Necromancer Suggestions (Anet Please Consider these suggestions)
in Necromancer
Posted by: Mindx.9610
Blood is Power – Bleed yourself. Bleed your target and gain life force.
Needs a way to resist being removed … maybe a 30%- 60% chance to resist removal
Corrosive Poison Cloud – Weaken yourself. The target area is enveloped in a noxious cloud that poisons foes and leaves them weakened.
Needs to include cripple as well as do more damage
Summon Bone Fiend – Summon a bone fiend that attacks foes at range. Delivers a crippling attack once every ten seconds.
Needs to attack rapidly and do more damage,Needs to do a “is target in range check” before actually using its web. I would rather this one have a AoE pulse poison and 25% chance to grant you haste on auto attack.
Summon Bone Minions – Summon two bone minions.
Needs to be a instant cast, they are to squish to have pre-summoned and their auto attack is useless, having to cast this slows my dps and by the time they are out the enemy has moved out of reasonable positioning and i can no longer explode them on the target i wanted to. Also could be switched to summon bone minions ( again instant cast) to attack your foe (again dealing more auto attack damage) 30% to explode when it attacks. Blast radius needs to be increased to 600-900, 240 is a joke
Summon Flesh Wurm- Summon an immobile flesh wurm to attack foes.
My favorite minion so far yes it is immobile but it is by far the hardest hitting besides golem and its teleport is more usefull than people know. Only addition I would add is instant cast or reduced cast time and peircing.
Summon Shadow Fiend – Summon a shadow fiend to attack foes.
This one is the minion that should have Immobilize not Bone fiend, single target blind? Thats a joke right?
Man if i were the developers i would have had so much fun with this one:
Summon Shadow Fiend – Harnesses the power of shadows and replicates itself every 5-8 seconds while in combat, up to 3.
Shadow’s Grasp- Teleports to target immobilizing them for 4 seconds, teleports back to user explodes dealing aoe damage and granting stealth.
Signet of Spite-
Passive: Improves power.
Active: Inflict bleeding, blindness, crippled, poison, and vulnerability on your foe.
This coupled with signet power is how i see it being used and the might is a nice substitute for the power granted by the signets passive but,THIS SIGNET NEEDS TO HIT HARD! AND I MEAN HARD! LIKE OMG WTF JUST HIT ME HARD, Either that or add a fear to the list of conditions it adds.
Signet of the Locust –
Passive: You run faster.
Active: Steal health from nearby foes.
These effects need to be reversed it needs to grant swiftness upon activation and it needs to passively Siphon life (not a weak siphon life either 150- 250 a tick might be enough)
Signet of Undeath –
Passive: Generates life force while in combat.
Active: Revive up to three downed allies in a target area.
Simply needs to grant you stability (or random boon) based on how many people you revive, as well as granting 5 secnd stability to those you revived. This is a great signet and works even better traited but i still feel something is missing.
Spectral Armor – Gain life force as you take damage. Removed when you enter Death Shroud. Also applies protection.
This one NEEDS to add stability no question about it, why it doesnt already is beyond me.
Spectral Grasp – Pull your foe to you and chill them.
Needs to stop being “OBSTRUCTED” by nothing, needs to be instant meaning increase projectile travel speed so its near instant. Needs to shoot out from any direction regardless of the direction the player is facing
Spectral Walk – Create a shadowy tether and become spectral, gaining life force when struck. You may return to your initial position by using Spectral Recall.
Needs to grant stealth for 3-5 seconds upon spectral recalling
Spectral Wall – Create a spectral wall that protects allies and makes foes vulnerable.
Needs to be Spectral Barrier, creating a dome barrier similar to guardians whether it knocks back or not is questionable but this thin wall needs to change.
Wells Dont need any changes.
To be Continued….
(edited by Mindx.9610)