First: Stability. A necromancer has no stability or invulnerability. Every class has at least one utility skill that can be traited to give stability, invulnerability, or an equivalent…sometimes all three. Warriors get balanced stance, rangers get rampage as one, thieves can stealth (while not stability or invulnerability, it does stop around 90% of CC), guardians get stand your ground, elementalists get armor of earth, engineers get elixer S, and mesmers get mantra of concentration. If a necromancer wants stability, the necromancer must either 1) trait for death shroud to give it or 2) use an elite transformation skill. Now that’s fine and dandy except for the fact that one of stability’s primary uses is to avoid finisher interrupts in PvP and you cannot use the finisher while in death shroud or transformed. How come necromancer is the only class that cannot have a utility skill for stability? How come the necromancer has no way to finish someone without letting them first interrupt us?
Second: Conditions. Necromancers can’t really run a build other than bunker or condition (perhaps minion master….but probably not in light of minion AI). I recognize that most classes only really have one or two builds, and that’s fine…however, making our only viable offensive build conditions has numerous problems. First, in PvE, there is a 25 stack limit to all conditions meaning if you’re in a group event, the monster will acquire his 25 stack limit very, very quickly. This means that once a champion has his 25 stacks of bleeding, all your conditions will not do damage. Since necromancers rely so heavily on conditions, this essentially equates to not doing damage ourselves which results in bronze or silver rewards for an event we fought just as hard in. How is that fair? At least let us have a trait in curses that lets us bypass the 25 stack limit so we can contribute. Second, in PvP, every class has condition removal. Now while this isn’t so much of a problem (I can understand putting counters in for other strategies), no other strategy is so hard countered by one thing. If you run a burst build, your opponent had better be extremely fast in his blocking of your initial burst, or he’ll be nearly dead, forced to heal, and already losing. Even if he does block your intial burst, most burst builds don’t have that long between bursts…100B warriors only require 6 seconds of stalling between their burst skills, and they’re guarenteed to get you at least once with it unless you’re a bunker. However, condition builds are delayed in their effects. This means if your opponent simply waits until conditions begin to become dangerous, then cures them, we’re completely helpless to fight against them. Furthermore, there are excessive amounts of skills to purge, transfer, or transform conditions making it much, much easier to counter than a burst build which may only have one or two skills on long cooldowns to counter.
tldr; conditions are way too easy to counter. If you intend to keep it that way, at least allow us another viable offensive build.
Third: Death shroud. I have never seen a build work that doesn’t use death shroud for anything other than an extra damage sponge. We have a whole trait tree dedicated to improving our death shroud, but our skill #4 is the only thing that can really hit any damage. I know some of you are going to go “but you can crit X,XXX with life blast through yaddayaddayadda.” Yeah. Sure. You can crit an impressive number with life blast. Of course that’s assuming you crit and your life force bar is full (as life blast gets weaker the lower our life force gets). Furthermore, that’s just one damage amount and life blast has a long cast time. Compare it to some other burst builds (hundred blades, pistol whip, mug+backstab+c/d) and you’ll see that your little Xk/second falls very short. My point here is that death shroud should either have some offensive options to take advantage of all those traits, or it should have more defensive traits associated with it to make a DS build possible.