Necromancer sugestions

Necromancer sugestions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anelyn.4593


Heya, after playing other classes and finally getting to necromancer, trying all builds and stuff, there is a discrepancy in 2 major aspects regarding the necro class.

1st: mobility. They need a form to achieve swiftness outside of the warhorn (which doesn’t even work as good if you happen to hit destroyable objects or critters etc), maybe on weapon swap make a trait to give them 5s swiftness and put it with the staff since is most used weapon?
2nd: CC – horrible. No stuns, no immobilize. Blind is ok, but lack of daze on a 10s cd on scepter for example is bad. Add one of those CCs to scepter skill 3 (feast of corruption)
3rd: increase all fear skills duration to 2s, 1 second is really barely noticeable
3rd: in combat mobility or lack of. Give them an utility teleport skill, like a portal you can drop, lasts for 1 min, and using it teleports you back to where you cast it initially, 1200 range, 30-45s CD (cd starts after you teleport back). Usable when stunned / immobilized.

Damage…. is very bad. You can’t stack bleeds to a decent amount in pvp unless you are completely ignored which won’t happen, you need to use utility skills, drop wells, use DS, all which make your bleeds to drop which literally kill any damage pressure you could put out. Increase base damage for all necro weapons by 30-50%.

DS is okay if nobody is attacking you, otherwise is only good for a clutch fear, afterwards you drop out of it even if channeling skill 4 to gain lifeforce even with 1 single enemy beating on you (since we know necro is one of few classes who can only dodge twice with no vigor / endurance return traits / skills).

The concept of the class is very good and lovely, but the implementation is not even good.

For example events (renown hearts) where you need to break objects to meet the goal. Please by all means try do that with a staff or scepter and tell me if is any good since condition damage does nothing nor wells or other targetable necro abilities. Possible change: add the dot component dmg average into attack 1 damage when hitting objects (like gates, houses, provisions etc). Really is no fun clearing 4 mobs guarding such objective, then getting 3 respawns while I try to destroy said object.

Necromancer sugestions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nismu.4019


1: there is actually great mobility buff spectral walk. You can prevent teleport back as skill flips when you use it to make it break the bond. 36s of swiftness is pretty nice. though i admit it is quite hard for necro take utility that just is utility and not damage, but in www it is worth it.

2. yeah could use some more cc, personally would like more fears and bit more useful fears so they aren’t just quick bluffs.

3: flesh wurm is quite close to this, It would be great if its necrotic traverse would be stun breaker so i could have one when i am minion mastering. it works with immobilize though. also could work bit more reliable in uneven ground.

yeah damage might need some boost, though with so many things broken currently that it is hard to say if it is huge or minor problem.
against objects there definitely is problem. dagger is pretty good for inanimate objects but otherwise not really worth keeping on loadout.