(edited by Airanthus.4592)
Necromancer build feedback
Noticed you have 2 × 5% Sigils, from what I have read up on them, I don’t think that they stack; best use up the slot for something else, battle etc.
Two of the same type of 5% sigils do not stack, but a 5% crit and 5% damage should, I believe.
i did not know that! thank you a lot Inhibitor and Bhawb!
Your crit is a bit low to use Reaper’s Precision. If you are using Death Shroud often, pick up Terror to add a damage tick to your Fear. Could also do Weakening Shroud for utility purposes… Weakness is very nice.
Are you go in and out of Death Shroud often and what is your goal with that? You could just go with a 30/25/0/0/15 or 30/15/0/0/25 (depending on DS heavy you want to go) and grab one of the two damage boosters from 25 points in one of the trees.
Takazuka thanks for the reply, I use Reaper’s Precision because I need my Life Force to build ASAP since I use Death Shroud to deal damage and soak lots of incoming damage. (such as hundred blades, thieves or even infinite falling damage :P)
Usually I go in and out of Death Shroud when my cooldowns and Weapon Swap is on CD and I need to boost my damage, I try not to leave the bar less than 50% as a safety measure In dire situations press the big red button :P
Takazuka with Terror GW2 Wiki says:
This deals 2 + (level * 4.5) + 30% of Condition Damage damage per second.
that’s 452 damage per second in my instance, plus 50% more if there are any conditions on the enemy = 678. but that’s condition damage or normal damage? meaning does it Crit?
Doom ticks for 1 second so that’s it (sounds like nice damage), but what happens if i add Master of Terror? increases fear done by 50% so that’s another .5 second, how much damage I deal then? 452/2= 226? or none?
Weakening Shroud sounds real nice, I will test it as soon as i get home from work, thanks for the tip, if you got anything else i’d be glad to hear
(edited by Airanthus.4592)