.
• Reaper’s Protection: This trait has been updated to properly work with a variety of crowd-control effects.
• Bountiful Theft: This strait has been fixed so that it doesn’t apply 15 seconds of vigor twice.

Necromancer Patch Notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Narmix.4862


I’m grateful for any and all fixes on the necro, but I am a little disappointed that Plague Signet isn’t included :/

It’s the fix I’m most looking forward to.

Necromancer Patch Notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: forice.3165


other guy posted it already. why do you post it again?

Necromancer Patch Notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: possante.8310


still have lot and lot of work to correct bugs, especially plague signet and corrupt boon that is essencial for Necro conditions builds

Necromancer Patch Notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Quncage.5807


I really want to see corrupt boon fixed, won’t sleep restless until it’s fixed.

Necromancer Patch Notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheBeetRootKing.2659


I logged in hoping for some pet ai fix first thing that happens my flesh golems darts of to attack some thing >_<

Im glad some fix’s but seriously fix the bloody minion ai.

Necromancer Patch Notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: A Volcano.2510

A Volcano.2510

It is some nice fixes. I am happy about the putrid mark fix with greater marks and am looking forward to greater marks being completely fixed in a future update.

Thanks and good job!

Necromancer Patch Notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Asmodean.5820


The wrong things got fixed first, however, maybe that is because of the difficulty of the fixes.

I’d prefered:
1. Minion AI
2. Adding of some minion control buttons
3. Corrupt Boon

to be fixed first and foremost. But as I said, maybe those are difficult fixed and the other ones were rather easy…hopefully.

Necromancer Patch Notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Cls.9346


The only useful fix would have been the one for marks but somehow they messed it up, chillblains stil DOESNT work for the full radius. …

For those who didnt know, if you cast chillblains on the floor and its traited and someone walks in, NOTHING will happen. Currently you have to cast it on the top of someone to get the chill effect.

(edited by Cls.9346)